Предварительное согласование порядка проведения конференции и ее будущих правил процедуры происходит, как правило, на подготовительной встрече или во время проведения подготовительных консультаций. В тех случаях, когда конференция созывается международной организацией, в резолюцию данной организации о созыве конференции, как правило, включается просьба к генеральному секретарю с помощью соответствующих экспертов и секретариат подготовить и представить рекомендации, касающиеся правил процедуры, или подготовить соответствующий проект правил процедуры.
Сложность и многоплановость задач, решаемых на современных многосторонних переговорах и на международных конференциях, тщательные поиски общеприемлемого баланса интересов в целом ряде случаев обусловливают целесообразность проведения их в несколько этапов (каждый из которых может состоять из ряда сессий). Общая подготовительная работа проводится на многосторонних консультациях представителей государств-участников. Сама конференция проходит три этапа: определение общих задач, подготовка документов, их принятие. Между этими этапами, как и внутри рабочего, второго этапа, устраиваются перерывы, нередко используемые делегациями для получения дополнительных инструкций, консультаций с союзниками.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
Preliminary coordination of arrangements for the Conference and its future rules of procedure is, as a rule, the preparatory meeting or at the time of the preparatory consultations. In cases where the Conference is being convened by an international organization, in the resolution on the convening of the Conference, as a rule, includes a request to the Secretary-General by relevant experts and the Secretariat to prepare and submit recommendations concerning the rules of procedure, or to prepare a draft of the rules of procedure.Complexity and diversity of the tasks on the current multilateral negotiations and international conferences, a thorough search for a generally acceptable balance of interests in a number of cases, the cause of their several stages (each of which may consist of several sessions). The overall preparatory work is being carried out in multilateral consultations of representatives of States parties. The Conference itself passes through three stages: the definition of common objectives, preparation of documents, their adoption. Between these stages, as in the work, the second phase, the breaks are often used by delegations for further guidance, consultations with allies.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
Preliminary approval of the order of the conference and its future rules of procedure usually takes place at the preparatory meeting or during the preparatory consultations. In cases where a conference is convened by an international organization, in the resolution of the organization to convene a conference, as a rule, include a request to the Secretary General with the help of relevant experts and the secretariat to prepare and submit recommendations concerning the rules of procedure, or to prepare a draft rules of procedure.
The complexity and diversity of problems to be solved in the current multilateral negotiations and international conferences, a thorough search of a generally acceptable balance of interests in a number of cases, cause the usefulness of them in several stages (each of which may consist of a number of sessions). General preparatory work carried out in the multilateral consultations, the representatives of States Parties. The conference itself passes through three stages: the definition of common objectives, preparation of documents, their adoption. Between these stages, as well as within the working, the second stage, take appropriate breaks, often used by delegations for further instructions, consultations with allies.
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
A preliminary agreement of the Conference and its future rules of procedure is, as a rule, at the preparatory meeting or during the time of the preparatory consultations. In those cases,When the conference is being convened by an international organization, in a resolution the United Nations to convene a conference, as a rule,
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