1. Мама была больна, и мне пришлось готовить обед.2. Должно быть, она  перевод - 1. Мама была больна, и мне пришлось готовить обед.2. Должно быть, она  английский как сказать

1. Мама была больна, и мне пришлось

1. Мама была больна, и мне пришлось готовить обед.
2. Должно быть, она готовила обед, когда пришел брат.
3. Я должен был зайти (to call at) в деканат.
4. Должно быть, он заходил в деканат.
5. Мне надо видеть его сегодня же.
6. Вам придется немного подождать.
7. Было уже поздно, и нам пришлось поехать на метро.
8. Вы должны вставать рано каждый день?
9. Мне пришлось написать об этом сестре.
10. Она, должно быть, написала сестре.
11. Она, должно быть, писала сестре, когда вы ее увидели.
12. Она, должно быть, гостит у своих друзей, так как она писала, что проведет отпуск у них.
13. Они, должно быть, ждут меня, а я никак не могу дать им знать о себе.
14. Книга распродана; надо ее поискать в букинистических магазинах (second-hand bookshop).
15. Он, по всей вероятности, забыл, что обещал прийти.
16. Сказал ли преподаватель, что мы должны выучить этот текст наизусть?
17. Я не знал, что этот текст не надо учить наизусть.
18. Вчера вечером автобус был полупустой (half empty), и мне не пришлось стоять.
19. Они должны были прийти в 5, а уже 6 часов.
20. Он наверно, забыли, что должны были прийти в 5 часов.
21. Надеюсь, вам не пришлось долго ждать, да?
22. Тебе придется взять пальто. Становится холоднее.
Источник: -
Цель: -
Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
1. Mom was sick, and I had to cook lunch.2. Must be, she cooked lunch, when brother came.3. I was supposed to go (to call at) to the Dean's Office.4. He must have went to the Dean's Office. 5. I need to see him today. 6. you have to wait a little. 7. It was already late and we had to go on the subway. 8. you must get up early every day? 9. I had to write about it. 10. She must be, she wrote to her sister. 11. It should be, wrote his sister, when you looked at it. 12. It must be staying with her friends, because she wrote that he would leave. 13. They must be waiting for me, and I can't let them know about yourself. 14. Book sold; It is necessary to look in second-hand shops (second-hand bookshop). 15. He is likely to have forgotten that promised to come. 16. whether the teacher Said that we should learn the text by heart? 17. I didn't know that this text does not need to learn by heart. 18. Last night bus was empty (half empty), and I did not have to stand. 19. They had come in 5, and 6:00. 20. He probably forgot what had come in 5:00. 21. I hope you don't have to wait long, huh? 22. you'll have to take the coat. It becomes colder.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
1. My mother was ill and I had to cook dinner.
2. She must be preparing dinner, when he came to the brother.
3. I had to go (to call at) the dean's office.
4. He must sign the dean's office.
5. I need to see him today.
6. You will have to wait a bit.
7. It was late and we had to take the subway.
8. You have to get up early every day?
9. I had to write about this sister.
10. She must have written a sister.
11. She must have written his sister, when you saw it.
12. It must have been staying with her friends, as she wrote, that they will hold a holiday.
13. They must be waiting for me, and I can not let them know about yourself.
14. The book is out of print; it is necessary to look at second-hand stores (second-hand bookshop).
15. He is likely to have forgotten that he had promised to come.
16. Does the teacher said that we have to learn the text by heart?
17. I did not know that this text is not necessary to memorize.
18. Yesterday evening the bus was half empty (half empty), and I did not have to stand.
19. They had come to 5, and only 6 hours.
20. He must have forgotten that had to come at 5 o'clock.
21. I hope you do not have to wait long, huh?
22. You'll have to take his coat. It's getting colder.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
1. mother was ill, so i had to cook dinner.2. should be, she was cooking dinner when i came in, brother.3. i have come to call at) in the dean's office.4. he must have been in the dean's office.5. i need to see him today.6. you'll have to wait a bit.7. it was late, and we had to go on the subway.8. you must get up early every day?9. i had to write about my sister.10. she must have written to her sister.11. it must be written to her when you see her.12. she must be with her friends, as she wrote that she would leave with them.13. they must be waiting for me, and i can't let them know about myself.14. the book распродана; to look for her in the букинистических stores (second - hand bookshop).15. he probably forgot that he promised.16. the teacher said that we must learn the text by heart?17. i don't know what the text does not need to learn by heart.18. last night a little (half empty), and i don't have to stand.19. they must have come in 5 and 6.20. he probably forgot that should have come in 5 hours.21. i hope you didn't have to wait a long time, yeah?22. you'll have to get my coat. it becomes colder.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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