Если вы спросите меня, какую работу я бы хотел выбрать, я скажу, что мечтаю стать фотографом. Во-первых, это творческая работа, затем, можно работать дома и быть внештатным работником, что даёт тебе некоторую свободу
If you ask me what I'd like to choose, I will say that the dream of becoming a photographer. Firstly, this is a creative work, then you can work from home and be a freelance worker, that gives you some leeway
If you ask me what kind of job I would like to choose, I would say that the dream of becoming a photographer. Firstly, a creative work, then you can work at home and be a freelance, that gives you some freedom
if you ask me what i would like to choose, i'll tell you that i wanted to be a photographer. first of all, it is a creative job, then you can work at home and be a freelance worker that gives you some freedom