1. Из окна такси вы можете увидеть Лондон лишь мельком. Есть много дру перевод - 1. Из окна такси вы можете увидеть Лондон лишь мельком. Есть много дру английский как сказать

1. Из окна такси вы можете увидеть

1. Из окна такси вы можете увидеть Лондон лишь мельком. Есть много других способов ознакомиться с его достопримечательностями: можно походить по городу пешком, можно отправиться в двухчасовую поездку на туристском автобусе, курсирующем по Лондону, можно посмотреть город с верхней площадки двухэтажного автобуса; кроме того, можно совершить речную поездку по Темзе или Большому каналу в Риджентс-Парк. 2. Если бы вы смогли пролететь над Москвой на вертолете (helicopter), вы бы увидели, как изменилась и выросла наша столица: длинные, обсаженные деревьями проспекты, пересекают город во всех направлениях, кварталы новых многоэтажных домов появились на окраинах города на месте старых деревянных домиков, темных от копоти и дыма. Над многочисленными стройками (building sites) столицы возвышаются огромные подъемные краны (cranes). 3. Метро — самый удобный вид городского транспорта. Сотни тысяч москвичей и приезжих ежедневно поднимаются и спускаются по его эскалаторам, восхищаются архитектурой и отделкой (decoration) чудесных подземных дворцов. 4. Памятник А. С. Пушкину, установленный на Страстной (ныне Пушкинской) площади, — один из самых любимых памятников жителей столицы. У его подножия вы всегда увидите букеты живых цветов, которые приносят сюда москвичи, чтобы почтить память любимого поэта.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
1. From the window of a taxi you can see London just barely. There are many other ways to get acquainted with its sights: You can walk around on foot,you can go on a two hour ride on the tourist bus plying in London, you can see the city from the top of a double-decker platforms, in addition,you can take a river trip on the Thames or the Grand Canal in Regents Park. 2. If you could fly over Moscow Helicopter (helicopter), you would see how things have changed and increased our capital: long,tree-lined avenues, cross the city in all directions, new blocks of apartment buildings appeared on the outskirts of the city on the site of the old wooden houses, dark with soot and smoke.On numerous construction projects (building sites) huge capital tower cranes (cranes). 3. Metro - the most convenient form of urban transport.Hundreds of thousands of Muscovites and visitors every day up and down the escalators it, admire architecture and decoration (decoration) marvelous underground palaces. 4. Monument to Alexander Pushkin,mounted on the Holy (now Pushkin) Square - one of the most beloved people in the capital monuments. At its foot, you will always see bouquets of fresh flowers that bring here Muscovitesto honor the memory of his favorite poet.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
1. from the window of the taxi you can see only a glimpse of London. There are many other ways to get acquainted with its attractions: it is possible to go on foot, You can take a two-hour trip on a tourist bus, plying around London, you can see the city from the top floor of a double-decker bus; In addition, You can take a boat trip on the Thames or the Grand Canal in Regent's Park. 2. If you could fly over Moscow by helicopter (helicopter), you would see how changed and grew our capital: long, tree-lined avenues, cross the city in all directions, quarters of new high-rise buildings have appeared on the outskirts of the city on the site of the old wooden houses, dark from soot and smoke. On numerous construction sites (building sites) capital Tower huge cranes (cranes). 3. subway — the most convenient mode of transport. Hundreds of thousands of Muscovites and visitors daily rise and descend on the escalators, admire the architecture and decoration (decoration) of wonderful underground palaces. 4. monument to a. s. Pushkin, set on Strastnoy (now Pushkin), is one of the most popular monuments of the capital's residents. At its foot, you will see the bouquets of flowers that bring these Muscovites to honor the memory of the beloved poet.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
1. A taxi from the window you can see London only marginally. There are many other ways to see the sights, you can resemble the city on foot,You can take a drive to the tourist bus in London, you can view the city from the top deck double-decker bus; in addition,You can make a river trip on the River Thames or Grand canal in Regent's Park. 2. If you would be able to fly over the Soviet Union in the helicopter (Carty), you would have seen, as well as changed and increased our capital: long,Leaning trees pamphlets, cross the city in all directions, neighborhoods new multi-storey houses have been on the outskirts of the city on the ground old wooden buildings, dark of soot and smoke.Over the numerous строиками (building sites) the capital towers huge cranes (сrаnes). 3. Metro Station is the most convenient type urban transport.Hundreds of thousands of schoolchildren and visitors daily rise and descend on his ulitsa, admired architecture and finish (decoration) wonderful underground palaces. 4. The monument as well. With the. Alexander Opekushin,Mounted on Good Friday (now the museum) area, is one of the most favorite monuments of the inhabitants of the capital. His of the foot of the you always will see vases living colors, which brings this much tenser,To pay tribute to the memory favorite poet.
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