(B) Based on an episode from The Pickwick Papers by Ch. Dickens.
1. Джентльмена, пригласившего мистера Пиквика и его друзей, звали мистер Уордль (Wardle). 2. Разбуженный ярким утренним солнцем, мистер Пиквик встал очень рано. 3. Он подошел к окну, выходившему в сад (to overlook the garden). 4. Мистер Пиквик увидел, что в саду стоит мистер Уордль с ружьем в руке. 5. Дожидаясь мистера Пиквика и его друзей, мистер Уордль тщательно осмотрел ружье. 6. Когда все приготовления были закончены, друзья отправились в грачевник (rookery). 7. Зарядив ружье, мистер Уинкль (Winkle) выстрелил (to fire). 8. Так как мистер Тапмен (Tupman) выглянул в этот момент из-за дерева, заряд попал ему в руку (the charge hit his arm). 9. Мистер Уинкль подбежал к мистеру Тапмену, лежавшему на земле с закрытыми глазами. 10. Рана мистера Тапмена не была серьезной, так как ружье было заряжено дробью (small shot). 11. Мистер Тапмен медленно шел домой, поддерживаемый всеми своими друзьями. 12. Увидев мистера Тапмена с перевязанной рукой, мисс Рейчел лишилась чувств.
(C) Based on an episode from David Copperfield by Ch. Dickens.
1. Окруженный грубыми и жестокими людьми, Давид очень страдал и, наконец, решил бежать к своей тетушке, жившей в Дувре (Dover). 2. Выйдя из дома, Давид увидел, что на улице стоит долговязый парень с маленькой тележкой, запряженной ослом (donkey-cart). 3. Схватив чемодан и деньги Давида, долговязый парень вскочил в тележку и поехал с такой быстротой, что Давид не мог его догнать. 4. Когда Давид шел в Дувр, oн часто думал о своей матери и о том, что она ему рассказывала о мисс Бетси. 5. Оставшись без денег (penniless), он очень страдал от голода и холода. 6. Он провел ночь у ограды, окружавшей Салемскую школу (Salem House). 7. Когда он пришел, наконец, в Дувр, он спросил у рыбака, где живет мисс Бетси Тротвуд (Betsy Trotwood). 8. Дрожа от страха и усталости, Давид подошел к хорошенькому домику, окруженному садом. 9. Увидев грязного, одетого в лохмотья мальчика, мисс Бетси велела ему уйти из ее сада. 10. Подойдя к ней, Давид робко сказал, что он сын ее покойного племянника. 11. Услышав эти слова, мисс Бетси посмотрела на него с величайшим изумлением да так и присела на дорожку. 12. Рассказав ей свою печальную историю, Давид не выдержал и разразился слезами.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
(B) Based on an episode from The Pickwick Papers by ch. Dickens.1. Gentleman inviting Mr Pikvika and his friends, called Mr Uordl′ (Wardle). 2. The bright morning sun, Mister Pickwick got up very early. 3. He came to the window, published in Garden (to overlook the garden). 4. Mister Pickwick saw that the garden stands Mr Uordl′ with a gun in his hand. 5. Waiting for Mr Pikvika and his friends, Mr Uordl′ carefully examined the shotgun. 6. When all the preparations were completed, friends went to gračevnik (rookery). 7. Loaded gun, Mr. Winkle (Winkle) shot (to fire). 8. Mr. Tapmen (Tupman) looked out at this point because of the wood, the charge hit him in the arm (the charge hit his arm). 9. Mr. Winkle ran to Mister Tapmenu, drawback on Earth with our eyes closed. 10. Rana Mr Tapmena was not serious, as the gun was loaded shot (small shot). 11. Mr Tapmen slowly walked home, supported by all your friends. 12. Seeing Mr Tapmena with a bandaged hand, Miss Rachel lost her senses.(C) Based on an episode from David Copperfield by ch. Dickens.1. Surrounded by gross and cruel people, David really suffered and, finally, decided to escape to her aunt, who lived in Dover (Dover). 2. Getting out of the House, David saw that on the Street stands a lanky guy with a small cart drawn by a donkey (donkey-cart). 3. Grasping the suitcase and money David, lanky guy jumped in the truck and drove with such rapidity that David couldn't catch up with him. 4. When David went to Dover, he often thought of his mother and that she told him about Miss Betsy. 5. Left without money (penniless) he really suffered from hunger and cold. 6. He spent the night at the edge of the surrounding Salemskuû school (Salem House). 7. When he came finally to Dover, he asked the fisherman, where Miss Betsey Trotwood (Betsy Trotwood). 8. Shivering from fear and fatigue, David approached the horošen′komu House, surrounded by gardens. 9. Seeing dirty, dressed in tattered boy, Miss Betsy ordered him to withdraw from her garden. 10. David approached her shyly said that he is the son of her late nephew. 11. Upon hearing these words, Miss Betsy looked at him with great amazement Yes and sat down on the track. 12. Telling her his sad story, David broke down and erupted in tears.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
(B) Based on an episode from The Pickwick Papers by Ch. Of Dickens.
1. Gentleman who invited Mr. Pickwick and his friends, called Mr. Wardle (Wardle). 2. Got up bright morning sun, Mr. Pickwick got up very early. 3. He went to the window overlooking the garden (to overlook the garden). 4. Mr. Pickwick saw that the garden is Mr. Wardle with a gun in his hand. 5. Waiting for Mr. Pickwick and his friends, Mr. Wardle carefully examined the gun. 6. When all the preparations were finished, my friends went to the rookery (rookery). 7. reload the gun, Mr. Winkle (Winkle) shot (to fire). 8. Since Mr. Tupman (Tupman) looked at that moment from behind a tree, the charge hit him in the arm (the charge hit his arm). 9. Mr. Winkle ran to Mr. Tupman, who was lying on the ground with his eyes closed. 10. Mr. Tupman wound was not serious, since the gun was loaded shot (small shot). 11. Mr. Tupman walked home slowly, supported by all his friends. 12. Having seen Mr. Tupman with a bandaged hand, Miss Rachel fainted.
(The C) Based on an episode from by David Copperfield by Ch. Of Dickens.
1. Surrounded by the brutal and cruel people, David suffered a lot and finally decided to flee to his aunt, who lived in Dover (Dover). 2. After leaving the house, David saw that the street is a tall man with a small cart, a donkey (donkey-cart). 3. Grabbing the suitcase and the money David, lanky guy jumped in the truck and drove off so fast that David could not catch up with him. 4. When David went to Dover, OH is often thought of my mother and that she had told him about Miss Betsy. 5. Left without money (penniless), he suffered greatly from hunger and cold. 6. He spent the night at the fence surrounding the school Salem (Salem House). 7. When it came, finally, to Dover, he asked the fisherman, lives where Miss Betsey Trotwood (Betsy Trotwood). 8. Trembling with fear and fatigue, David went to a pretty little house surrounded by a garden. 9. Seeing dirty, ragged boy, Miss Betsy told him to leave her garden. 10. Going to her, David humbly said that he was the son of her late nephew. 11. Upon hearing these words, Miss Betsy looked at him with amazement and so it sat on the track. 12. After telling her my sad story, David broke down and burst into tears.
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
(b) based on an episode from the Pickwick papers by ch. Dickens.1. gentleman, inviting mr. пиквика and his friends, called mr. уордль (Wardle). 2. emerging from a dream a bright morning sun, mr. pickwick theatre got up very early. 3. he went to the window, выходившему garden (to overlook the garden). 4. mr. pickwick theatre saw that the garden is mr. уордль with a gun in his hand. 5. waiting for mr. пиквика and his friends, mr. уордль carefully looked at the gun. 6. when all preparations have been completed, the friends went to грачевник (rookery). 7. зарядив gun, mr. winkle (Winkle) shot (to fire). 8. as mr. тапмен (Tupman) looked at that time because of the tree, it hit him in the hand (the charge hit his arm). 9. mr. winkle approached mr. тапмену, лежавшему on earth with his eyes closed. 10. mr. тапмена wound was not serious, as the gun was loaded with buckshot (hot shots). 11. mr. тапмен walking slowly home, supported by all his friends. 12. when mr. тапмена with перевязанной hand, miss rachel lost feelings.(c) based on an episode from david Copperfield by ch. Dickens.1. surrounded by the harsh and cruel men, david very suffered, and finally decided to go to his aunt living in dover (dover). 2. out of the house, david saw that there"s a great guy with a cart, a donkey (donkey - alacart). 3. carrying case and the money david, lanky guy jumped in the cart and drove with such speed that david couldn"t catch up with him. 4. when david was in dover, he often thought about my mother and what she is telling him about miss betsey. 5. having little or no money (penniless), he suffered from cold and hunger. 6. he spent the night behind the outside салемскую school (salem house). 7. when he came, finally, in dover, he asked the fisherman, lives where miss betsey тротвуд (betsy Trotwood). 8. trembling with fear and fatigue, david came to хорошенькому cabin, being surrounded by a garden. 9. when a boy, dressed in rags, miss betsy told him to get out of her garden. 10. he came to see her timidly said, he was the son of her late nephew. 11. hearing these words, miss betsey looked at him with great amazement that and sit on the road. 12. by telling his sad story, david didn"t last erupted in tears.
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