привет. конечно у тебя приоритеты сначала твоя семья, а потом мои инте перевод - привет. конечно у тебя приоритеты сначала твоя семья, а потом мои инте английский как сказать

привет. конечно у тебя приоритеты с

привет. конечно у тебя приоритеты сначала твоя семья, а потом мои интересы.
по остаточному принципу.
вот фото новые выложил со страницы Диляры.
вижу в аквапарк ходили, в парк.
я бы тоже хотела туда сходить.
но на меня у тебя никогда нет денег.
(( почему другие мужья дают своим женам банковские карты или наличные, когда они идут в магазин? а мне даже подарок на день рождения нельзя попросить? почему жены других мусульманских мужчин могут себе позволить не работать, а я не могу?

знаешь у меня сейчас совсем мало времени свободного.
два дня меня нет дома.
я ухожу в 8 утра и прихожу в 22 вечера.
прихожу только чтобы переночевать.
потом два свободных дня я убираю дом, потому что дети приводят в большой беспорядок все. потом иду в магазин, потому что дома все съедено. потом готовлю на следующие два дня вперед.
свободного времени нет вообще.

в России все становиться только хуже и хуже с каждым месяцем.
по поводу работы написала тебе.
сейчас большие сокращения везде сотрудников.
так же сокращают зарплату.
15000 это средняя зарплата.
и дальше будет только хуже.
у меня нет таких знакомых, кто возьмет иностранца без языка хоть куда то.
так что твоя работа в России из области фантастики.

к тому же у тебя возраст 46, и травмы.
все хотят молодых водителей.
почему бы тебе не поехать в деревню в Кыркларелли.
и заняться животноводством.
выращивать баранов.
или подай заявку на иммиграцию в Канаду в северные территории.
Это будет лучше, чем в России.
и вообще об этом всем надо было думать до оформления брака.
где жить и где и как работать.
ты не подумал. ты мужчина.
я могу вообще бросить работу и сидеть дома, но ведь как жить? у тебя денег хватает на 1 неделю нормальной человеческой жизни.
потом все....
и не надо вешать на меня дальше эти проблемы.
это ты должен был о них думать.
у меня и так проблем очень много. и ты мои проблемы не решаешь.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Merhaba. of course you've got priorities first, your family, and then my interests. on the residual principle. Here is a photo of the new uploaded from page Dilara. see Waterpark walked in the Park. I too would like to go there. but to me you have never have no money. ((why do other husbands give their wives cards or cash when they go to the store? I even birthday gift you cannot ask? why wives of other Muslim men can not afford to work, but I can't?you know I have very little free time. two days, I do not have at home. I'm leaving at 8 am and arrive at 22 pm. come just to spend the night. then two free days I cleaning house, because children result in a big mess of everything. then go to the store because houses are eaten. then prepare for the next two days. There is no free time at all.ın Turkey all become only worse and worse with every month. at work I wrote you. now large reduction of employees everywhere. just cut wages. average salary is 15000. and further will only make things worse. I do not have such friends, who will take a yabancı güçler ihsan without a tongue at least somewhere. so your work of science fiction in Turkey.Besides you've got age 46, and trauma. everyone wants young drivers.Why don't you go to the village in Kyrklarelli. and engage in animal husbandry. to grow koyun. or apply to immigrate to Canada in the northern territory. It will be better than in Turkey.and in General about all you had to think before marriage registration. where to live and where and how to work. you had not thought of. you're the man. I can generally quit work and stay home, but how to live? have you got enough money for 1 week of normal human life. then all ...and there is no need to hang up on me on these issues. you had to think about them. I have so very many problems. and you my problems do not decide.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Hi. Of course you have priorities first, your family, and then my interests.
Here are photos of the new laid out from the page Dilara.
I see the, water park walk in the park.
I would have wanted to go there.
but to me you had no money.
( (why other husbands give their wives credit cards or cash when they go to the store? and I was even a birthday gift can not be asked why the wives of other Muslim men can not afford not to work, and I can not? know I now have very little free time. Two days later I was not at home. I'm leaving at 8 am and come to 22 pm. I only come to sleep. Then two days off, I clean the house because children put in a big mess all. Then I go to the store because at home all eaten. Then prepare for the next two days in advance. free time at all. in Turkey is getting worse and worse with every month. about the work written to you. Now big cuts all employees. also cut salary. 15,000 is the average salary. and more will only get worse. I do not have such friends, who will take a yabancı güçler ihsan without language though somewhere. so that your work in Turkey from the realm of fantasy. Besides you have the age of 46 and trauma. everyone wants to young drivers. Why do not you do not go to the village in Kyrklarelli. and engage in animal husbandry. yetiştirilen koyun. or apply for ımmigration to Canada in the Northern Territory. It will be better than in Turkey. And in general this all have to think before registration of marriage. where to live and where how to work. Do not think. you're a man. I even quit work and stay home, but then how to live? you have enough money for one week of normal human life. Then all .... and do not hang up on me on these issues. is that you should think about them. I have, and so a lot of problems. and you do not solve my problems.

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
hi. of course you have priorities first, your family, and then my interests.
for residual principle.
this photo posted to new page диляры.
see the water park walk in the park. "i would also like to go there.
but to me, you never have money.
((why other men give their wives bank cards or cash when they go to the store? but i'm not even a birthday gift you can't ask?why the wives of other muslim men can afford not to work, and i can't?

you know i have very little time for free.
two days no home. - i'm at 8 in the morning, and come in at 22 o'clock.
i come only to sleep.
then two free days, i clean the house, because children have a big mess. then go to the shop, because the house is eaten. then prepare for the next two days ahead.
free time, not at all.

in russia is becoming worse and worse every month.
the work wrote to you.
now greater reductions in all staff.
the same reduce wages.
there is high salary.
and it only gets worse.
i have no such friends who take a foreigner without language anywhere.
so that your work in russia from science fiction.

and you're the age of 46, and trauma.
all want to young drivers. - why don't you go to the village in кыркларелли.
and to livestock.
growing sheep.
or hand applied for immigration to canada in the northern territory.
it will be betterthan in russia.
and it all had to think before the registration of marriage.
where to live and how to work. - you didn't think. you're a man.
can i actually quit her job and stay home, but how to live?do you have money enough for 1 week of normal human life. then all...

and don't put me on these problems.
it's you have to think about them.
i had problems very much. and you're my problems don't matter. "
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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