Моя профессия.Сейчас я хочу стать логопедом. Логопедия – это специальная педагогическая наука о нарушениях речи, способах их предупреждения, выявления и устранения средствами специального обучения.Я очень люблю детей. Мне это качество должно пригодиться в будущей профессии. Логопед должен обладать тактичностью. Я понимаю, что люди, говорящие с дефектами, стесняются своих недостатков — в общении с ними нужно быть максимально корректным. Логопед должен иметь чувство юмора, что бы подбодрить учащегося. Чувство юмора у меня тоже есть. Логопед - самая женская профессия. Она пригодится мне в жизни. Очень важно женщине знать психологию и медицину. Меня привлекает эта работа тем, что на первый план выходит просто человеческое: помочь, потому что самая большая ценность на Земле – это дети. Я хочу стать хорошим логопедом, чтобы мои воспитанники радовались своими успехами.Логопеды работают в детских садах, школах, поликлиниках, реабилитационных центрах, детских клубах и ведут частную практику. Я мечтаю открыть свой детский клуб или частный садик.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
My profession. <br>Now I want to become a speech therapist. Speech therapy - a special pedagogical science of speech disorders, methods of prevention, detection and elimination by means of special training. <br>I like children very much. I this quality should be useful in their future profession. <br>Speech therapist must possess tact. I understand that people who speak with defects, shy of its shortcomings - in dealing with them need to be as correct. <br>Speech therapist must have a sense of humor that would encourage student. A sense of humor I have, too. <br>Speech therapist - the woman's profession. It is useful to me in my life. It is important to know the psychology of women and medicine.<br>I am attracted to this work that comes to the fore just a human: to help, because the greatest value in the world - children. <br>I want to become a good speech therapist to my students were pleased with their success. <br><br>Speech therapists work in kindergartens, schools, clinics, rehabilitation centers, children's clubs and are in private practice. My dream is to open a children's club and a private garden.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
My profession.<br>Now I want to be a speech therapist. Speech therapy is a special pedagogical science about speech disorders, ways to prevent them, identify and eliminate by means of special education.<br>I love children very much. I need this quality in the future profession.<br> A speech therapist should be tactful. I understand that people who talk with defects are ashamed of their shortcomings - in communicating with them you need to be as correct as possible.<br> A speech therapist should have a sense of humor that would cheer up the student. I have a sense of humor, too.<br> Speech therapist - the most female profession. It's going to be useful to me in my life. It is very important for a woman to know psychology and medicine.<br> I am attracted to this work by the fact that it comes to the fore simply human: to help, because the greatest value on Earth are children.<br> I want to become a good speech therapist, so that my pupils rejoice in their successes.<br><br>Speech therapists work in kindergartens, schools, clinics, rehabilitation centers, children's clubs and practice privately. I dream of opening my own children's club or private kindergarten.
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
My career.<br>Now I want to be a language expert. Language science is a special education science about language barrier, preventing language barrier, finding and eliminating language barrier through special education means.<br>I like children very much. I should use this quality in my future career.<br>Logoped must be polite. I understand that people with defects are shy because of their own shortcomings - try to be as right as you can with them.<br>Logoped must have a sense of humor to encourage students. I have a sense of humor, too.<br>Logoped is the most female occupation. I need it. It's important for women to understand psychology and medicine.<br>I like this job very much because its first priority is people: help, because the most precious thing on earth is children.<br>I want to be a good rapper and let my students enjoy their success.<br>Work in kindergartens, schools, clinics, rehabilitation centers, children's clubs, and have private practice. I want my children's club or private garden.<br>
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