В начале я хочу скачать, что я выскажу лично своё мнение и восприятие книги. Если она мне не понравилась это не значит, что книга плохая, это значит, что она не для меня. Книга называется «Кровь на снегу». Автор «Ю. Несбё». Книга написана в жанре детектив. «Кровь на снегу»-книга, которая завоевала популярность. Продано свыше 33 миллионов экземпляров. Однако мне эта книга не понравилась. Почему же? Потому что детективы, которые мне нравятся читать, в каждом моменте хранят какую то тайну, загадку. В этом же детективе всё предсказуемо, почти. Но если вы сможите погрузиться и попробывать действовать логике человека, который совершил ошибку, то вы быстро сформируете весь сюжет человека пытающего выпутаться из ситуации. Также мало красивых и интересных описаний. Зать автор описывает до мельчайших деталей жестокие и крайне неприятные действия.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
At the beginning I want to download, I will express their personal opinions and perceptions of the book. If I did not like it does not mean that the book is bad, it means that it is not for me. The book is called "Blood on the snow." "Yu Author Jo Nesbø. " The book is written in the genre of detective. "Blood on the Snow" -Books, which has gained popularity. It sold over 33 million copies. However, I did not like this book. Why is that? Because detectives that I like to read, at every moment what is stored secret riddle. The same detective everything is predictable, almost. But if you will be able to dive and try to act human logic, which is a mistake, then you will quickly build up the whole plot a person tries to extricate himself from the situation. Also a little beautiful and interesting descriptions. To show the author describes in minute detail the brutal and highly unpleasant actions.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
In the beginning I want to download that I will express personally my opinion and perception of the book. Just because I didn't like it doesn't mean the book is bad, it means it's not for me. The book is called "Blood in the Snow." Author of "Y. Nesbyo." The book is written in the genre of detective. "Blood in the Snow"-book, which has gained popularity. More than 33 million copies have been sold. However, I did not like this book. Why is that? Because the detectives I like to read keep a mystery, a mystery, in every moment. In the same detective, everything is predictable, almost. But if you can dive in and try to act on the logic of the person who made a mistake, then you will quickly form the whole story of the person trying to get out of the situation. There are also few beautiful and interesting descriptions. The author describes to the smallest detail cruel and extremely unpleasant actions.
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
First of all, I want to download my personal opinion and opinion book. If I don't like her, it doesn't mean the book is bad, it means it doesn't suit me. This book is called blood in the snow. Author " Nisby. This book is in detective style. "Blood on the snow" is a book, which is the most popular. More than 33 million copies were sold. But I don't like this book. Why not? Because the detective I like to read keeps secrets at every moment, a mystery. In the same detective, everything is predictable, almost. But if the person you can sneak in and try logic makes a mistake, you'll quickly form the whole plot of a person trying to get out of trouble. There are also few beautiful and interesting descriptions. The author describes extremely cruel and unpleasant behavior.<br>
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