В моем саду есть деревья , кустарни ки, газон и цветы на деревьях растут яблоки и сливы, а на кустарниках чёрная и красная смородина, малина, шиповник, крыжовник
In my garden there are trees to scrub, grass and flowers on the trees grow apples and plums, and in the bushes black and red currants, raspberries, rose hips, gooseberries
In my garden there are trees, artisanal ki, lawn and flowers on trees grow apples and plums, and on shrubs black and red currants, raspberries, rosehip, gooseberries
There are trees, shrubs, lawns and flowers in my garden. There are apples and plums on the trees. There are black and red berries, Marlins, roses and gooseberries on the bushes<br>