Привет Майкл! Извините, что заставила тебя так долго ждать, чтобы отве перевод - Привет Майкл! Извините, что заставила тебя так долго ждать, чтобы отве английский как сказать

Привет Майкл! Извините, что застави

Привет Майкл! Извините, что заставила тебя так долго ждать, чтобы ответить. Мало свободного времени. Я прочитал Ваше письмо, он коснулся меня сильно. Вы сильный человек, я вас понимаю, потеряв отца, пережить предательство жены и друга, это очень тяжелый удар. Но жизнь продолжается, у вас есть сын и мама, есть, для кого жить. Я думаю, что мы сможем общаться, несмотря на расстояние и языковой барьер.
Немного о себе: Я родилась и выросла в Беларуси. Мои высота 158 см, вес 65 кг. Профессия парикмахер. Умею женщин делать более красивыми.
Я была замужем, но в 2007 году умер мой муж. Мы жили с ним 33 лет. От брака у меня есть 2 сына. 34 лет и 40 лет. У младшего сына есть семья. Вместе с женой подарил мне замечательных внуков : Ярослава мальчик и девочка Элизабет. Мы живем вместе.
После потери мужа, долго решать, начинать жизнь заново. Но годы спустя, боль утихла, и я, как женщина хотела, чтобы еще раз почувствовать себя чьей-то любимой женщиной. Мечтаю, чтобы дать свою любовь и тепло тому, кто будет рядом. Идея познакомиться через Интернет предположила жена сына. Я согласились.
Я люблю готовить, заботиться о своих родных и близких. Я всегда прийду на помощь в трудные времена. Мне кажется, мы родственные души. Я буду в состоянии дать вам тепло, ласку и преданность, которая так не хватает.
Жду Вашего ответа.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Hi Michael! Sorry, that made you wait so long to answer. The little free time. I read your letter, it touched me so much. You are a strong person, I understand you, losing his father, survive betrayal of his wife and a friend, this is a very heavy blow. But life goes on, you have a son and mom, eat, for whom to live. I think that we will be able to communicate, despite the distance and language barrier. A little about myself: I was born and grew up in Belarus. My height 158 cm, weight 65 kg. The profession of hairdresser. Know how to make women more beautiful. I was married, but in 2007 my husband died. We lived with him 33 years. From the marriage I have 2 son. 34 years and 40 years. From his youngest son has a family. Together with his wife gave me great grandchildren: Yaroslav boy and girl Elizabeth. We live together. After losing her husband, long to decide to start life anew. But years later, the pain subsided, and I, as a woman wanted to once again feel like someone's beloved woman. To give your love and warmth to those who will be next. The idea is to get acquainted via the Internet suggested the wife of son. I agreed. I love to Cook, take care of their loved ones. I always aid Priidu difficult times. It seems to me we are soul mates. I'll be able to give you the warmth, affection and devotion, which is so lacking. Waiting for your reply.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Hi Michael! Sorry to keep you waiting so long to respond. Little free time. I read your letter, it touched me very much. You are a strong man, I know what you mean, lost his father, his wife and endure the betrayal of a friend, a very heavy blow. But life goes on, you have a son and mother have for someone to live. I think that we will be able to communicate, despite the distance and language barrier.
A little about myself: I was born and raised in Belarus. My height is 158 cm, weight 65 kg. Occupation hairdresser. I know how to make women more beautiful.
I was married, but in 2007, my husband died. We lived with him 33 years. From the marriage, I have 2 sons. 34 years and 40 years. The younger son of a family. He and his wife gave me a great grandchildren Yaroslav boy and girl Elizabeth. We live together.
After the loss of her husband, a long time to decide to start life anew. But years later, the pain subsided and I, as a woman would like to once again feel like someone's favorite woman. My dream is to give love and warmth to those who will be next. The idea to get acquainted through the Internet suggested son's wife. I agreed.
I love to cook, take care of their loved ones. I always shall come to help in difficult times. I think we are kindred spirits. I'll be able to give you warmth, affection and devotion, which is so lacking.
Waiting for your reply.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
hey, michael! i'm sorry for making you wait so long to respond. a little free time. i read your letter, it touched me a lot. you are a strong man, i know what you mean, you lost the father,with a wife and a friend, this is a very heavy blow. but life goes on, you have a son and mother, have someone to live for. i think we can communicate, despite the distance and language barriers.
a little about myself.i was born and grew up in belarus. my height is 158 cm, weight 65 kg. a hairdresser. can women do more beautiful. - i was married, but in 2007, my husband died. we have lived with him for 33 years. from the marriage, i have two sons. 34 years and 40 years of age.junior's son's family. together with his wife gave me great grandchildren: yaroslav, boy and girl, elizabeth. we live together.
after the loss of her husband, for a long time to decide to start a new life. but years later, the pain subsided and ia woman wanted to once again feel someone's favorite woman. i wish to give my love and warm someone who will be there. the idea to meet through the internet assuming wife son. i agreed.
i love to cook, take care of their families and loved ones. i always be there to help in difficult times. i think we're soul mates. i'll be able to give you the warmth, affection and loyalty, which is not enough.
waiting for your reply.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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