1) Современная семья очень сильно отличается от семьи прошлых лет тем, перевод - 1) Современная семья очень сильно отличается от семьи прошлых лет тем, английский как сказать

1) Современная семья очень сильно о

1) Современная семья очень сильно отличается от семьи прошлых лет тем, отношения между родителями и детьми изменились, теперь они более привязаны эмоционально друг к другу.
В некоторых семьях принято не делить обязанности, как это было раньше, а объединять их. Так, например, муж может приготовить и убрать дома. И если совсем недавно это считалось стыдным, то теперь – это в порядке вещей.
2)Современные типы семей: традиционная где роль лидера отводится старшему мужчине и Эгалитарная где все равны.
3) Часто члены семьи ссорятся между собой, я думаю что это нормально, ведь люди живут друг с другом и видят друг друга каждый день.
4)Расширенная семья где много поколений живу вместе и есть нуклеарная семья -семья, состоящая из родителей и детей, либо только оба родителя.
5) В современных семьях стали пропадать многие традиции не то что раньше, например хождение в церковь, но многие придерживаются традиционной семье, крестят детей, отмечают пасху, новый год.
6)Я считаю что семья это мама и папа, не правильно когда в семье двое пап, или двое мам. Это ужасно.

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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
1) modern family is very different from past years, family relations between parents and children have changed, and now they're more attached emotionally to one another.Some families decided not to share responsibilities, as it was before, and combine them. So, for example, a husband can cook and clean the House. And if it was stydnym recently, now is in the order of things.2) modern types of families: traditional where leadership is given to senior men and Egalitarian where everyone is equal.3) Often family members argue among themselves, I think that's OK, because people live with each other and see each other every day.4) extended family where many generations live together and have a nuclear family-family, consisting of parents and children, or both parents.5) in modern families began to disappear, many traditions not before, such as going to church, but many hold traditional family, baptize children, celebrate Easter, new year's Eve.6) I believe that family is mom and dad, not properly when two dads or two moms. It is awful.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
1) Modern Family is very different from previous years, the family, the relationship between parents and children have changed, and now they are more emotionally attached to each other.
In some families decided not to share the duties as it was before, and combine them. For example, a husband can cook and clean the house. And if recently it was considered shameful, but now - it's par for the course.
2) Modern types of families: traditional where the leader role for senior male and egalitarian where all are equal.
3) Often, family members are quarreling with each other, I think that this is normal, because people live with each other and see each other every day.
4) Extended family where several generations live together and have a nuclear family-a family consisting of parents and children, or only both parents.
5) In modern families began to disappear, many traditions are not like before, like going to church, but many follow the traditional family, baptized the children, celebrate Easter, new year.
6) I believe that the family is the mom and dad, not correct when the family two dads or two moms. It's horrible.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
1) the modern family is very much different from past years, the family, the relationship between parents and children have changed, now they are more emotionally attached to each other.some families decided not to share responsibilities, as it was before, and to unite them. for example, a husband can cook and clean the house. and if it was a стыдным recently, now is in the order of things.2) the types of families: the role of the leader is where senior man and egalitarian, where all are equal.(3) often, family members are fighting among themselves, i think this is normal, because people live with each other and see each other every day.4) the extended family where many generations living together is the nuclear family is a family consisting of parents and children, or both parents.5) in modern families are disappearing in many traditions, not like before, like going to church, but many are traditional family, baptized children celebrate easter and new year's eve.6) i think that the family is mom and dad, right when the family two or two mom, dad. it's awful.
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