Библиотека – это настоящий рай для тех, кто ценит книги и любит чтение. Это так, потому что библиотека включает в себя столько книг, сколько не может поместиться в обычном доме.Ты можешь выбрать ту книгу,которая по душе.
Library-this is a real paradise for those who appreciate the books and loves reading. This is so because the library includes as many books as can fit in a normal home. you can choose the book.
Library - a true paradise for those who appreciate the books and loves reading. This is because the library includes many books as can fit in the usual dome.Ty can choose the book that appeal.
the library is a paradise for those who love books, love reading. this is because library includes so many books, how many could not fit in the normal доме.ты can choose the book on the soul. "