Гарри исполняется 17 лет. Поэтому с него спадают защитные чары матери. перевод - Гарри исполняется 17 лет. Поэтому с него спадают защитные чары матери. английский как сказать

Гарри исполняется 17 лет. Поэтому с

Гарри исполняется 17 лет. Поэтому с него спадают защитные чары матери. Теперь Орден Феникса должен защищать его от Того-Кого-Нельзя-Называть — Воландеморта. Рон, Гарри и Гермиона (далее — герои) узнают, что декан Хогвартса Альбус Дамблдор завещал им несколько предметов — книгу, делюминатор, снитч и меч Годрика Гриффиндора. Меч Гарри министерство волшебства выдавать отказывается. Позднее герои выясняют, что министр и сам не знает, где находится волшебный меч.

Однако только этим мечом можно разрубить Хоркрукс — амулет, который содержит в себе частицу души Воландеморта. Если его уничтожить, злодей станет слабее. По свету рассеяно семь частей его души. Если уничтожить их все, он умрет.

Герои решают покинуть Хогвартс, недоучившись — Дамблдор погиб, и руководство школой взяло на себя министерство.

Давнего недруга Гарри — Северуса Снейпа — назначают директором.

Гарри празднует свой 17-й день рождения. Брат Рона Билл и Флер женятся. Церемонию срывают пожиратели смерти. Герои сбегают со свадьбы и остаются в доме Сириуса — крестного отца Гарри. Герои проводят там несколько дней. В доме неожиданно появляется оборотень Римус Люпин. Он рассказывает Гарри, что собирается бросить свою беременную жену Тонкс — «потому что не любит ее и не должен был жениться».

Министерство объявляет Гарри в розыск по делу об убийстве Дамблдора. За его голову дают 10 тысяч галлионов. Ходят слухи, что люди Воландеморта контролируют ведомство. Меняются законы. Каждый волшебник теперь должен доказывать, что он получил свои знания «честным путем». Посещение Хогвартса становится обязательным для всех граждан магической страны. Журналистка из «Ежедневного Пророка» выпускает «разоблачительную книгу» о Дамблдоре, в которой рассказывает, как глава Хогвартса занимался в молодости черной магией, что его отец сидел в тюрьме Азкабан, а мать была очень жестокосердной женщиной.

В поисках меча герои попадают в министерство, а потом — в Запретный лес на территории Хогвартса. Они находят оружие в заброшенном пруду. Гарри узнает о существовании роковых мощей. Тот, кто ими обладает, приручает смерть, получает власть над ней. Оказывается, одна из частей — это плащ-невидимка Гарри. Еще одна спрятана в снитче, который Дамблдор завещал молодому волшебнику. Последнюю часть — Старшую волшебную палочку — героям приходится искать долго. Она до самого конца находится у Воландеморта.

Среди тех героев, которых Роулинг «убила», — автор учебника по истории магии Батильда Багшот, Тед Тонкс, Дек Крессвелл, гоблин Горнук и домашний эльф Добби, Фред Уизли, сова Букля, Грозный Глаз Грюм.

Гарри сражается с драконом, змеей, разбивает вдребезги диадему, где хранится шестая часть души Воландеморта…

Однако выясняется, что самая последняя часть живет в самом Гарри… И он решает умереть. Поттер стоит безоружным перед злодеем. Но чары Воландеморта не действуют — они разрушают в Гарри часть души Темного Лорда, но сам Поттер остается живым. И убивает Воландеморта.

Из книги выясняется, что директор школы волшебства Хогвартс профессор Дамблдор, которого Гарри боготворил, был отнюдь не на его стороне , а профессор Северус Снейп, которого Поттер, напротив, считал своим врагом, тайно поддерживал его - потому что был влюблен в его мать.

Снейп погибает на странице 658 со словами "Посмотри на меня!", после чего выясняется, что он все это время он верой и правдой служил Дамблдору.

В финальной главе действие переносится на 19 лет вперед и в эпилоге рассказывается о том, что произойдет с главными героями. Гарри Поттер, чей шрам, наконец, исчезнет, женится на Джинни, и станет отцом троих детей - Лили, Альбуса-Северус и Джеймса.

Следуя примеру главного героя, Рон женится на Гермионе, а у также женатого Малфоя родится сын по имени Скорпиус.

Наконец, Невилл становится профессором травоведения.
Источник: русский
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Harry turns 17 years of age. Therefore, the protective enchantment mother fall down. Now the order of the Phoenix is to protect it from that to him as a Volandemorta. Ron, Harry and Hermione (Heroes), the Dean of Hogwarts Albus Dumbledore bequeathed them a few items, book, delûminator, snitch and sword of Gryffindor and Canada. Sword of the Ministry of magic, Harry grant refuses. Later, the heroes discover that the Minister himself doesn't know where is located the magical sword

But only the sword can cut Horkruks-amulet that contains part of soul Volandemorta. If it is destroyed, the villain will become weaker. Light scattered seven parts of his soul. If you destroy all of them, he would die.

Heroes decide to leave Hogwarts, nedoučivšis′, Dumbledore was killed, and the leadership of the school took over the Ministry of

.Longtime foe Garry — Severus Snape is appointed Director.

Harry celebrates his 17-th birthday. Ron's brother Bill and Fleur marry. Ceremony of breaking the death eaters. The heroes escape from the wedding and stay at the home of SIRIUS is Harry's Godfather. The characters spend there a few days. In the House suddenly werewolf Rimus Lupine. He tells Harry, that's going to throw his pregnant wife, "Tonks because did not love her and was not supposed to marry."

Ministry Announces Harry wanted Dumbledore's murder case. For his head give 10 thousand gallionov. There are rumors that people Volandemorta control Office. Changing the laws. Every magician must now prove that he got his knowledge of "the honest way". Visit Hogwarts becomes compulsory for all citizens of the magical country. The journalist of the "daily prophet" produces "book" of Dambldore-hundred years, which explains as the head of Hogwarts had in his youth, black magic, that his father was in prison, and his mother was Boggart would take very cruel woman.

in search of the sword characters get into Ministry and then in the forbidden forest in Hogwarts. They find the guns in an abandoned pond. Harry learns of the existence of rock relics. The one who has them, Tames death, gets authority over it. It Turns Out one of the parts is a cloak of invisibility. Another hidden in snitče, which Dumbledore bequeathed the young magician. The last part is the Elder Wand is the heroes have to look long. It is up to the very end of the Volandemorta.

Among those heroes whom Rowling "killed," the author of a textbook on the history of magic Bathilde Bagshot, Ted Tonks, Jan Kressvell, the Goblin Gornuk and House Elf Dobby, Fred Weasley, OWL Buklâ, Mad-Eye Moody.

Harry does battle with the Dragon, the snake, splits into Smithereens tiara, is the sixth part of the soul Volandemorta ...

However, it turns out, What is the last part in the Harry ... And he decides to die. Potter was unarmed before the villain. But the spell of Volandemorta do not apply — they destroy the soul of the Dark Lord, Harry, but Potter remains alive. And kills Volandemorta.

Of the book it is revealed that the Director of the school of wizardry Hogwarts, Professor Dumbledore, Harry idolized, was not on his side, as Professor Severus Snape, a Potter, in contrast, thought to be his enemy, secretly supported him-because he was in love with his mother.

Snape killed 658 on the page with the words, "look at me!", then it turns out that all this time he has faithfully served Dambldoru.

in the final chapter, the action shifts to 19 years, and in the epilogue describes what happens to the main characters. Harry Potter's scar, finally go away, marries Ginny, and a father of three children-Lily, Albus and Severus and James

. following the example of the protagonist, Ron marries Grint was anything but magic, and also married Malfoâ will be born a son named Scorpius.

Finally, Neville became a Professor safely.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Harry is 17 years old. Therefore it subside wards mother. Now the Order of the Phoenix has to protect him from Who Must Not Be Named - Voldemort. Ron, Harry and Hermione (hereinafter - the characters) know that the dean of Hogwarts Albus Dumbledore bequeathed them a few things - a book delyuminator, snitch and the sword of Godric Gryffindor. Harry magic sword Ministry refuses to give. Later, the heroes discover that the minister himself does not know where the magic sword. However, only this sword can cut Horcrux - amulet, which contains a particle of the soul of Voldemort. If you destroy it, the villain will be weaker. Light scattered by the seven parts of his soul. If you destroy them all, he will die. heroes decide to leave Hogwarts dropouts - Dumbledore died, and school leadership took over the ministry. longtime foe Harry - Severus Snape - appointed director. Harry celebrates his 17th birthday. Ron's brother Bill and Fleur marry. Ceremony rip Death Eaters. Heroes escape from the wedding and remain in the house of Sirius - the godfather of Harry. Heroes spend a few days there. The house suddenly appears werewolf Remus Lupin. He tells Harry that he was going to throw his pregnant wife Tonks - "because I do not love her and did not have to get married." Ministry announces Harry wanted for the murder of Dumbledore. On his head give 10,000 Gallion. Rumor has it that people Voldemort control department. Changing laws. Each wizard must now prove that he obtained his knowledge "in an honest way." Visiting Hogwarts becomes mandatory for all citizens magical country. Journalist of "Daily Prophet" produces "revelatory book" of Dumbledore, which tells how the head of Hogwarts engaged in youth black magic that his father was in prison Azkaban, and his mother was a very cruel woman. Finding sword heroes fall into the ministry, and then - in the Forbidden Forest at Hogwarts grounds. They find weapons in an abandoned pond. Harry learns about the existence of rock relics. Whoever has them, tames death gains power over her. It turns out that one of the parts - this invisibility cloak Harry. Another hidden in the Snitch that Dumbledore bequeathed to the young wizard. The last part - the Elder wand - heroes have to look long. It is up to the end at Voldemort. Among those heroes that Rowling "killed" - the author of a textbook on the history of magic Bathilda Bagshot Ted Tonks, December Cresswell, Gornuk goblin and the house-elf Dobby, Fred Weasley's owl Hedwig, Mad-Eye Moody. Harry fights a dragon, snake, shatters the tiara, which houses the sixth part of the soul of Voldemort ... However, it appears that the most recent part of the lives in the Harry ... And he decides to die. Potter stands defenseless before the villain. But Voldemort's spell is not valid - they destroy part of the soul in Harry Dark Lord, but he remains alive Potter. And kill Voldemort. From the book it turns out that the magic of Hogwarts headmaster Professor Dumbledore, who idolized Harry was not on his side, and Professor Severus Snape, whose Potter, on the contrary, considered his enemy, secretly supported him - because he was in love with his mother. Snape dies on page 658 with the words "Look at me," and then it turns out that all this time he he faithfully served Dumbledore. In the final chapter, the action moves to the next 19 years and in the epilogue explains that happen to the protagonists. Harry Potter, whose scar finally disappear, marries Ginny, and become the father of three children - Lily, Albus Severus, and James. Following the example of the main character, Ron marries Hermione and Malfoy had also married a son named Scorpius. Finally Neville becomes Herbology professor.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
Harry marks 17 years. It is therefore with him falling off protective enchantment mother. It is now the order of the Phoenix should be to protect it from the WHO-cannot be-called - Воландеморта. Ron, Harry and Гермиона (further - heroes) learn,That dean Хогвартса Albus Дамблдор bequeathed them a few items - book, делюминатор, снитч Годрика Гриффиндора and the sword. Sword sorcery Harry the ministry refuses to extradite. Later heroes ascertain,That the minister himself and does not know where the hotel is located with the magic sword.Lord only, however, the sword can be cilantro Хоркрукс - Ashrafi, which contains a particle showers Воландеморта. If its to destroy, curved line will become weaker.The light scattered seven parts of its soul. If you destroy all of them, he will die.lord Heroes decide to leave Хогвартс, недоучившись - Дамблдор died, and the school has assumed the responsibility of the ministry.

Long-standing foe Harry - The Снеипа - appointed director.lord Harry celebrates its 17th birthday. Brother Ron bill and gifts married. A ceremony for the disrupted пожиратели death.Heroes soundtracks with wedding and remain in the house Сириуса - godfather Harry. Heroes will be escorted there a few days. In the house suddenly appears Shapeshifter Римус Lupines. He tells Harry,That is going to throw his pregnant wife Тонкс - "because that does not like it, and it should not marry" .Lord the Ministry announced that Harry wanted on the murder case Дамблдора. For his head are 10 of thousands of галлионов.There are also rumours that people Воландеморта control authority. Changing laws. Every magician should now to prove that he had received their knowledge "honest".Visit Хогвартса becomes mandatory for all citizens magic country. The journalist from the "Daily Prophet" produces "разоблачительную book" on the Дамблдоре, in which he says,As the head Хогвартса has worked in his youth black magic, that his father was sitting in the prison Азкабан, and the mother was very she appears, and Calaf is blinded woman.Lord in the search for a sword heroes fall into the ministry,And then, in the Forbidden forest in the territory Хогвартса. They are weapons in an abandoned graveyard. Harry learns of the existence of a fateful relics. The who possess them, приручает death, receives power over it. It turns out thatOne of the parts is a raincoat-beauty Harry. Another hidden in снитче, which Дамблдор bequeathed young man healed. The last part of the pupil unable magical scribe - heroes have > long.It was up to the very end of the hotel is located at the Воландеморта.lord among those heroes, which Narnia "killing", the author of a textbook on the history of magic he unmasks Albert Багшот, Ted Тонкс, Deck Plate Крессвелл, goblin Горнук and home elf Добби, Fred Уизли,Sowa Букля, Ramzan eye Грюм.lord Harry struggles with dragon, Watteau, breaks up completely wrecked Liliya Barabanova, where is stored the sixth part of the soul, however, Воландеморта ... lord, it appearsThat the latest part of living in the Harry ... and he decides to die. Potter is unarmed before is afraid of nothing. But enchantment Воландеморта do not operate - they destroy the Harry part of the soul Dark Lord,But the Potter is still alive. And kills Воландеморта.lord of the book, it appears that the director of the school, professor Дамблдор Хогвартс sorcery, which Harry боготворил, was not on his side of the ,And professor Северус Снеип, which Potter, on the contrary, felt its enemy, secretly supported him - because that was in love with his mother.lord Снеип dies on the page 658 with the words "Look at me! ", and then it is discovered,That it was all this time, he and faith true served Дамблдору.Lord in the final chapter the action was postponed to 19 years in advance and these are tears of blood, and how that will happen with the main heroes. Harry Potter, whose scar, finally,Disappears, marries the Jeannie, and will be his father three children - Lily, C. Albus-Северус and James.lord following the example the hero, Ron marries the Гермионе, and also married Малфоя will be born the son of on behalf Скорпиус.lord finally,It was professor травоведения.
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