11. У нее легкая рука - все, что она сажает, даже экзотические растени перевод - 11. У нее легкая рука - все, что она сажает, даже экзотические растени английский как сказать

11. У нее легкая рука - все, что он

11. У нее легкая рука - все, что она сажает, даже экзотические растения, хорошо растет. 12. Выйдя в сад, она вскрикнула от ужаса и отчаяния. Град уничтожил все посевы нового сорта клубники! 13. Стыдно выбрасывать еду, когда люди в некоторых странах голодают! 14. Сообщение между городами было прервано из-за сошедшего оползня. 15. Мы не раз страдали от наводнения, но когда наступила засуха, мы были готовы молиться, чтобы пошел дождь. 16. Мы живем в южном штате, поэтому в нашей школе регулярно проводятся специальные занятия по правилам поведения при торнадо. 17. Цунами в Таиланде унесло более 300 тысяч жизней. 18. Я всегда покупаю моющие средства, на этикетке которых написано «Не вреден для окружающей среды». 19. Окружающая среда - это неиссякаемый источник ресурсов. 20. Чрезмерное использование земель ведет к нехватке водных ресурсов. 21. Повышенное потребление воды привело к быстрому истощению запасов подводных вод.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
11. She has an easy hand-all she plants, even exotic plants grows well. 12. Out in the garden, she gave a cry of horror and despair. Hail destroyed all the crops of the new varieties of strawberries! 13. Shame to throw away food when people in some countries are starving! 14. communication between the cities was interrupted because of the seven landslide. 15. We have suffered from the floods, but when the drought came, we were ready to pray for rain. 16. We live in the Southern State, so our school regularly organizes special courses on rules of conduct during a tornado. 17. The tsunami in Thailand has claimed more than 300 thousand of lives. 18. I always buy detergents on the label which is Not harmful to the environment. 19. environment-this is an inexhaustible source of resources. 20. excessive land use leads to water shortages. 21. Increased water intake led to a rapid depletion of stocks of submarine waters.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]

11. She has a light hand - everything she puts even exotic plants grow well. 12. Once in the garden, she cried out in terror and despair. Hail destroyed all the crops of the new varieties of strawberries! 13. It is a shame to throw away food when people are starving in some countries! 14. Communication between the cities was interrupted due to landslide. 15. We have repeatedly suffered from flooding, but when the drought came, we were ready to pray for the rain. 16. We live in a southern state, so in our school regularly held special sessions on how to behave during a tornado. 17. Tsunami in Thailand claimed over 300,000 lives. 18. I always buy detergents, on the label that says "Not bad for the environment." 19. Environment - is an inexhaustible source of resources. 20. Excessive use of land leads to a shortage of water resources. 21. Increased consumption of water has led to the rapid depletion of underground water.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]

11. It lightweight hand - all that it puts, even exotic plants, well-growing. 12. Went out to the garden, she popã©of horror and despair. Degrees destroyed all crops a new class strawberries! 13. Ashamed throw food,When people in some countries are hungry! 14. A message between cities was interrupted because of the as landslide. 15. We have not once suffered from floods, but when death was drought, we were ready to pray that it rained. 16.We live in the southern state of, therefore, in our school regularly special sessions on the rules of conduct for tornadoes. 17. Tsunami in Thailand which has already claimed more than 300 thousands of lives. 18. I always buy detergents,On the label which reads "no harm to the environment". 19. The environment - this is the national library resources. 20. The excessive use of land is leading to water shortages. 21.Increased consumption of water has resulted in the rapid depletion of stocks underwater water.
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