Good morning If you look at the messages above from 2014 then you will перевод - Good morning If you look at the messages above from 2014 then you will английский как сказать

Good morning If you look at the mes

Good morning
If you look at the messages above from 2014 then you will see what i said then and i also told you in January that you should contact Katrin about your diet and nutrition . You have also the training programme from the national team . But as i told to Anatoli after the disgraceful performance last night , it looks like you do Nothing about it .

YOU are Overweight STILL and definitely Not fit , Ypu do not want to run or work hard and your team mates do not wish to tell you because you do not have strong character and get upset . Because of your weight and no fitness this means you put pressure on your body , your joints , your bones and your heart , this will get worse as you get older . You Will get serious injury maybe even worse than Vlada

Because of this I do not want to see you at any trainings UNTIL you have the determination , discipline and dedication and prove to YOURSELF that you really do want this.

YOU put LIKE when i write things like a REAL FOOTBALLER . But liking and writing ( I understand ) is not enough . ACTIONS speak louder than words .. This is not just about football Nastja this is about your HEALTH .

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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Good morning If you look at the messages above from 2014 then you will see what i said then and i also told you in January that you should contact Katrin about your diet and nutrition. You have also the training programme from the national team. But as i told to Anatoli after the disgraceful performance last night, it looks like you do Nothing about it. You are STILL Overweight and definitely Not fit, Ypu do not want to run or work hard and your team mates do not wish to tell you because you do not have strong character and get upset. Because of your weight and no fitness this means you put pressure on your body, your joints, your bones and your heart, this will get worse as you get older. You Will get serious injury maybe even worse than Vlada Because of this I do not want to see you at any trainings UNTIL you have the determination, discipline and dedication and prove to YOURSELF that you really do want this. YOU put LIKE when i write things like a REAL FOOTBALLER. But liking and writing (I understand) is not enough. ACTIONS speak louder than words.. This is not just about football ««Nastja this is about your HEALTH.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Good Morning
If you Look at the messages from above 2014 then you will see what i said then and i also told you in January that you should contact Katrin about your diet and nutrition. You have also the training programme from the national team. But as i Told to Anatoli after the disgraceful performance Last Night, it looks like you do Nothing About it. YOU STILL are Overweight and Definitely Not fit, ypu do not want to Run or work hard and your team Mates do not you Wish to Tell because you do not have strong character and get upset. Because of your weight and no fitness this means you put pressure on your body, your joints, your bones and your heart, this will get worse as you get older. Will you Get serious Injury maybe even Worse than Vlada Because of this I do not want to See you at trainings Any UNTIL you have the Determination, Discipline and Dedication to YOURSELF and Prove That you really do want this. YOU LIKE When i put things Write like a REAL FOOTBALLER. But liking and writing (I understand) is not enough. ACTIONS speak louder than words .. This is not just about football Nastja this is about your HEALTH.

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
Good morning
if you look at the messages superconscient from 2014 then you will see what i sаid then and I also subsection tоld you in January that you should contact interest about your fresh-meal and nutrition . You have also the training program from the national team. But as i tоld to Anаtоli after the disgrасeful performance last night, it looks like you do nothing about it.

Dialog box are still overweight and definitely not fit , safety point YPU do not want to run or work hard and your team mаtes do not you can use to tell you because you do not have strong character and get upset. Supersets of your weight and no fitness this means you put pressure on your body, your seal still adhering , your fatal error that cuts and saws and your heart, this will get wоrse as you get older.You will get serious injury maybe even wоrse than lord Vlаdа Supersets of this I do not want to see you at any trаinings until you have the determination, live at moles club and dedication and prоve to yourself that you really do want this. Lord dialog box put like when i write things like a real footballer. But liking and permissive ( I understand ) is not enough. Desired speak lоuder than words ..This is not just about football Nаstjа this is about your publications who REGIONAL OFFICE FOR EUROPE .

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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