Зимний дворец на Дворцовой площади Санкт-Петербурга — главная достопри перевод - Зимний дворец на Дворцовой площади Санкт-Петербурга — главная достопри английский как сказать

Зимний дворец на Дворцовой площади

Зимний дворец на Дворцовой площади Санкт-Петербурга — главная достопримечательность северной столицы, с 1762 по 1904 год служившая официальной зимней резиденцией российских императоров. По богатству и разнообразию архитектурного и скульптурного декора дворец не имеет себе равных в Петербурге. Итальянский архитектор Б. Ф. Растрелли в 1754 г. начал возводить это грандиозное сооружение в стиле пышного барокко для императрицы Елизаветы Петровны, однако окончание строительства пришлось на период правления Екатерины II. В завершенном дворце было более 1000 комнат, 117 лестниц, почти по две тысячи окон и дверей.Зимний дворец на Дворцовой площади Санкт-Петербурга — главная достопримечательность северной столицы, с 1762 по 1904 год служившая официальной зимней резиденцией российских императоров. По богатству и разнообразию архитектурного и скульптурного декора дворец не имеет себе равных в Петербурге. Итальянский архитектор Б. Ф. Растрелли в 1754 г. начал возводить это грандиозное сооружение в стиле пышного барокко с элементами французского рококо в интерьерах для императрицы Елизаветы Петровны, однако окончание строительства пришлось на период правления Екатерины II. В завершенном дворце было более 1000 комнат, 117 лестниц, почти по две тысячи окон и дверей.Зимний дворец на Дворцовой площади Санкт-Петербурга — главная достопримечательность северной столицы, с 1762 по 1904 год служившая официальной зимней резиденцией российских императоров. По богатству и разнообразию архитектурного и скульптурного декора дворец не имеет себе равных в Петербурге. Итальянский архитектор Б. Ф. Растрелли в 1754 г. начал возводить это грандиозное сооружение в стиле пышного барокко с элементами французского рококо в интерьерах для императрицы Елизаветы Петровны, однако окончание строительства пришлось на период правления Екатерины II. В завершенном дворце было более 1000 комнат, 117 лестниц, почти по две тысячи окон и дверей.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
The Winter Palace on Palace Square in St. Petersburg is the main attraction of the northern capital, from 1762 to 1904 year served as the official winter residence of the Russian emperors. The richness and diversity of architectural and sculptural decoration is unparalleled Palace in St. Petersburg. Italian architect b. Rastrelli in 1754, f. g. began to erect this grandiose structure in the style of a magnificent Baroque for Empress Elizabeth, but the construction had to be on during the reign of Catherine II. In a completed the Palace was more than 1000 rooms, 117 staircases, almost two thousand Windows and doors. The Winter Palace on Palace Square in St. Petersburg is the main attraction of the northern capital, from 1762 to 1904 year served as the official winter residence of the Russian emperors. The richness and diversity of architectural and sculptural decoration is unparalleled Palace in St. Petersburg. Italian architect b. Rastrelli in 1754, f. g. began to erect this grandiose structure in the style of a magnificent Baroque with elements of the French Rococo style in interiors for Empress Elizabeth, but the construction had to be on during the reign of Catherine II. In a completed the Palace was more than 1000 rooms, 117 staircases, almost two thousand Windows and doors. The Winter Palace on Palace Square in St. Petersburg is the main attraction of the northern capital, from 1762 to 1904 year served as the official winter residence of the Russian emperors. The richness and diversity of architectural and sculptural decoration is unparalleled Palace in St. Petersburg. Italian architect b. Rastrelli in 1754, f. g. began to erect this grandiose structure in the style of a magnificent Baroque with elements of the French Rococo style in interiors for Empress Elizabeth, but the construction had to be on during the reign of Catherine II. In a completed the Palace was more than 1000 rooms, 117 staircases, almost two thousand Windows and doors.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
The Winter Palace on the Palace Square in St. Petersburg - the main attraction of the northern capital, from 1762 to 1904 served as the official winter residence of Russian emperors. The richness and variety of architectural and sculptural decoration of the palace is unmatched in St. Petersburg. Italian architect BF Rastrelli in 1754 began to build this magnificent building in the style of the magnificent baroque to the Empress Elizabeth, however, had to complete the construction of the reign of Catherine II. The palace was completed more than 1,000 rooms, 117 staircases, almost two thousand windows and dverey.Zimny ​​Palace on the Palace Square in St. Petersburg - the main attraction of the northern capital, from 1762 to 1904 served as the official winter residence of Russian emperors. The richness and variety of architectural and sculptural decoration of the palace is unmatched in St. Petersburg. Italian architect BF Rastrelli in 1754 began to build this magnificent building in the style of a magnificent Baroque with elements of French Rococo interiors for the Empress Elizabeth, however, had to complete the construction of the reign of Catherine II. The palace was completed more than 1,000 rooms, 117 staircases, almost two thousand windows and dverey.Zimny ​​Palace on the Palace Square in St. Petersburg - the main attraction of the northern capital, from 1762 to 1904 served as the official winter residence of Russian emperors. The richness and variety of architectural and sculptural decoration of the palace is unmatched in St. Petersburg. Italian architect BF Rastrelli in 1754 began to build this magnificent building in the style of a magnificent Baroque with elements of French Rococo interiors for the Empress Elizabeth, however, had to complete the construction of the reign of Catherine II. The palace was completed more than 1,000 rooms, 117 staircases, almost two thousand windows and doors.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
the winter palace in the palace square in st. petersburg is the main attraction of the northern capital, 1762 in 1904 служившая official winter residence of the russian emperors.on the richness and diversity of architectural and sculptural decor palace is unmatched in st. petersburg. italian architect b. s. rastrelli in 1754.started to build this huge building in the style of magnificent baroque for the empress elizabeth petrovna, however the construction was in the period of catherine ii.once the palace was more than 1000 rooms, 117 staff, nearly two thousand windows and дверей.зимний palace on dvortsovaya square in st. petersburg is the main attraction of the northern capital.from 1762 to 1904 служившая official winter residence of the russian emperors. on the richness and diversity of architectural and sculptural decor palace is unmatched in st. petersburg. italian architect b.s. rastrelli in 1754. started to build this huge construction of magnificent baroque style with elements of french rococo interiors for the empress elizabeth petrovna in.however, the construction had the period of cathrine ii. once the palace was more than 1000 rooms, 117 staff, nearly two thousand windows and doors.the winter palace in the palace square in st. petersburg is the main attraction of the northern capital, 1762 in 1904 служившая official winter residence of the russian emperors.on the richness and diversity of architectural and sculptural decor palace is unmatched in st. petersburg. italian architect b. s. rastrelli in 1754.started to build this huge construction of magnificent baroque style with elements of french rococo interiors for the empress elizabeth petrovna in.however, the construction had the period of cathrine ii. once the palace was more than 1000 rooms, 117 staff, nearly two thousand windows and doors.
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