39. Эта книга менее интересна, чем та. 40. Чем больше я общаюсь с ней, тем больше она мне нравится. 41. Его шутка была не такой остроумной» как ее. 42. Я не могу нести эту сумку. Она гораздо тяжелее, чем я думал. 43. Практические занятия такие же интересные, как и лекции. 44. Это была самая серьезная ошибка, которую я когда-либо совершал. 45. В этой комнате меньше мебели, не так ли? 46. Дмитрий такой же высокий, как и его брат. 47. Чем больше я слушаю тебя, тем меньше понимаю. 48. Это самая старая часть города. Здесь всегда много туристов. 49. Сегодня не самая плохая погода, не так ли? 50. Мой друг – самый надежный человек.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
39. This book is less interesting than that one. 40. The more I talk with her, the more I like it. 41. his joke was not as clever as her. " 42. I can't carry this bag. It is much harder than I thought. 43. Practical exercises the same interesting, as well as lectures. 44. It was the greatest mistake I've ever done. 45. less furniture in this room, right? 46. Dmitri is as tall as his brother. 47. The more I listen to you, the less I understand. 48. It is the oldest part of the town. There are always lots of tourists. 49. today, not the bad weather, isn't it? 50. My friend-the most reliable people.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
39. This book is less interesting than that. 40. The more I talk to her, the more I like it. 41. His joke was not so clever "like her. 42. I can not carry this bag. It is much harder than I thought. 43. Practical exercises are the same interesting, as well as lectures. 44. It was the most serious mistake that I ever made. 45. In this room, less furniture, is not it? 46. Dmitry as tall as his brother. 47. The more I listen to you, the less I understand. 48. This is the oldest part of the city. There is always a lot of tourists. 49. Today, the weather is not the worst, is not it? 50. My friend - the most reliable people.
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