Птица додо является символом острова Маврикий.Додо — огромная птица не перевод - Птица додо является символом острова Маврикий.Додо — огромная птица не английский как сказать

Птица додо является символом остров

Птица додо является символом острова Маврикий.
Додо — огромная птица неизвестного вида, которая существовала только на острове Маврикий. Сейчас известно, что додо является членом семьи дальних азиатских голубей.

Рост птицы додо составлял до 1 метра, а вес — приблизительно 20 кг. Эта птица прожила на Маврикии несколько миллионов лет и полностью адаптировалась к жизни на острове, изолированном от людей. Эта птица была очень тяжелой и медленной, имела короткие крылья, почему и не могла летать.

Согласно записям и фотографиям, додо имела мягкие серые перья и слегка белый на хвост. Птица также имела короткие желтые ноги с четырьмя пальцами. Его голова была светло-серого цвета, а клюв додо был изогнутым. Из-за своей неторопливости птица была легкой добычей для хищников, но дело в том, что опасностей для нее на острове Маврикий практически не было, пока сюда не приехали люди...

Когда вымерла птица додо?
Из-за своих коротких крыльев и громоздкого тела птица додо не могла летать или быстро бегать, поэтому она была очень легкой добычей. Кроме того, додо не имела опыта встреч с любыми видами хищников до прибытия на остров людей. Отсутствие страхов перед человеком сразу же отметили голландцы — во время их прибытия на остров в 1598 году эти птицы приветствовали их на берегу.

Многие голландцы отмечали, что мясо птицы додо было очень вкусным. Но не только люди стали опасностью для этих птиц — бежавшие с кораблей крысы и обезьяны также представляли угрозу для додо, так как уничтожали яйца и птенцов.

Позже на остров были завезены свиньи, козы, куры, собаки и кошки, которые сделали жизнь додо еще более трудной. Помимо непосредственного уничтожения самой птицы и ее яиц, люди и привезенные ими животные медленно уничтожали среду обитания, в которой существовали птицы додо миллионы лет.

Со временем численность птиц додо на острове Маврикий уменьшалась. Если верить отчетам ученого Исаака Йоханнеса Ламотиуса, то последняя птица додо вымерла в 1688 году. Тем не менее, есть также данные других ученых о том, что птица додо вымерла в 1693 году.

Даже несмотря на то, что уже в 17-м веке сообщалось о серьезном сокращении популяции додо, ее исчезновение не признавали до 19-го века. Это было отчасти потому, что, по религиозным причинам, вымирания не считали возможным, и отчасти потому, что многие ученые сомневались, что птица додо вообще когда-либо существовала. Многим казалось, что это слишком странное существо, поэтому многие считали, что птица додо — это миф.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Dodo bird is a symbol of the island of Mauritius.Dodo is a huge bird of unknown species that existed only on the island of Mauritius. It is now known that the Dodo is a member of the family of the distant Asian pigeons.Dodo growth amounted to 1 meter and weight — approximately 20 kg. This bird lived on Mauritius, a few million years and fully adapted to life on an island, isolated from the people. This bird was very heavy and slow, had short wings, why and couldn't fly.According to the records and photos, Dodo had soft gray feathers and slightly white in the tail. Bird also had short yellow legs with four toes. His head was light grey, and the Dodo's beak was bent. Due to its slowness bird was easy prey for predators, but the fact of the matter is that the dangers for her on the island of Mauritius was almost as long as people didn't come here. When the extinct Dodo bird?Due to their short wings and a bulky body Dodo bird could not fly or scurry, so it was very easy to catch. In addition, Dodo had no experience of meetings with any kinds of predators prior to arrival on the island people. The absence of fears before the man immediately commented on the Dutch — during their arrival on the island in 1598 year these birds welcomed them on shore.Many Dutch noted that Dodo meat was very tasty. But not only people become risk for these birds is fleeing with ship rats and monkeys also pose a threat to the Dodo, as destroying eggs and chicks.Later on the island were brought pigs, goats, chickens, dogs and cats, who did the Dodo's life more difficult. In addition to the direct destruction of the bird and its eggs, people and brought their animals slowly destroyed habitats, which Dodo existed millions of years.Over time, the number of birds the Dodo on Mauritius declined. If you believe the reports, scholar Isaac Johannes Lamotiusa, the last Dodo bird became extinct in the year 1688. However, there are also other scholars that the Dodo bird became extinct in the year 1693.Even despite the fact that already in the 17-th century reported a serious reduction of the population of the Dodo, its disappearance was not recognized until the 19th century. This was partly because, for religious reasons, not extinction thought possible, and partly because many scientists doubted that Dodo bird ever existed. It seemed to many that this is too strange a creature so many believed that the Dodo bird is a myth.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Dodo bird is a symbol of the island of Mauritius.
Dodo - a huge bird of unknown species, which existed only on the island of Mauritius. We now know that the dodo is a family member of distant Asian pigeons. The growth of the dodo bird was 1 meter, weight - about 20 kg. This bird lived on Mauritius, a few million years and is fully adapted to life on an island, isolated from the people. This bird was very heavy and slow, had short wings, why could not fly. According to the records and photos, Dodo had soft gray feathers and a little white on the tail. Bird also had a short yellow legs with four toes. His head was light gray in color and had a curved beak of the dodo. Because of its slowness bird was easy prey for predators, but the fact is that the hazards to Mauritius almost was not until the people did not come here ... When the extinct dodo bird? Because of their short wings and a bulky body dodo bird could not fly or run fast, so it was very easy prey. In addition, the dodo had no experience of meetings with all types of predators to the island before the arrival of humans. The lack of fear of man immediately pointed the Dutch - during their stay on the island in 1598 these birds greeted them on the shore. Many Dutchmen noted that the dodo bird meat was very tasty. But not only the people have become a danger to the birds - escape from the ship rat and monkey as a threat to the dodo, as destroying eggs and chicks. Later on the island were brought pigs, goats, chickens, dogs and cats that have made ​​the life of the Dodo more difficult. In addition to direct destruction of the birds and their eggs, and people brought their animals are slowly destroying the habitat in which the dodo bird existed for millions of years. Over time, the number of birds on the island of Mauritius dodo decreased. If you believe the reports of the scientist Isaac Johannes Lamotiusa, the last dodo bird became extinct in 1688. However, there are also data from other scientists that the dodo bird became extinct in 1693. Even though that in the 17th century reported a serious decline in populations of the Dodo, her disappearance is not recognized until the 19th century. This was partly because, for religious reasons, extinction is not believed possible, and partly because many scientists doubted that the dodo bird ever existed. Many thought it was too strange creature, and many believed that the dodo bird - is a myth.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
dodo bird is a symbol of the island of mauritius.
dodo - a huge bird of unknown species that existed on the island of mauritius. it is well known that the dodo was a member of the family of distant asian pigeons.

the growth of bird dodo was up to 1 meter and weighs about 20 kg. this bird lived in mauritius for several million years and fully adapted to life on the island, an isolated from the people.the bird was very heavy and slow, have short wings, why couldn't fly.

according to the records and photographs, the dodo had soft grey feathers and a little white on the tail.bird also had a short yellow legs with four toes. his head was light gray color, and beak dodo was bent. because of its неторопливости bird was easy prey for predators, but the thing is,what hazards on the island of mauritius was almost nonexistent until there were people...

when the extinct dodo bird?
due to their short wings and cumbersome body dodo bird couldn't fly or run fast,therefore, it was very easy. in addition, the dodo has not had the experience of meeting all kinds of predators on the island until the arrival of people.the absence of fear before the person immediately noted dutch - at the time of their arrival on the island in 1598, these birds have welcomed them on the beach.

, many scientists have pointed out that the meat bird the dodo was very delicious.but not only are a danger to the birds, the fleeing ship rats and monkeys also posed a threat to the dodo, so as to destroy the eggs and nestlings.

later on the island were brought pigs, goats, chickensdogs and cats that dodo made life even more difficult. in addition to the direct destruction of the birds and their eggs, and people brought their animals slowly destroy the environmentdodo birds which have existed for millions of years.

, the number of birds on the island mauritius dodo has decreased. according to reports, the scientist isaac johannes ламотиуса, the last dodo bird extinct in 1688.nevertheless, there is also evidence of other scholars that dodo bird extinct in 1693.

even though already in the 17th century, reported a serious reduction of the dodo, her disappearance is not recognized until the 19th century.that was partly because, for religious reasons, is not considered possible, and partly because many scientists doubted that the dodo bird ever existed. it seemed to manyit's a strange creature, however, many believed that the dodo bird is a myth.
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