НА ПРОШЛОЙ неделе В. Путин сделал важное геополитическое открытие. В т перевод - НА ПРОШЛОЙ неделе В. Путин сделал важное геополитическое открытие. В т английский как сказать

НА ПРОШЛОЙ неделе В. Путин сделал в

НА ПРОШЛОЙ неделе В. Путин сделал важное геополитическое открытие. В том смысле, что никогда прежде нога высшего российского руководителя не ступала на землю Южной Америки. И вот свершилось: Президент РФ пересек Атлантику, чтобы нанести визиты в Чили и Бразилию.
Причем, проведя почти сутки в воздухе, преодолев 15 тысяч километров от заваленной снегом Москвы до утопающей в цветах и зелени чилийской столицы, В. Путин запросто мог полететь еще дальше - в Антарктиду. Об этом "АиФ" рассказал один из членов делегации вице-спикер Госдумы А. Чилингаров. По словам бывалого полярника, вопрос о посещении российской антарктической станции поднимался, благо от Чили до ледяного материка рукой подать. Но из-за плотного графика от последнего "броска" на юг отказались.
В Сантьяго российского гостя поселили в двухэтажном люксе стоимостью 1800долларов в сутки - с просторным холлом для приемов, двумя спальнями и двумя ванными комнатами. Из окон гостиницы открывался прекрасный вид на 5-миллионный город и окружающие его вершины Анд. Чилийцы приготовили необычный сюрприз, выпустив в честь Президента РФ "именную" партию красного вина. Политическим подарком стало согласие Чили на вступление России в ВТО. В ответ президенту Р. Лагосу был подарен томик стихов Пабло Неруды, изданный на русском языке, и обещан полет чилийского космонавта на МКС.
Как позже признался сам Путин, ему "оказали очень теплый прием". Так принимали еще только президента США Дж. Буша.
Но без усиленной охраны ни Бушу, ни другим главам государств в Сантьяго вообще лучше было не соваться. Поначалу антиглобалисты с красными флагами мирно бродили по столице Чили. На спинах у некоторых было написано "Нет - Бушу!", другие несли плакаты "Буш - чудовище. Нет войне в Ираке!". А самые отвязные антиглобалистки пританцовывали с обнаженной грудью. Но вскоре эротика сменилась агрессией. В карабинеров полетели камни, бутылки, в ответ полиция применила водометы и слезоточивый газ. В итоге без стекол остались несколько лавок и гостиница, где проживала часть российской делегации.
САМ саммит АТЭС со стороны выглядел сплошной чередой официальных обедов и светских раутов. Главы государств, чьи экономики "тянут" в сумме на 19 трлн. долларов, попивали аперитив и вели непринужденные беседы. Их жены украдкой разглядывали наряды друг друга. Правда, в отличие от многих других лидеров, В. Путин на этот раз прилетел без супруги. Кстати, местное угощение Президенту РФ пришлось по вкусу, хотя меню было с сильным французским акцентом - вроде устриц и королевских креветок под соусом шардоне, филе телятины с пюре из тыквы и мусс из клубники и мяты. Пили, естественно, сухие чилийские вина. Не светские, а политические разговоры велись в основном на двусторонних встречах.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Last week Putin made an important geopolitical opening. In the sense that never before a Russian leader not Supreme leg set foot on land in South America. And that's happened: Russian President crossed the Atlantic to visits to Chile and Brazil.Moreover, having spent nearly 24 hours in the air, breaking 15 thousand kilometers from zavalennoj snow Moscow to a flower and greenery of the Chilean capital, Putin could easily fly even further-to Antarctica. "Amf" narrated by one of the members of the delegation of the State Duma deputy speaker Chilingarov. According to the famous polar Explorer, a visit of the Russian Antarctic station raised benefit from Chile to the icy continent. But due to a busy schedule from the last "throw" to the South.In Santiago, the Russian guest lodged in a two-story Suite cost 1800dollarov per day-with a large hall for receptions, two bedrooms and two bathrooms. From the hotel Windows open a lovely view to the 5-million city and its surrounding peaks of the Andes. Chileans have prepared an unusual surprise firing in honour of the President of the Russian Federation "nominal" party red wine. Political agreement on Chile was a gift to Russia's accession to the WTO. In response, President r. Lagosu was gifted a little volume of poems by Pablo Neruda, published in Russian, and promised a flight of the Chilean astronaut on the ISS.As Putin himself later admitted, he "had a very warm reception." So take even just United States President J. Bush.But without close protection neither Bush nor other heads of State in Santiago at all better wasn't stuck. Initially the anti-globalists peacefully with red flags roamed the capital of Chile. On the backs of some was written "no to Bush!", while others carried placards "Bush-Monster. No to war in Iraq! ". And the most open antiglobalistki clapped with bare-breasted. But soon changed Erotica aggression. In Carabinieri stones, bottles were thrown, in response, police used water cannons and tear gas. As a result, no glass left several shops and a hotel where the Russian delegation.APEC ITSELF with solid hand was a succession of formal dinners and secular receptions. The heads of State, whose economy "pulled" in the amount of 19 trillion. dollars, sipped an aperitif and spontaneous conversation. Their wives furtively as she stood before each other's outfits. The truth is that unlike many other leaders, Putin this time arrived without spouses. By the way, local treats to the President of the Russian Federation had to taste the menu though with a strong French accent-like oysters and prawns Chardonnay sauce, fillet of veal with mashed pumpkin and strawberry mousse and Mint. Drinking naturally dry Chilean wines. Not secular and political conversations were conducted largely in bilateral meetings.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Last week, Putin made ​​an important geopolitical discovery. In the sense that never before leg higher Russian leader did not set foot on the land of South America. And so it happened: President crossed the Atlantic to make a visit to Chile and Brazil.
And after spending almost a day in the air, breaking the 15 thousand kilometers from Moscow to snow littered buried in flowers and greenery of the Chilean capital, Putin simply could fly farther - to Antarctica. This "AIF" said one of the members of the delegation, Vice-Speaker of the State Duma A. Chilingarov. According to the experienced polar explorer, the question about the visit of the Russian Antarctic station was raised, the benefit from Chile to the icy continent at hand. But due to the busy schedule of the last "throw" to the south refused.
In Santiago, the Russian guest accommodated in a two-story suite cost 1800dollarov a day - with a spacious hall for receptions, two bedrooms and two bathrooms. Hotel offers a beautiful view of the 5 millionth city and its surrounding peaks of the Andes. Chileans have prepared a surprise, firing in honor of the President of the Russian Federation "with the name" party of red wine. Political agreement was present Chile to Russia's accession to the WTO. In response, President R. Lagos was presented a volume of Pablo Neruda's poems, published in Russian, and promised to fly the Chilean astronaut on the ISS.
As Putin later admitted himself, he "had a very warm welcome." It took only another US President George. W. Bush.
But without the enhanced protection nor Bush, nor the other Heads of State in Santiago in general it was better not to meddle. Initially, anti-globalists with red flags wandered peacefully through the capital of Chile. On the backs of some were written "No - Bush!", While others carried banners "Bush -. No monster war in Iraq!". And the most otvyaznye antiglobalistki danced topless. But soon the erotic was replaced by aggression. The Carabinieri threw stones, bottles, in response, police used water cannons and tear gas. As a result, without the glasses were a few shops and a hotel, which is home to part of the Russian delegation.
CAM APEC summit by the continuous train looked formal dinners and social events. The heads of state whose economy "pulled" in the amount of 19 bln. dollars, sipping an aperitif and were easy conversation. Their wives furtively looked at each other's clothes. However, unlike many other leaders, Putin this time came without his wife. By the way, the local treats the Russian President had to taste, although the menu was a strong French accent - like oysters and prawns chardonnay sauce, veal fillet with mashed pumpkin mousse and strawberries and mint. Pili, of course, dry Chilean wines. Do not secular, and political discussions were mainly on bilateral meetings.
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