История о мальчике, который заболел гриппом. У мальчика было бледное лицо и он очень медленно передвигался, будто ему было больно. Отец вызвал врача. Тот дал мальчику таблетки и измерил температуру. Температура была 100,2. Доктор сказал, что это лёгкая эпидемия гриппа. Отец сказал мальчику идти в кровать. Папа читал своему сыну книгу про пиратов, но мальчик не слушал. Он думал о своей болезни. Он всё никак не засыпал. Мальчик сказал отцу, что если он не хочет, то может не сидеть с ним в комнате. Отец сказал, чтобы тот не выдумывал. День был яркий, вокруг была слякоть, покрытая льдом. Оьец пошел прогуляться по улице. Когда он пришел мальчик был в таком же положении, в котором отец его оставил. Щёки мальчика горели от лихорадки. Мальчик спросил какая у него температура. Отец ответил 100.2. Мальчик сказал папе, что он может умереть, что с такой температурой не живут. Отец усмехнулся и объяснил, что это разные термометры. Мальчик расслабился и волновался меньше.
Результаты (
английский) 2:
The story of a boy who fell ill with the flu. The boy had a pale face, and he moved very slowly, as if he was hurt. The father called the doctor. He gave the boy a pill and measured temperature. The temperature was 100.2. The doctor said it was an easy flu epidemic. The father told the boy to go to bed. The pope read his son a book about pirates, but the boy was not listening. He thought about his illness. He still can not sleep. The boy told his father that if he does not want to, he can not sit with him in the room. Father said that he did not invent. The day was bright, slush around was covered with ice. Oets went for a walk down the street. When he arrived the boy was in the same position in which his father left. Boy cheeks burned with fever. The boy asked what his temperature is. The father replied, 100.2. The boy told the Pope that he might die, that this point does not live. Father smiled and explained that it was different thermometers. Boy relaxed and less worried.
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
the story of the boy who got the flu. the boy had a pale face, and he walked very slowly, as if he was in pain. the father called the doctor. he gave the boy the pills and the measured temperature. the temperature was 100,2. the doctor said it"s a flu epidemic. the father told the boy to go to bed. my dad used to read to his son a book about pirates, but the boy didn"t listen. he thought about his illness. he can"t fall asleep. the boy told his father that if he doesn"t want to, can"t sit in the room with him. dad said that he didn"t make it up. the day was bright, there was mud, covered in ice. оьец went for a walk on the street. when he arrived the boy was in the same position in which his father had left. the boy"s cheeks burned with fever. the boy said that he had a fever. father said 100.2. the boy told the pope that he might die, so the temperature is not live. father smiled and explained that it is the different thermometers. the boy relax and worry less.
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