Очень часто, когда мой брат в своей комнате играет в компьютерные игры, к нему приходит его друг.Я открываю дверь и зову брата,но он не отвечает.
Его друг говорит,что,собственно говоря,он хочет пригласить моего брата на вечеринку за город.Пять человек собираются поехать вместе с ними. Я зову брата ,но он не отвечает.
Его друг говорит ,что эти парни - действительно очень милые люди. Они не пьют и не курят ,они играют в гольф и слушают хорошую музыку.Я зову брата , но он не отвечает.
Его друг говорит , что эти парни знают много забавных историй и хорошо говорят по английски ,ввиду того,что они часто ездят в Англию.Я зову брата , но он не отвечает.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
Very often, when my brother in his room playing computer games, his friend comes to him. I open the door and call brother, but he is not responding.His friend said that, in fact, he wants to invite my brother to a party outside the city five people are going to go along with them. I call my brother, but he is not responding.His friend says, what these guys-really very nice people. They don't drink and don't smoke, they play golf and listen to good music. I call brother, but he is not responding.His friend says, what these guys know a lot of funny stories and good speak English, because they often go to England. I call brother, but he is not responding.
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
very often, when my brother in his room playing computer games, it's the man. i open the door and call my brother, but he's not answering. "his friend said that, as a matter of fact,he wants to take my brother to the party for город.пять people gather to go together with them. i call my brother, but he's not answering. "his friend says that these guys are really nice people.they don't drink and don't smoke, they play golf and listen to good музыку.я call brother, but he's not answering. "his friend says that these guys are a lot of funny stories and speak in english, becausethey often go to англию.я call brother, but he's not answering.
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