РегламентПО ОКАЗАНИЮ УСЛУГ ДИЗАЙНА В ТОО ИНСАЙД МЕДИА1 Услуги разработ перевод - РегламентПО ОКАЗАНИЮ УСЛУГ ДИЗАЙНА В ТОО ИНСАЙД МЕДИА1 Услуги разработ английский как сказать



1 Услуги разработки дизайна предоставляются строго в порядке очереди по дате поступления заявки от менеджеров
2. Запрещается оказывать услуги дизайна клиентам вне очереди, без наличия заявки от менеджера
3. Услуги, требующие менее 15 минут работы предоставляются бесплатно и вне очереди на дизайн
4. Работа с дизайнером в офисе проводится строго по записи как минимум за 1 сутки раньше. Стоимость услуги 2000 тг в час, если услуга не входит в прейскурант по дизайну
5. При записи на работу с дизайнером уточняется дата и время, продолжительность работы
6. Работа с дизайнером в офисе может проводиться вне записи и очереди при оплате по тарифу 5000 тг в час в качестве компенсации за утрачиваемые заказ, лояльность и доверие клиента, записавшегося на дизайн или ожидающего варианты дизайна за это время
7. Услуги дизайна могут оказываться в режиме онлайн (телефон, почта)
8. Если работа занимает менее 15 минут – бесплатно, более 15 минут – согласно тарифу 2000 тг в час
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
RulesPROVIDING SERVICES IN DESIGN TOO INSIDE MEDIA1 Design Services are available strictly on a first come first served basis according to the date of receipt of application managers2. it is prohibited to provide design services to clients outside the queue, without application from the Manager3. Services requiring less than 15 minutes of work are provided free of charge and out of turn on the design4. work with the designer in the Office is strictly by appointment at least 1 day before. Cost of service 2000 tenge per hour if the service is not included in the price list on design5. When writing to work with the designer specifies the date and time, duration of work6. Working with a designer in the Office can be held outside of the record and the queue when paying at the rate of 5000 KZT per hour to compensate for the removed purchase order, customer loyalty and trust inscribed on design or design options waiting for this time7. Design services can be provided online (phone, e-mail)8. If the job takes less than 15 minutes-free of charge, over 15 minutes-according to tariff 2000 tenge per hour
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Provision of Services Design LLP MEDIA Inside 1 design development services are provided strictly in the order queue by date of receipt of the application by managers 2. It is prohibited to provide design services to clients on a priority basis, without the presence of the application from the manager 3. Services that require less than 15 minutes of use are free of charge and on a priority basis to the design 4. Working with a designer in the office is carried out strictly by appointment at least 1 day before. Cost of service in 2000 tg per hour, if the service is not included in the price list of design 5. When you record to work with the designer specifies the date and time, duration of 6. Working with a designer in the office can be carried out and the recording stage when you pay at the rate of 5000 tenge per hour in compensation for lost by the order, the customer loyalty and trust, recorded on the design or design options waiting for this time 7. Design services are provided online (phone, mail) mode 8. If the work takes less than 15 minutes - free of charge, more than 15 minutes - according to the rate of 2000 tenge per hour

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
the rulesin the design of inside media services1 facilities design is strictly in order of date of submission, from the managers2. it is prohibited to provide design services for clients outside the line, without a request from the manager3. services that require less than 15 minutes are free and out of line to design4. work with a designer in the office is strictly for recording at least one day before. the cost of services 2000 tg per hour, if the service is not included in the schedule of design5. on the record, to work with a designer specifies the date and time, the duration of work6. work with a designer in the office can be out of line with records and payment at the rate of 5000 tg per hour as a compensation for the утрачиваемые order, loyalty and trust of the client, записавшегося design or policy design options for this time7. design services can be provided online (telephone, e-mail)8. if it takes less than 15 minutes are free, for more than 15 minutes, according to the rate of 2000 per hour
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