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Нефти много не убывает

Цены на "черное золото" опять снижаются, приближаясь к порогу убыточности добычи

01.09.2015, 19:37
Текст: Роман Маркелов , Тарас Фомченков
Курс рубля после мощного подъема на бирже в понедельник вечером вчера развернулся и начал снижаться к доллару и евро. Первопричиной как взлетов, так и падений российской валюты снова стала нефть, цены на которую во вторник также начали корректироваться вниз после роста на 8 процентов. Если стоимость "черного золота" долго будет пребывать возле низких отметок, то не исключено, что в России снизят его добычу.
Рубль вчера днем снижался к доллару и евро невысокими темпами - на 1,5-2 рубля к предыдущему уровню закрытия. На максимуме американская валюта стоила больше 65 рублей, а европейская - больше 74 рублей. Цены на нефть вели себя днем во вторник нестабильно, но ближе к вечеру все-таки нацелились на снижение. По состоянию на 17.20 мск за баррель европейской марки Brent на минимуме давали меньше 52 долларов, а американской WTI - меньше 47 долларов.

40 долларов за баррель - таков ценовой порог убыточности нефтяных проектов для компаний-добытчиков

Россия снизила пошлины на текстиль, обувь, рыбу, драгметаллы и мебель
Новости, которые начали давить на нефть и рубль, снова пришли из Китая, где на этот раз вышла слабая макроэкономическая статистика, показавшая снижение деловой активности в производственном секторе и заставившая инвесторов выходить из рисковых активов, к которым принадлежит и "черное золото". В итоге ключевые азиатские бирже закрылись в минусе - правда, довольно умеренном.

Аналитики указывают и еще на один фактор, кроме восточного. Переизбыток предложения нефти в мире никуда не исчез, а когда рынки тонут в непроданном сырье, ценам на него ничего не остается, кроме как снижаться. Вчера вице-премьер правительства Аркадий Дворкович заявил, что при такой стоимости нефти, как сейчас, добыча сырья в нашей стране точно не увеличится. "Вполне возможно, что если цены на нефть долго будут на низком уровне, будет некоторое снижение добычи, как это было раньше", - добавил Аркадий Дворкович.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Oil many not decreasingPrices of "black gold" is again declining, approaching the threshold of production loss01.09.2015, 19:37Text: Roman Markelov, Taras FomchenkovThe rouble after a powerful ascent on the stock exchange on Monday evening yesterday turned around and began to decline against the dollar and the euro. At the root of both the ups and downs of the Russian currency regained its oil prices, which on Tuesday also began to be adjusted down after rising 8 percent. If the price of "black gold" will be a long time near low levels, it is possible that Russia will reduce its prey.The ruble fell yesterday afternoon to the dollar and the euro lower on rate-1.5 -2 ruble to the previous closing level. At the peak of the American currency was worth more than 65 rubles, and European-74 more rubles. Oil prices behaved erratically on Tuesday afternoon, but closer to the evening still aimed to decrease. At 17.20 MSK per barrel of Brent crude for Europe at the minimum allowed is less than 52 dollars and u.s. WTI less $ 47.40 dollars per barrel is the price threshold loss-making oil projects for minersREAD ALSO Russia has lowered duties on textiles, shoes, fish, precious metals and furnitureNews that began to put pressure on oil prices and the ruble again came from China, where this time came out weak macroeconomic statistics, showed a drop in business activity in the manufacturing sector and forced investors to withdraw from risky assets and belongs to "black gold". As a result, key Asian stock exchange closed in the red, although is quite moderate.Analysts point and another factor, in addition to the East. An overabundance of oil supply in the world have not disappeared, and when the markets are drowning in neprodannom raw materials, prices, it remains nothing except decline. Yesterday Deputy Prime Minister Arkady Dvorkovich said that the cost of crude oil, as it is now, the extraction of raw materials in our country don't exactly increase. "It is quite possible that if oil prices are at a low level for a long time, there will be a slight decrease in production, as it was before," said Arkady Dvorkovich.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]

A lot of oil does not decrease the price of "black gold" again reduced, approaching the threshold of loss of production 01.09.2015, 19:37 Text: Roman Markelov, Taras Fomchenkov ruble after a strong rise on the stock exchange on Monday evening yesterday turned and began to decline in the dollar and euro. The root cause of both the ups and downs of the Russian currency was again oil prices which began on Tuesday also adjusted downward after rising by 8 percent. If the value of "black gold" will long remain near lows, it is not excluded that Russia will reduce its production. The ruble yesterday afternoon was down against the dollar and euro rates low - on 1,5-2 ruble to the previous closing level. At the peak the US currency was worth more than 65 rubles, and European - more than 74 rubles. Oil prices have behaved in the afternoon on Tuesday, unstable, but in the evening still aims to reduce. As at 17.20 MSK barrel European Brent crude at the minimum allowed is less than 52 dollars, and the American WTI - less than $ 47. 40 per barrel - this is the price threshold loss of oil projects for companies earners READ ALSO Russia lowered tariffs on textiles, footwear, fish, precious metals and furniture news that began to put pressure on oil prices and the ruble again came from China, where this time came the weak macroeconomic statistics showing a decline in business activity in the manufacturing sector and led investors to exit risky assets, which belongs to the "black gold. " As a result, the key Asian markets closed in the red - though quite moderate. Analysts point and a further factor, in addition to the east. Oversupply of oil in the world will not disappear, and when the markets are drowning in unsold raw material prices has nothing left but to decline. Yesterday, Deputy Prime Minister Arkady Dvorkovich said that the cost of oil such as now, mining of raw materials in our country just do not grow. "It is possible that if the oil price will be a long time at a low level, there will be some decline in production, as it was before," - said Arkady Dvorkovich.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]

Oil not much

decreases prices for "black gold" again is reduced, as we approach the threshold production loss

09.01.2015, 19:37
Text: Roman Markelov , Vasilenko Smolensk
The rouble after a strong recovery in the stock market on the evening of Monday yesterday turned and started to fall to the United States dollar and the euro. Root causes as well as downs, and drops the Russian currency has again oil,That the prices for Tuesday also began to be adjusted downward after growth at 8 per cent. If the cost of "black gold" for a long time will stay near the low marks, it is not excluded that in Russia will reduce its production.
Ruble yesterday afternoon declined to the United States dollar and the euro slow pace - at 1.5 -2 rouble to the previous level. At maximum the american currency cost more 65 roubles, and the European - more than 74 rubles.Oil prices have behaved to Tuesday afternoon is unstable, but closer to the evening still needless to reduce. As at 17.20 per barrel can the European Brent  at the minimum level was less than 52 dollars,As well the American SECO - is less than 47 dollars.lord 40 dollars per barrel - this is price threshold loss ratio oil projects for companies, miners
forming also

Russia reduced duties on textiles, footwear, fish,Transatlantic and furniture
news, which began to exert pressure on oil prices and ruble, again came from China, where this time is weak macroeconomic statistics,Stunning decline in business activity in the manufacturing sector and has prompted investors to exit the risky assets to which belongs to and the "black gold".In the end the key Asian stock exchange closed down in minus - it is true, quite moderate.lord analysts indicate and is still the one factor, the east. Castellã³n petroleum reserves in the world will take us nowhere has not disappeared,And when the markets are drowning in непроданном raw materials, prices of the it is not remains, except as to decline. Yesterday vice prime minister Arkady Dvorkovich said that if such a price of oil, as it is now,Commodity production in our country accurately does not increase. "It is quite possible that, if oil prices for a long time will be at a low level, will be a very slight decrease in production, as it was in the past", - added "infections.
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