Именно они -объективная основа процесса нормообразования. При обсужден перевод - Именно они -объективная основа процесса нормообразования. При обсужден английский как сказать

Именно они -объективная основа проц

Именно они -объективная основа процесса нормообразования. При обсуждении объективной основы международного права возникает вопрос, что является базисом международного права. Базис международного пра­ва - продукт взаимодействия на международной арене различных государств со своими различными государственными системами управления, общественно-экономическим строем, политическими традициями. Это взаимодействие осуществляется как взаимодействие государств, являющихся непосредственными творцами международ­ного права. Однако нормы международного права помимо воли госу­дарств отражают общие и индивидуальные интересы, цели и убежде­ния того социума, в рамках которого происходит их формирование. И воля, и интересы, и цели государства объективируются в процесс ме­ждународного нормотворчества, но каждое из них по-разному во­площается в создаваемых ими нормах международного публичного права.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
It is they-objective basis the process of standard-setting discussions. In discussing the objective basis of international law, the question arises, what is the basis of international law. Bazis international PRA WA-product interactions in the international arena of various States with their various State control systems, socio-economic systems, political traditions. This interaction is carried out as the interaction of States which are the direct creators of the international law. However, the rules of international law, the will of Member States reflect the common and individual interests, objectives and are also ment society in which their formation. And the will and the interests and goals of the State ob'ektivirujutsja in the process of norm-setting, zhdunarodnogo IU but each of them differently in ploshhaetsja in their norms of public international law.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
They -obektivnaya basis of norm-formation process. In discussing the objective basis of international law the question arises, what is the basis of international law. The basis of international law - the product of interaction in the international arena of the various states with their various state systems management, socio-economic systems, political traditions. This interaction is the interaction of states, which are direct creators of international law. However, in addition to the will of the international law reflect the common and individual interests, goals, and beliefs of a society in which there is their formation. And the will and the interests and goals of the state objectified in the process of international rule-making, but each of them differently embodied in that they create norms of international public law.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
it is the objective basis of standard setting. in the discussion of the objective basis of international law, the question arises, what is the basis of international law. basis of international пра­ва product interaction in the international arena in different states with different state systems of governance, social economic formation, political traditions. this interaction is the interaction of the states that are the direct creators of международ­ного law. however, the norms of international law in addition to госу­дарств will reflect the overall and individual interests, goals and убежде­ния that the society in which they develop. and will and interests, and the goal state in the process объективируются ме­ждународного rulemaking, but each of them is different во­площается in they posed the norms of public international law.
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