оссийская Федерация самая большая страна в мире. Её общая территория п перевод - оссийская Федерация самая большая страна в мире. Её общая территория п английский как сказать

оссийская Федерация самая большая с

оссийская Федерация самая большая страна в мире. Её общая территория приблизительно семнадцать миллионов квадратных километров. Страна омывается двенадцатью морями трёх океанов . У России также есть морская граница с США . В Российской Федераций есть неповторимое разнообразие пейзажа и растительности . В Росси находятся две Великие равнины это - Большая Российская равнина и западно-сибирсская низменность . На территории Российской Федераций есть несколько горных цепей таких как кавказ ,алтай и другие
самая большая горная цепь урал .В россии протекают более двух миллионов рек . Россия богата великолепными озёрами . Самое гулбокое озеро это байкал глубиной 1600 метров . Байкал намного меньше Балтийского моряя ,но в нём намного больше воды . вода в озере очень прозрачна .На долю России приходится одна шестая часть лесов в мире .Основная их масса находитсяв Сибири .и на дальнем востоке на территорий российской федерации очень разнообразный климат , ещё россия очень богата нефтью углём медью никелем и другими полезными ископаемыми , в россии глава государства -президент ,законодательные полномочия осуществляются государственной думой ,москва столица россии ,москва один из старых городов
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
ossijskaâ Federation is the largest country in the world. Its total area is approximately seventeen million square kilometers. The country is washed by the twelve seas three oceans. Russia also has a maritime boundary with the United States. In the Russian Federation has a unique variety of landscape and vegetation. In Russia, there are two Great Plains it is Great Russian plain and West-sibirsskaâ lowland. On the territory of the Russian Federation there are several mountain ranges such as the Caucasus, Altai and other the biggest of the Ural mountain range in Russia occur more than two million rivers. Russia is rich in magnificent lakes. Most gulbokoe Lake Baikal is 1600 metres deep. Baykal, much less the Baltic morââ, but there is much more water. the water in the Lake is very transparent. Russia accounts for one sixth of the world's forests. Their main mass is Siberia and far east of the Russian Federation on the territory of a very varied climate, Russia is very rich in oil coal copper nickel and other minerals, in Russia the head of State is the President, legislative power is exercised by the State Duma, Moscow, capital of Russia, Moscow is one of the oldest cities
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
USSIAN Federation is the largest country in the world. Its total area of approximately seventeen million square kilometers. The country is washed by twelve seas of three oceans. Russia also has a maritime border with the United States. The Russian Federation has a unique variety of landscape and vegetation. In Russia there are two Great Plains is - Great Russian Plain and the Western Lowland sibirsskaya. On the territory of the Russian Federation there are several mountain ranges such as the Caucasus, Altai and other
biggest Ural mountain range .In Russia take place over two million rivers. Russia is rich in spectacular lakes. Most gulbokoe Lake Baikal is the depth of 1600 meters. Baikal is much smaller Baltic moryaya, but there is much more water. Water in the lake is very clear .On Russia accounts for one-sixth of the world's forests To suit their mass nahoditsyav Siberia .and the far east to the Russian Federation is very diverse climate, yet Russia is very rich in oil coal copper nickel and other minerals in Russia -President of the head of state, legislative powers are exercised by the state Duma, Moscow is the capital of Russia, Moscow is one of the oldest cities
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
оссийская federation is the biggest country in the world. her total area approximately 17 million square kilometers. the country is bordered by three oceans twelve seas. russia also has a maritime border with the us. in the russian federation is the unique diversity of landscape and vegetation. at home, there are two great plains is a russian plain and the western сибирсская lowland. on the territory of the russian federation, there are several mountain ranges such as the caucasus, altai and otherthe biggest mountain chain ural, russia is more than two million streams. russia is rich in great lakes. the гулбокое baikal lake is the depth of 1600 meters. baikal baltic моряя is much smaller, but there is much more water. the water in the lake is very clear go share of russia accounts for one sixth of the world"s forests.основная their mass находитсяв siberia and the far east in the territories of the russian federation"s varied climate, russia is very rich in oil, coal and other minerals, copper nickel, russian head of state - the president, the legislative authority by the state duma, moscow the capital of russia, moscow is one of the oldest cities
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