Для стабилизации мировых цен на

Для стабилизации мировых цен на "че

Для стабилизации мировых цен на "черное золото" в России готовы вести консультации с Организацией стран - экспортеров нефти (ОПЕК), сказал вице-премьер. Накануне в ОПЕК выпустили бюллетень, где заявили о готовности к переговорам по этой теме с добытчиками, не входящими в картель. Именно эта новость и обеспечила мощный рост ценам на нефть в понедельник.

Но особого согласия в картеле, похоже, нет, и над многими нефтяными скважинами в мире сгущаются тучи. По данным информационного агентства Bloomberg, в ближайшие пять лет нефтегазовые компании мира должны выплатить по долгам полтриллиона долларов. А некоторые страны ОПЕК уже заявляют о том, что торгуют нефтью себе в убыток. Недавно в Эквадоре заявили, что продают нефть дешевле, чем она им достается. По словам президента страны Рафаэля Корреа, Эквадор получает всего 30 долларов за баррель добываемого "черного золота", в то время как затраты на производство в среднем составляют 39 долларов.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
To stabilize world prices of "black gold" in Russia are ready to conduct consultation with the Organization of the petroleum exporting countries (OPEC), said the Vice Premier. On the eve of OPEC released a bulletin, where expressed willingness to negotiate on this topic with the miners outside the cartel. This is the news and provided strong growth in oil prices Monday.But special consent in the cartel, there seems to be no, and many oil wells in the world of clouds are gathering. According to the news agency Bloomberg, in the next five years, world oil and gas companies must pay for the debts of half a trillion dollars. And some OPEC countries have already announced that oil trading at a loss. Recently in Ecuador, said that selling oil cheaper than it gets. According to President Rafael Correa, Ecuador receives a total of 30 dollars per barrel extracted "black gold", while production costs averaged $ 39.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
In order to stabilize world prices for "black gold" in Russia ready to hold consultations with the countries - Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), said Deputy Prime Minister. On the eve of the OPEC issued a bulletin, which declared their readiness to negotiate on the subject with getters that are not members of the cartel. That's the news and provided strong growth of oil prices on Monday. But the special consent of the cartel, it seems, is not, and many of the oil wells in the world of the dark clouds. According to news agency Bloomberg, the next five years, oil and gas companies in the world have to pay the debts of half a trillion dollars. Some OPEC countries have claimed that sell oil at a loss. Recently, Ecuador said it sold oil is cheaper than it gets them. According to President Rafael Correa, Ecuador received a total of 30 dollars per barrel of "black gold", while production costs are on average 39 dollars.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
For the stabilization of world prices for "black gold" in Russia are ready to consult with the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), said vice-prime minister. On the eve the OPEC bulletin released,Where expressed a willingness to negotiate on the topic, with miners, outside the cartel. It is precisely this news and provided a powerful growth on oil prices on Monday.Lord but special consent in political discourse, there seems to be, no,And over the many oil wells in the world thickening clouds. According to news agency Bloomberg TV, in the next five years more than ten major companies of the world should be able to pay the debt stabilisation fund dollars.And some OPEC countries have already announced that sold oil itself in loss. Recently in Ecuador stated that sell oil cheaper, than it goes. In the words of the President of the country Rafael Correa,Ecuador receives a total of 30 dollars per barrel refines the "black gold", while the production costs on average 39 dollars.
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