Я пойду на железнодорожный вокзал сейчас покупать билеты на следующую неделю до Амстердама. Нужно ехать по работе, а так не хочется. Удачи! Позже спишемся, рыжик.
I'll go to the railway station to buy tickets now for next week to Amsterdam. Need a ride to work, so you don't want to. Good luck! Later spišemsâ, ginger.
I will go to the train station today to buy tickets for the next week to Amsterdam. We need to go to work, and do not want to. Good luck! Later asleep, saffron.
i'll go to the railway station now to buy the tickets for next week to amsterdam. need to go to work and don't want to. good luck! later, i'll text you, carrot top.