Имя Гарри Джеймс Поттер , это странный мальчик который выжил при столк перевод - Имя Гарри Джеймс Поттер , это странный мальчик который выжил при столк английский как сказать

Имя Гарри Джеймс Поттер , это стран

Имя Гарри Джеймс Поттер , это странный мальчик который выжил при столкновение с темным лордом или.Волдемортом. И у нашего персонажа остался только один единственный шрам на лбу в виде молнии .
И в ту самою ночь он становиться сиротой и его забирает семья Дуресль . Но его детство проходит не так хорошо , и когда Гарри исполнилось 11 лет он получает письмо от Хагрида (рабочего из Хогворца ) , что он зачислин в школу магии и волшебства .
Он когда ехал на поезде он знакомится с новыми друзьями это Рон Визли и Гермеона Грейнджер . Как он приезжает в школу его выбирают в факультет Грифиндора . Так и начинается история мальчика со шрамом .
Он мне понравился тем что он умен , резвый и готов к новым приключениям . Его необычные способности и качества это что Гарри был магически защищён благодаря его матери. Его мама пожертвовала своей жизнью, чтобы спасти Гарри, до момента, когда он навсегда покинул дом её сестры. Если бы Гарри Поттер остался жить в этом доме, защита бы действовала до его семнадцатилетия.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
The name of Harry James Potter, this is a strange boy who survived when a collision with a Dark Lord or Voldemort. And our character was left only one scar on his forehead in the form of lightning.And that very night he becomes an orphan and it picks up the family Duresl'. But his childhood is not so good, and when Harry turns 11 years old, he receives a letter from Hagrida (work of Hogvorca) that he zachislin in the school of magic and wizardry. He rode on the train he meets new friends it's Ron Vizli and Germeona Grainger. As he arrives at the school his chosen faculty Grifindora. So begins the story of a boy with a scar.I liked the fact that he is smart, Frisky and ready for a new adventure. His unusual abilities and qualities is that Harry was magically protected, thanks to his mother. His mother sacrificed his life to save Harry, until he left the House to her sister. If Harry Potter was left to live in this House, the protection would be operated until his 17th birthday.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]

The name Harry James Potter, a strange boy who survived the collision with the dark lord ili.Voldemortom. And our character was only a single scar on his forehead in the form of lightning.
And that samoyu night it becomes an orphan and his family takes Duresl. But his childhood passes not so good, and when Harry was 11 years, he receives a letter from Hagrid (working from Hogvortsa) that he zachislin school of magic.
He once went on a train he meets new friends is Ron Weasley and Germeona Granger . As he comes to school is selected in Gryffindor faculty. So begins the story of the boy with the scar.
I liked the fact that he's smart, playful and ready for new adventures. His extraordinary abilities and the quality of it that Harry was magically protected by his mother. His mother sacrificed her life to save Harry, to the point where he permanently left the house of her sister. If Harry Potter was to live in this house, the defense would have acted before his seventeenth birthday.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
the name of harry james potter is a boy who survived a collision with the dark lord или.волдемортом. and our character only one scar on his forehead in the form of lightning.and in the night he is an orphan, and that it takes a family дуресль. but his childhood is not so good, and when harry was 11 years old, he receives a letter from hagrid (working from the хогворца) that he зачислин school of witchcraft and wizardry.when he was on the train, he meets new friends this is ron weasley and гермеона granger. as he arrives at the school is chosen in the faculty of грифиндора. so begins the story of a young boy with a scar.i like him because he's smart, high spirited and ready for new adventures. his unusual abilities and qualities that harry was magical protected by his mother. his mother sacrificed her life to save harry, until the moment when he permanently left the house to her sister. if harry potter left to live in this house, the defense would act before his семнадцатилетия.
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