Обряды и традиции, которые прекрасно сохранились на белорусской земле, характеризуют народ, который здесь живет. Бережное и почтительное отношение к своим предкам, к своим истокам заставляет современных белорусов придерживаться тех или иных правил.
Rituals and traditions that perfectly preserved on the Belarusian soil, characterized by the people who live here. Careful and respectful attitude to their ancestors, to the roots causes of modern Belarusians to adhere to these or other rules.
Rituals and traditions that perfectly preserved in Belarus, describe the people who live here. Careful and respectful attitude to their ancestors, to their roots causes of modern Belarusians to adhere to those or other rules.
rites and traditions that are preserved on the belarusian land, are the people who live here. appreciation of and respect for their ancestors.to his roots makes modern belarusians to adhere to certain rules for