Главный шевченковский музей страны. Его коллекция состоит из подлинных перевод - Главный шевченковский музей страны. Его коллекция состоит из подлинных английский как сказать

Главный шевченковский музей страны.

Главный шевченковский музей страны. Его коллекция состоит из подлинных памятников, связанных с великим сыном Украины: оригиналов живописных работ Шевченко, документов о его жизни и творчестве, рукописных списков стихотворений, редких фотографий поэта и его друзей, первых изданий книг Шевченко с его автографами. В экспозиции собраны почти все издания произведений поэта, начиная с прижизненных, и литература о нем. Собрание музея состоит более чем из 4 тыс. экспонатов и размещается в 24 залах. В музее находятся свыше 800 оригинальных картин, портретов, рисунков, офортов Шевченко, личные вещи поэта, фотокопии его рукописей и 533 единицы архивных дел: следствие над Шевченко, автографы писателей, дела о сооружении памятников Шевченко и многие др. Книжные фонды музея составляют 34 867 экземпляров, из которых по шевченковской тематике - 8181 экземпляр. В экспозиционных залах также представлены произведения выдающихся художников, скульпторов, писателей и композиторов, в которых отражены эпоху Шевченко, его жизни и деятельности: художественные произведения К. Брюллова, И. Репина, В. Тропинина, И. Крамского, В. Штернберга, И. Соколова, М. Башилова, К. Трутовского, Л. Жемчужникова, И. Сошенко, М. Микешина, С. Васильковского, А. Сластиона, Ф. Красицкого, И. Ижакевича, В. Касияна, М. Дерегуса и др.; произведения скульпторов Ф. Каменского, П. Клодта, В. Беклемишева, Ф. Балавенского, И. Кавалеридзе, М. Г. Лысенко, И. Макогона и др.

Источник: http://primetour.ua/ru/excursions/museum/natsionalnyiy-muzey-t-g--shevchenko.html
© "Первое экскурсионное бюро".
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
The main Shevchenko Museum of the country. Its collection consists of genuine monuments connected with the great son of Ukraine: originals works of Taras Shevchenko, documents about his life and creative work, handwritten lists of poems, rare photos of the poet and his friends, first editions of Shevchenko books with his autographs. The exhibition contains almost all editions of works of the poet, since no intermediate, and literature about it. The Museum's collection consists of more than 4 thousand. exhibits 24 and placed in the halls. The Museum contains over 800 original paintings, portraits, drawings, etchings, personal things of the poet Taras Shevchenko, photocopies of his manuscripts and archival Affairs Unit 533: investigation on Shevchenko, autographs of writers, the construction of monuments to Shevchenko and many others. Book funds of the Museum constitute 34867 copies, of which the subject of Shevchenko-8181 instance. The halls also feature works by prominent painters, sculptors, writers and composers, that reflect the era of Shevchenko, his life and work: art k. bryullov, i. Repin, v. tropinin, i.kramskoy, b. Sternberg, i. Sokolova, m. Bašilova, k. Trutovsky, l. Žemčužnikova, i. Soshenko, m. Mikeshina, s. brovars'kyi, a. Slastiona, f. Krasickogo, i. Ižakeviča, v. kasiyan, m.derehus, etc.; works by the sculptors f. Kamensky, p. Clodt von Jürgensburg, v. Beklemishev, f. Balavenskogo, i. Kavaleridze, m. Lysenko, i. Ukraine etc.Source: http://primetour.ua/ru/excursions/museum/natsionalnyiy-muzey-t-g--shevchenko.html© "Prime excursion Bureau".
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Shevchenko main museum of the country. His collection consists of authentic monuments associated with the great son of Ukraine: original paintings Shevchenko, documents about his life and work, handwritten lists of poems, rare photographs of the poet and his friends, the first edition of Shevchenko with his autograph. The exhibition contains almost all the editions of the poet's works, since in his lifetime, and literature about him. The museum's collection consists of more than 4 thousand. Pieces and placed in 24 halls. The museum houses over 800 original paintings, portraits, drawings, etchings Shevchenko, personal belongings of the poet, photocopies of his manuscripts and 533 units of archive files: a consequence of the Shevchenko autographs of writers, the works of construction of the monument Shevchenko and many others. Book the museum comprise 34,867 copies of which topics Shevchenko - 8181 instance. In the halls are also presented works of outstanding painters, sculptors, writers and composers, reflecting the era of Shevchenko, his life and work: artistic works K. Bryullov, Repin, V.Tropinin, I. Archaeology, W. Sternberg, J. Sokolov, M. Bashilova, K. Trutovsky, L. Zhemchuzhnikova, I. Soshenko, M. Mikeshina, S. Vasilkovskaja, A. Slastion, F. Krasicki, I. Izhakevich, V. Kasiyan, M. Deregus etc .; work by sculptor F. Kamensky, P. Klodt, V. Beklemisheva, F. Balavensky, Kavaleridze, MG Lysenko, I. Makogon et al. Source: http://primetour.ua/ru/excursions/museum/ natsionalnyiy-muzey-TG - shevchenko.html © "The Prime excursion bureau".

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
The main defaming the museum. His collection consists of the original monuments, related to the great son of Ukraine: originals works Shevchenko, documents on his life and creativity,Handwritten lists poems, rare photos of poet and his friends, first publications books Shevchenko with his won. In the exposure data collected almost all the publications of works of poet, starting with nature,And literature on the subject. The museum consists of more than 4 thousand exhibits and is located in 24 rooms. The museum contains over 800 original paintings, portraits, drawings, collector Shevchenko, personal belongings, poetPhotocopies his manuscripts and 533 units of archival records: a consequence of Shevchenko, tennis writers, the cases on the construction of monuments Shevchenko and many others. Book collection of the museum is 34,867 copies,
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