Я назвал свое имя регистратору и сел ждать свою очередь. К счастью, Мн перевод - Я назвал свое имя регистратору и сел ждать свою очередь. К счастью, Мн английский как сказать

Я назвал свое имя регистратору и се

Я назвал свое имя регистратору и сел ждать свою очередь. К счастью, Мне не пришлось ждать долго. Врач спросил, что со мной, и я рассказал ему О своих симптомах. Я чувствовал себя очень уставшим В последнее время И страдал отдышкой. Болели все суставы. Врач попросил меня раздеться до пояса И осмотрел меня. Сначала он прощупал мой пульс и измерил температуру, затем измерил давление, которое оказалось немного высоким. Врач решил, что не было ничего серьезного, Я просто утомился (был изнурен) Он выписал Мне рецепт на лекарство, которое, как Он сказал, Мне поможет. Он также посоветовал Мне бросить курить И напомнил, что если я этого не сделаю, то у меня может быть рак легких. И, как всегда, я обещал попытаться это сделать Что с тобой случилось? Ты выглядишь таким несчастным У меня ужасно болит зуб. Тогда иди К врачу, ион поставит тебе пломбу Где ты был сегодня утром? Я ходил К врачу. Я сдал анализ крови и мне сделали ренттен грудной клетки. доктор выписал тебе рецепт? да, Он выписал мне общеукрепляющее средство и какие-то таблетки доктор. измерьте мне давление, Я себя нехорошо чувствую. Глубоко Вздохните ойтесь. Если Вы не перестанете все принимать так близко К сердцу, у вас будет нер срыв ly, доктор, пожалуйста, пощупайте мой пульс. Это же 140 ударов В минуту. У меня может случиться сердечный приступ. Всё, что вам нужно, Так это не нервничать и придерживаться овощной диеты. Очень скоро Вы поправитесь от этого небольшого недомогания.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
I have called your name registrar and sat down to wait for their turn. Fortunately, I didn't have to wait long. The doctor asked me, and I told him about my symptoms. I felt very tired lately and suffered otdyshkoj. Rooting all joints. The doctor asked me to undress from the waist up and examined me. First it probed into my pulse and measured the temperature, then measured the pressure, which was a bit high. The doctor decided that there was nothing serious, I just got tired (it was were tired), he gave me a prescription for the medication, which he said will help me. He also advised me to quit and recalled that if I don't, then I may be lung cancer. And, as always, I promised to try to do What happened to you? You look so unhappy I have a horrible toothache. Then go to the doctor, ion will put you seal where were you this morning? I went to the doctor. I passed a blood test and I did rentten chest. the doctor gave you the recipe? Yes, he gave me a restorative remedy and any pills the doctor. I measure the pressure, I feel sick. Take a deep breath ojtes'. If you do not stop all take so to heart, you will have a NER stall ly, doctor, please feel my pulse. The same 140 beats per minute. I have a heart attack can happen. All you need is not nervous and stick to vegetable diets. Very soon you popravites' from this small ailments.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
I called his name registrar and sat down to wait for his turn. Fortunately, I did not have to wait long. The doctor asked what happened to me, and I told him about his symptoms. I felt very tired lately and suffered shortness of breath. All joints ached. The doctor asked me to undress to the waist and looked at me. First he probed my pulse and measured the temperature, and then measured the pressure, which turned out to be a little high. The doctor decided that it was not anything serious, I'm just tired (he was exhausted) He wrote me a prescription for a drug that, as he said, I will help. He also advised me to quit and said that if I do not, then I may have lung cancer. And, as always, I promised to try to do it What happened to you? You look so miserable I have terrible toothache. Then go to the doctor, you put a seal ion Where were you this morning? I went to the doctor. I passed a blood test and I did rentten chest. doctor wrote you a prescription? Yes, he wrote me a general tonic and some pills the doctor. measure my blood pressure, I feel good. Take a deep breath oytes. If you do not stop all take to heart, you will be ner ly stall, doctor, please, feel my pulse. It is 140 beats per minute. I may have a heart attack. All that you need is not to worry and stick to vegetable diet. Very soon, you will get better from this small ailments.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
i called your name registrar and sat down to wait for your turn. fortunately, i didn't have to wait long. the doctor said to me, and i told him about your symptoms. i felt very tired lately, and suffered отдышкой. have all the joints. the doctor asked me to strip to the waist and looked at me. first he poke around in my pulse and measured temperature, and then measured the pressure was a little high. the doctor decided that there was nothing serious, i'm just tired (exhausted), he wrote me a prescription for medicine, which he said would help me. he also advised me to stop smoking and recalled that, if i don't do it, maybe i have lung cancer. and, as always, i promised to try to make what is the matter with you? you look so miserable i have a bad tooth. then go to the doctor, ion will give you a filling where were you this morning? i went to the doctor. i passed the blood test and i did ренттен chest. the doctor give you a prescription? yeah, he gave me the bracing means and some pills the doctor. take me the pressure, i don't feel well. take a deep breath ойтесь. if you don't stop all take it personally, you will neer breakdown ly, doctor, please, feel my pulse. it's 140 beats per minute. i could have a heart attack. all you need is not nervous, and adhere to the vegetarian diet. pretty soon, you're better off this little discomfort.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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