Россия:От Москвы до Владивостока на роскошном поезде «Золотой орёл», 1 перевод - Россия:От Москвы до Владивостока на роскошном поезде «Золотой орёл», 1 английский как сказать

Россия:От Москвы до Владивостока на


От Москвы до Владивостока на роскошном поезде «Золотой орёл», 15 дней
Даты начала тура: 5 мая, 5 июня, 26 июля, 22 августа 2015 года.
Всего несколько раз в год великолепный «Золотой орёл», роскошный стилизованный поезд, отправляется из Москвы по Транссибирской магистрали во Владивосток. Великолепно декорированная обстановка, просторные купе, прекрасно организованная экскурсионная программа — хорошая возможность проехать через всю страну с максимальным комфортом, от Москвы и до Урала, через Западную и Восточную Сибирь к озеру Байкал и далее — на самый Дальний Восток. Во время поездки шеф-повар готовит блюда национальной кухни — будет и борщ, и сибирские пельмени, а на Байкале — самый настоящий копчёный омуль. Путешествие обещает быть незабываемым!

От Москвы до Владивостока на регулярных поездах, 17 дней
Наша программа – отличная возможность проехать необъятную Россию вдоль Транссибирской магистрали – от Москвы и до Владивостока. Мы подобрали лучшие регулярные поезда, лучшие гостиницы и составили разнообразную экскурсионную программу по самым интересным городам по пути. В маршруте: Екатеринбург – Новосибирск с Академгородком – Красноярск с круизом по Енисею и поездкой в знаменитый национальный парк «Столбы» – два дня отдыха на Байкале – Улан-Удэ и Иволгинский дацан – рыбалка в Чите – тайга за окном – Благовещенск с Амуром – и, наконец, Владивосток. Программа составлена так, чтобы примерно половину ночей мы проводили в поездах, а половину – в хороших гостиницах. Экскурсии чередуются с активным отдыхом, небольшой перерыв в движении запланирован на Байкале – день отдыха в окружении великолепной природы. Длительное путешествие по Транссибу будет по-настоящему путешествием!

От Москвы до Байкала на регулярных поездах, 10 дней
Наша программа – отличная возможность проехать пол-России вдоль Транссибирской магистрали – от Москвы и до озера Байкал. Мы подобрали лучшие регулярные поезда, лучшие гостиницы и составили разнообразную экскурсионную программу по самым интересным местам по пути. В маршруте: Екатеринбург – Новосибирск с Академгородком – Красноярск с круизом по Енисею и поездкой в знаменитый национальный парк «Столбы» – и два дня отдыха на Байкале с путешествием по Кругобайкальской железной дороге. Большую часть пути мы ночуем в хороших гостиницах. Экскурсии чередуются с активным отдыхом.

Россия + Китай:
От Москвы до Пекин на круизном поезде "Императорская Россия", 14 дней
Дата выезда из Москвы: 23 августа, 31 августа (в обратном направлении) 2015 года.
Отличная возможность проехать пол-России вдоль Транссибирской магистрали – от Москвы и до озера Байкал, а далее - через монгольские степи в Пекин. Нитка нашего маршрута: Москва – Казань – Екатеринбург – Новосибирск – Иркутск – Озеро Байкал – Улан-Уде – Улан-Батор и национальный парк Терельж – Эрлянь – Пекин.

Армения + Грузия + Азербайджан + Туркменистан + Узбекистан + Казахстан:
"Каспийская Одиссея" на роскошном поезде "Золотой Орел", 16 дней
Дата выезда из Москвы: 15 октября 2015 года.
Всего несколько раз в год роскошный "Золотой Орел" отправляется в удивительное путешествие "Каспийская Одиссея". Маршрут начинается в Ереване и заканчивается Алма-Ате, проходя по сопредельным странам западного и восточного берега Каспийского моря в перекрестье древних торговых путей, и даже пересекая сам Каспий.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Russia:From Moscow to Vladivostok on a luxury train "Golden Eagle", 15 days Tour start date: 5 may, 5 June, July August 22, 2015, 26 years.Only a few times a year a magnificent golden eagle ", a luxury-themed train is sent from Moscow on the Trans-Siberian railroad to Vladivostok. Beautifully decorated furnishings, spacious wardrobes, perfectly organized excursion program is a good opportunity to drive across the country with the maximum comfort, from Moscow to the Ural mountains, and through the Western and Eastern Siberia to Lake Baikal and beyond — to the far East. During the trip, the chef prepares dishes of national cuisine, will and Borscht, and Siberian pelmeni, and at Lake Baikal — the most authentic smoked omul. Journey promises to be unforgettable!From Moscow to Vladivostok on regular trains, 17 days Our program is a great opportunity to drive vast Russia along the Trans-Siberian railway from Moscow to Vladivostok. We have compiled the best regular trains, the best hotels and have a variety of excursions to the most interesting cities on the way. Route: Ekaterinburg-Novosibirsk-Krasnoyarsk with Akademgorodkom with a cruise along the yenisei River and a visit to the famous National Park stolby is two days vacation on Lake Baikal, Ulan Ude and the Ivolga datsan-fishing in Chita-Taiga outdoors-Blagoveschensk, Amur-and, finally, Vladivostok. The programme is designed so that approximately half of the nights we spent in trains and half in good hotels. Trips are active, a small break in the movement is scheduled for Lake Baikal-a day of rest, surrounded by nature. A long journey on the Trans-Siberian railway is really the journey!From Moscow to Baikal on regular trains, 10 days Our program is a great opportunity to drive half of Russia along the Trans-Siberian railway from Moscow to Lake Baikal. We have compiled the best regular trains, the best hotels and have a variety of excursions to the most interesting places on the way. Route: Ekaterinburg-Novosibirsk-Krasnoyarsk with Akademgorodkom with a cruise along the yenisei River and a visit to the famous National Park stolby-and two days of vacation on Lake Baikal with the tour on the Circum-Baikal railway. Most of the way we spend the night in good hotels. Excursions are alternated with active recreation.Russia + China:From Moscow to Beijing on a cruise train, "Imperial Russia", 14 days Date of departure from Moscow: 23 August, 31 August (in reverse), 2015.A great opportunity to drive half of Russia along the Trans-Siberian railway from Moscow to Lake Baikal and the Mongolian steppe, through to Beijing. Strands of our route: Moscow-Kazan-Yekaterinburg-Novosibirsk-Irkutsk-Baikal, Ulan-Ude-Ulan Bator and Terel′ž National Park-»-Beijing. Armenia + Georgia + Azerbaijan + Turkmenistan Uzbekistan Kazakhstan + +: "Caspian Odyssey" on a luxury train "Golden Eagle", 16 days Date of departure from Moscow: October 15, 2015 onwards.Only a few times a year the luxurious Golden Eagle is an amazing journey "Caspian Odyssey". The route starts and ends in Almaty, passing through the neighbouring countries of Western and eastern shores of the Caspian Sea in the crosshairs of ancient trade routes, and even crossing the Caspian Sea.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Russia: From Moscow to Vladivostok on the luxury train "Golden Eagle" 15 days of the tour dates: May 5, June 5, July 26, August 22, 2015. A few times a year the magnificent "Golden Eagle", stylized luxury train goes from Moscow on the Trans-Siberian Railway to Vladivostok. Beautifully decorated furnishings, spacious compartments, well organized tour program - a good opportunity to drive across the country with the maximum comfort, from Moscow to the Urals, through Western and Eastern Siberia to Lake Baikal and then - to the very Far East. During the trip, the chef prepares dishes of national cuisine - will borscht, and Siberian dumplings, and on Lake Baikal - the real smoked cisco. Journey promises to be unforgettable! From Moscow to Vladivostok on regular trains, 17 days Our program - a great opportunity to drive along the immense Russian Trans-Siberian Railway - from Moscow to Vladivostok. We picked the best regular trains, the best hotels and have made ​​a variety of sightseeing tours to the most interesting towns along the way. In route: Ekaterinburg - Novosibirsk Akademgorodok - Krasnoyarsk with a cruise along the Yenisei River and a trip to the famous national park "Pillars" - two days of rest on Lake Baikal - Ulan-Ude and Ivilginski temple - fishing in Chita - Taiga outside - Blagoveshchensk with Cupid - and Finally, Vladivostok. The program is designed so that about half of the nights we spent in trains and a half - in good hotels. Excursions alternate with active rest, a little break in the motion is scheduled for Lake Baikal - a day of rest in a beautiful natural environment. A long journey through the Trans-Siberian Railway is truly a journey! From Moscow to Lake Baikal on regular trains, 10 days Our program - a great opportunity to drive half of Russia along the Trans-Siberian Railway - from Moscow to Lake Baikal. We picked the best regular trains, the best hotels and have made ​​a variety of sightseeing tours to the most interesting places along the way. In route: Ekaterinburg - Novosibirsk Akademgorodok - Krasnoyarsk with a cruise along the Yenisei River and a trip to the famous national park "Pillars" - and two days of rest on Lake Baikal with travel to Circum-Baikal Railway. Most of the way we will stay in good hotels. Excursions alternated with active recreation. Russia + China: From Moscow to Beijing on a cruise train "Imperial Russia", 14 days Date Departure from Moscow: August 23, August 31 (in reverse) in 2015. Excellent opportunity to drive half of Russia along the Trans-Siberian line - from Moscow to Lake Baikal, and then - through the Mongolian steppe to Beijing. The thread of our route: Moscow - Kazan - Yekaterinburg - Novosibirsk - Irkutsk - Lake Baikal - Ulan-Ude - Ulan Bator and the National Park Terelzh - Erlian - Beijing. + Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia + + + Turkmenistan Uzbekistan + Kazakhstan: "Caspian Odyssey" on luxury train "Golden Eagle", 16 days of date of departure from Moscow: October 15, 2015. A few times a year luxurious "Golden Eagle" amazing journey "Caspian Odyssey." The route begins and ends in Yerevan Almaty, passing through the neighboring countries of western and eastern shores of the Caspian Sea in the crosshairs of ancient trade routes, and even crossing the Caspian Sea itself.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
Russia:lord from Moscow to Vladivostok on the luxurious train "Golden Eagle", 15 days
The date the commencement of the tour: 5 May, 5 June, 26 July, 22 August 2015.
just a few times a year a great "Golden Eagle", a luxury styled train,Sent from Moscow to Vladivostok Trans-siberian Railway. The situation is an excellent informal ambience, spacious compartment,Well-organized excursions program - this is a good opportunity to drive through the entire country with the maximum comfort, from Moscow and to the Urals,Through Western and Eastern Siberia to Lake Baikal and further - to the most far east. During the visit by the chef prepares a delicious national cuisine - will serve borscht, and Siberian pel'menis,As well at the Baikal is the smoked omul. Journey promises to be an unforgettable!lord from Moscow to Vladivostok on the regular trains, 17 days
Our program is a great opportunity to drive rebukes Russia along the Trans-siberian railway from Moscow and to Vladivostok. We've included the best regular trains,The best hotels and amounted to a variety program guided tours to the most interesting cities on the way. In the itinerary.Ekaterinburg, Novosibirsk with Mundet Campus - Krasnoyarsk with cruise on home ports and a trip to the famous national park "Poles" - two days of rest at the Baikal - Ulan-Ude and Иволгинскии datsan - fishing in Chita - taiga for- Artworks with de-siecle - and,Finally, Vladivostok. The program has been designed so that approximately one-half nights we have had in the trains, and half is in good hotels. Tour alternate with an active form,A small break in driving is scheduled for Lake Baikal, the day of rest, surrounded by magnificent nature. A long journey through the following fundamental goals will be for the journey!lord from Moscow to Lake Baikal in the regular trains,10 Days
our program is a great opportunity to drive half of Russia along the Trans-siberian railway from Moscow and up to Lake Baikal. We've included the best regular trains,The best hotels and amounted to a variety program guided tours to the most interesting places on the way. In the itinerary.Ekaterinburg, Novosibirsk with Mundet Campus - Krasnoyarsk with cruise on home ports and a trip to the famous national park "Poles" - and two days of rest at the Baikal with journey on % iron road.A large part of the way we passed in good hotels. Tour alternate with an active form.

Russia China:
from Moscow to Beijing on a cruise train "imperial Russia", 14 days
Date of departure from Moscow: on 23 August,On 31 August (in the reverse direction) year 2015.
a great opportunity to drive half-Russia along the Trans-siberian Railway - from Moscow and up to Lake Baikal, and further - through our prospects steppe in Beijing. Thread our route:Moscow - Kazan - Ekaterinburg - Novosibirsk - Lake Baikal - Ulaanbaatar, ponds - Ulaanbaatar and the national park Терельж - Эрлянь - Beijing.
lord Georgia Armenia Azerbaijan Turkmenistan Uzbekistan Kazakhstan:
"Caspian Odyssey" at the luxury train "Golden Eagle", 16 days
Date of departure from Moscow: on 15 October 2015.
just a few times a year the luxury "Golden Eagle" is sent to the amazing adventure "Caspian Odyssey".The route begins and ends in Yerevan Almaty, passing through the neighboring countries the west and east coast of the Caspian Sea in the intersection of ancient trade routes, and even crossing the Caspian Sea.
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