Да, я верю в любовь, но я считаю, что она приходит не сразу, она как цветок, который надо посадить, затем поливать и удобрять, и только потом он зацветёт, люди прежде всего становятся друзьями и товарищами, и только потом приходит любовь, поэтому у партнеров должны быть общие интересы, они должны смотреть в одном направлении, любовь это искусство, мы не пытаемся переделать своего партнёра, мы принимаем его таким какой он есть, мы работаем ради любви и тогда возможно она придёт, истинная любовь- это дар
Результаты (
английский) 1:
Yes, I believe in love, but I believe that it does not come at once, it's like a flower you want to plant, then watered and fertilize, and only then it will flourish, people foremost, become friends and companions, and only then comes love, so partners should be common interests, they should look in the same direction, love this art, we don't try to remake your partner We take it for what it is, we work for the sake of love and then perhaps it will come, true love is a gift
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
Yes, I believe in love, but I believe that it does not come immediately, it is like a flower that should be planted, then watered and fertilize, and then it bloom, people first become friends and comrades, and then love comes, so partners need to have common interests, they need to look in one direction, love is an art, we are not trying to remake his partner, we take it that it is, we are working for the sake of love, and then perhaps it will come true love is a gift
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
yes, i believe in love, but i think she is right, she is like a flower that put, then water and fertilizer, and then he will flower, people first become friends and comrades, and only then comes love, therefore partners must be common interests, they should look in the same direction. love is an art, and we are not trying to change your partner, we accept him anyway m it is, we"re working for love and then perhaps she will come, true love is the gift
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