Расположение: г. Шарья Костромской области на базе ПДО «Шарьядрев» Зав перевод - Расположение: г. Шарья Костромской области на базе ПДО «Шарьядрев» Зав английский как сказать

Расположение: г. Шарья Костромской

Расположение: г. Шарья Костромской области на базе ПДО «Шарьядрев»
Завод «Кроностар» был создан в 2002 году

Город Шарья был выведен из экономической депрессии благодаря строительству завода.

В публикациях начала 2000-х гг. зафиксированы сообщения о совершенных убийствах иностранных специалистов, работавших на строительстве завода, местными жителями.
После этого случая для других иностранных работников были созданы условия для проживания на территории завода.
Далее, с вводом завода в эксплуатацию информационный фон наполнен сообщениями о результатах его деятельности.

В 2008 году негативные сообщения об экологическом аспекте.
Общественники говорят, что «иностранный капитал сегодня использует Россию не только как поставщика дешевой рабочей силы, но и как плацдарм для размещения вредных производств».

В целом, деятельность завода сопровождается благоприятным информационным полем:
новость о стоительстве нового завода в Пермском крае была положительно воспринята СМИ и местными жителями;
в честь экс-губернатора Виктора Шершунова в Шарье названа улица, с формулировкой «При Викторе Шершунове в нашем городе появился «Кроностар»
предприятие регулярно выделяет средства на строительство объектов социальной инфраструктуры
поддерживает экологические мероприятия (имеет шефство над озером Подборное, выпускает уток и лебедей).
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Location: sharya, Kostroma oblast on the basis of the PDO "Šar′âdrev" Kronostar plant was established in year 2002 The city of Sharjah was withdrawn from economic depression due to the construction of the plant.In publications beginning 2000-ies. documented reports of killings of foreign experts who worked on the construction of the plant, local residents. After that incident for other foreign workers were created conditions for their stay on the territory of the plant.Further, with the introduction of the plant into operation information background is filled with reports of the results of its activities.In 2008 year negative reports on the environmental aspect. Community say that "foreign capital Russia uses today not only as a supplier of cheap labour, but also as a springboard for the placement of hazardous industries. In General, the activity of the plant is accompanied by favourable information field:News about construct a new factory in Perm Krai was well received by the MEDIA and local residents;in honor of former Governor Victor Šeršunova in Charrier Street, "With Victor Šeršunove in our city appeared" Kronostar "the company regularly allocates funds for construction of objects of social infrastructuresupports environmental activities (has patronage over Lake Podbornoe, ducks and swans).
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Location: Sharja Kostroma region on the basis of the PDO "Sharyadrev"
plant "Kronostar" was created in 2002, Sharjah City was taken out of the economic depression due to the construction of the plant. At the beginning of the publications of the 2000s. documented reports of killings of foreign experts who worked on the construction of the plant, local residents. After this incident for other foreign workers have created the conditions for residence in the territory of the plant. Further, with the commissioning of the plant is filled with background information reports on the results of its activities. In 2008, year negative reports on the environmental aspect. Social activists say that "foreign capital Russia today use not only as a supplier of cheap labor, but also as a springboard for the placement of hazardous industries." In general, the activity of the plant is accompanied by a favorable information field: the news of the construction site of the new plant in the Perm region has been well received by the media and local residents; in honor of former Governor Victor Shershunov Sharya named street, with the wording "When Viktor Shershunov in our city there was" Kronostar " company regularly provides funds for the construction of social infrastructure support environmental measures (has Podbornoe patronage over the lake, releasing ducks and swans).

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
Location: profit sharing Kostroma area based on singled out "Шарьядрев"
Plant "have" was established in 2002,

City profit sharing has been withdrawn from the economic depression thanks to the construction plant.

In the publications the early 2000-s, recorded messages on the killings foreign specialists, who worked at the plant, local residents.
After this case-by-case basis for other foreign workers had created the conditions for residence in the territory of the factory.
further,With the entering the plant information background is filled with reports of the results of his activities.Lord in 2008, negative reports on the environmental aspect.
Security Forces say,That "foreign capital today uses Russia not only as a service provider cheap labor force, but also as a springboard for accommodation harmful industries". Lord as a whole,The plant is accompanied by a favorable information field:
news of the стоительстве a new factory in Perm Krai was favorably received by media and local residents;
In honor ex-governor Viktor Shershunov in International Bertrand Charrier named street, with the wording "When Mazheiko Шершунове in our city appeared "have"
The company regularly provides funds for the construction of social infrastructure
supports environmental activities (has sponsored over lake Подборное, produces ducks and swans) .
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