Если он об этом узнает, он придет в ярость. 2. Я не смогу вам дать опр перевод - Если он об этом узнает, он придет в ярость. 2. Я не смогу вам дать опр английский как сказать

Если он об этом узнает, он придет в

Если он об этом узнает, он придет в ярость. 2. Я не смогу вам дать определенного ответа, пока не поговорю с главным инженером. 3. Мы выедем в пять чаoов, если дождь к этому времени перестанет. 4. Я переведу предложение после того, как проанализирую его. 5. я приду после того, как закончу работу. 6. Он поедет на юг, как только защитит диссертацию. 7. Я дам вам эту книгу после того, как прочту ее. 8. Как только мы решим этот вопрос, я вам позвоню В i.Она отложила в сторону письмо, которое писала, и задумалась 2. Она пошла на почту отправить письмо, которое написала накануне. 3 Все еще спали, когда зазвонил телефон. 4. В саду никого не было. пахло свежескошенной травой. По-видимому, садовники косили. 5. Сад потерял свою прелестьсадовники скосили всю траву. 6. К счастью, он не заметил ее воспаленных глаз и не догадался, что она плакала. 7. Сью внимаиельно наблюдала за Джонс, когда та открыла rлаза. 8. Сью, которая некоторое время наблюдала за своей больной подругой, подошла к ее кровати. 9. Она отложила в сторону книгу, которую читала. 10. Она написала письмо и читала книгу. 11. Пeготти уронила чулок, который она штопала. 12. Пеготи отложила чулок, который уже заштопала.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
If he finds out it will come out in a rage. 2. I can't give you a definitive answer until you talk to the Chief Engineer. 3. We will find ourselves in five čaoov, if the rain stops. 4. I'll translate the proposal once the study it. 5. I will come after I finish doing the work. 6. He will travel to the South, as only protect dissertation. 7. I will give you this book after having read it. 8. once we decide this question, I'll call you in i. it had in a letter that she wrote, and thought 2. She went to the post office to send a letter that she wrote the day before. 3 still asleep when the phone rang. 4. There was no one in the garden. smelled of freshly cut grass. Apparently, gardeners mowed. 5. Garden lost his prelest′sadovniki mowed the grass. 6. Fortunately, he didn't notice her inflamed eye and not guessed that she was crying. 7. Sue vnimaiel′no she watched Jones when she opened the rlaza. 8. Sue, which for some time has watched his sick girlfriend, approached her bed. 9. It had to book you read. 10. She wrote the letter and read a book. 11. Pegotti dropped her stocking, which she darned. 12. Pegoti delayed stocking that already zaštopala.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
If he finds out about this, he would be furious. 2. I can not give you a definite answer until I talk to the chief engineer. 3. We will drive five chaoov if the rain to stop this time. 4. I will translate sentence after analyze it. 5. I will come after you finish the job. 6. He will go to the south as soon as the defense of the thesis. 7. I will give you this book after reading it. 8. As soon as we decide this question, I'll call you in i.Ona put aside the letter, which he wrote and thought about 2. She went to the post office to send a letter, which wrote the day before. 3 was still asleep when the phone rang. 4. The garden was empty. smell of freshly cut grass. Apparently, gardeners mowed. 5. Garden lost his entire prelestsadovniki mowed grass. 6. Fortunately, he did not notice her sore eyes and realized that she was crying. 7. vnimaielno Sue Jones watched as she opened rlaza. 8. Sue, who some time watching his sick friend, went to her bed. 9. She put aside the book he was reading. 10. She wrote a letter and read a book. 11. Pegotti dropped her stocking, which she darned. 12. Pegoti delayed stocking, which has already mended.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
If he learns about this, he will come in rage. 2. I will not be able to give you a specific answer, not yet shall speak to the chief engineer. 3. We depart in five чаоов, if the rain by this time no longer. 4.I is a well-known verse from Ecclesiastes proposal after, as well as persistence. 5. I'll come after, as well as finished work. 6. He also knows to the south, as well as only will defend his thesis. 7. I will give you this book after the slay it. 8.As soon as we solve this issue, I'll call you in i.It deferred to the side letter, which I read, and reflect 2. She went to the post office to send the letter, which she wrote on the previous day. 3 All were asleep, when the telephone rang. 4.In the garden was deserted. strenuousness feeding fresh-cut grass. seems to be, gardeners косили. 5. Garden lost its прелестьсадовники скосили all divots. 6. Fortunately, he had not noticed that it you have sore eye, and not imagined that she crying. 7.Sue внимаиельно has monitored the Jones, when it was opened by rлаза. 8. Sue, which for some time has monitored its sick girlfriend, has come to her bed. 9. It deferred to the side book, which taught. 10.She wrote a letter and read a book. 11. Capitalism Пeготти stockings, which it different lodgers. 12. Mrs. Gamp deferred stockings, which already заштопала.
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