1. Мы сидели далеко друг от друга, и я не смог хорошенько разглядеть е перевод - 1. Мы сидели далеко друг от друга, и я не смог хорошенько разглядеть е английский как сказать

1. Мы сидели далеко друг от друга,

1. Мы сидели далеко друг от друга, и я не смог хорошенько разглядеть её лица. 2. Он очень тоскует по дому и уже два дня почти ничего не ест. 3. После длительных путешествий они решили поселиться в небольшом городке на самом берегу океана. 4. Это не имеет никакого отношения К нашему с вами соглашению. 5. Он очень гордый человек и не может быть у кого-либо на побегушках. 6. Ей и в голову не приходило, что друг её брата был безумно в нее влюблен. 7. У нас не хватало мужества

сообшить ей об этом. 8. Они были недавно помолвлены и собираются скоро пожениться. 9. Какое им было дело до того, что скажут Кружающие? 10. Где вы отбывали военную службу? 11. Мы очень хотим повидаться с нашими старыми друзьями. 12. Ему было трудно пережить пазлуку со своими родными. 13. По счастливой случайности никто не пострадал во время пожара. 14. Это непонятное заболевание сделало еГо совсем худым. 15. Я хотел смягчить удар, но она заставила меня рассказать всю правду о происшествии. 16. Он зарабатывает достаточно денег, чтобы содержать такую большую семью. 17. Он смог долго удерживать внимание детей увлекательным рассказом о своих Приключениях.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
1. We sat far apart and I couldn't properly see her face. 2. He's really pining for home and already two days eating almost nothing. 3. After long journeys they decided to settle in a small town on the shores of the ocean. 4. This has nothing to do with our agreement with you. 5. He is a very proud person and can not be anyone to run errands. 6. She had not occurred and that a friend of her brother was madly in love with her. 7. we have lacked the courageannounce it on this. 8. They were recently engaged and going to soon get married. 9. what they were before the case, what will the Kružaûŝie? 10. Where you served military service? 11. We very much want to see our old friends. 12. It was difficult for him to survive the pazluku with his family. 13. By sheer luck nobody was injured during the fire. 14. This strange disease made him quite thin. 15. I wanted to soften the blow, but she made me tell the whole truth about the incident. 16. He earns enough money to support such a large family. 17. He was able to hold the attention of children long fascinating story about his adventures.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
1. We sat far apart, and I could not get a good look at her face. 2. He was very homesick and two days almost nothing to eat. 3. After a long journey, they decided to settle in a small town on the shore of the ocean. 4. It has no relation to our agreement with you. 5. He is a very proud man, and can not have someone to run errands. And 6. She had not occurred, that a friend of her brother was madly in love with her. 7. We do not have the courage soobshit her. 8. They were recently engaged and are going to get married soon. 9. What they cared about what circling say? 10. Where have you served military service? 11. We very much want to see our old friends. 12. He found it difficult to survive pazluku with their loved ones. 13. Luckily no one was hurt in the fire. 14. This strange disease make it very thin. 15. I wanted to soften the blow, but she made ​​me tell the whole truth about the incident. 16. He earns enough money to support such a large family. 17. He was able to hold the attention of children long fascinating stories about his adventures.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
1. we sat far away from each other, and i didn't get a good look at her face. 2. he was very homesick and for two days, almost do not eat. 3.after a long travel, they decided to settle down in a small town on the shore of the ocean. 4. this has nothing to do with our agreement with you. 5.he's very proud and can't be anyone on the spot. 6. it ever occur to you that a friend of her brother was madly in love with her. 7. we have not had the courage

alert about it. 8.they have recently been engaged and will get married soon. 9. what they care about кружающие? 10. where did you serve military service? 11. we very much want to see our old friends. 12.it was hard to survive пазлуку with your family. 13. luckily no one was hurt in the fire. 14. it's an obscure illness made him quite thin. 15. i wanted to soften the blow.but she made me tell the truth about the incident. 16. he makes enough money to support such a big family. 17.he was able to hold the attention of children for an entertaining story about their adventures.
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