В случае если нарушение Таможенным представителем сроков предоставлени перевод - В случае если нарушение Таможенным представителем сроков предоставлени английский как сказать

В случае если нарушение Таможенным

В случае если нарушение Таможенным представителем сроков предоставления документов и (или) сведений, предусмотренных настоящим Договором, либо непредставление Таможенным представителем запрошенных таможенным органом в ходе проведения таможенного контроля, в том числе при проведении дополнительной проверки, документов и (или) сведений, а равно любые другие действия (бездействие) Таможенного представителя повлекли за собой доначисление таможенным органом в отношении товаров сумм таможенных пошлин, налогов и взыскания их, включая пени, с Клиента, а также привлечение Клиента к административной ответственности за нарушение таможенных правил, Таможенный представитель обязан возместить Клиенту расходы, возникшие у Клиента в связи с уплатой таможенным органам:
Источник: -
Цель: -
Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
If the violation of Customs representative of the deadlines for submitting documents and (or) the particulars referred to in this agreement, or the failure to submit the Customs representative requested customs authority in the course of customs control, including additional verification documents and (or) information, as well as any other actions (inaction) of a customs representative entailed invoice customs authorities against goods amounts of customs duties, taxes and penalties they including fines, with the client, and the client attraction to administrative responsibility for violation of customs rules, the Customs Representative is obliged to compensate the client for expenses incurred by the client in connection with the payment of the Customs authorities:
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
In case of violation of customs representative of the timing of submission of documents and (or) the information provided for in this Agreement or failure to Customs representative requested by the customs authority in the course of customs control, including in conducting additional checks of documents and (or) information, as well as any other actions (inaction) of the customs representative entailed additional charge by the customs authority in respect of goods of customs duties, taxes and penalties them, including interest, from the Client, as well as attracting customers to administrative responsibility for violation of customs regulations, the customs agent is obligated to reimburse the Client costs incurred by the Customer in connection with the payment of the customs authorities:
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
in the case of violation of the customs of the time periods for documents and (or) the information required by this agreement, or the failure to submit the requested customs authority of the customs of the customs, including the additional inspection documents and (or) information, as well as any other actions (inaction) of the customs offices tell resulted in доначисление customs authority in respect of the goods of the customs duties and taxes and penalties, including fines, with the client and the involvement of the client to the administrative liability for violation of the customs regulations, the customs shall compensate the cost of the client by the client in connection with the payment of the customs authorities.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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