- Мистер Райт хочет, чтобы ты разыскал этих бандитов, наверняка у них  перевод - - Мистер Райт хочет, чтобы ты разыскал этих бандитов, наверняка у них  английский как сказать

- Мистер Райт хочет, чтобы ты разыс

- Мистер Райт хочет, чтобы ты разыскал этих бандитов, наверняка у них база где-то есть. Мне сказали, ты в молодости был охотником, так что сейчас самое время вспомнить свои навыки, старый степной волк.
- Это я смогу… – сдавленно выговорил караванщик. Он и сам больше всех денег на земле хотел извести ненавистную банду.
- Но учти, за тобой будут следить, и если ты нас подведёшь, весь город узнает, что ты подставил караван по сговору с бандитами. Тогда мне даже убивать тебя не придётся. Всё сделают твои коллеги, и куда более жестоко. А долг я взыщу с твоего брата и его семейки. У них, я слышал, деньжата водятся, а если что, мельницу заберём… И красавицы-дочки смогут делу послужить: «Кошачью лапку» реставрируют ударными темпами…
«Да лучше б твой горе-хозяин боеприпасов в Шейди-Сэндс закупил! – негодовал про себя Джек. – Храни меня, Господь, от дураков, а с умными я и сам как-нибудь разберусь!»
- Но перед тем, как мы доверим тебе оружие и людей, я всё-таки испытаю твою верность в ещё одном задании. Мистер Райт выяснил, что у покойного папаши Сальваторе уцелел один щенок мужского пола; он живет под чужой фамилией в очень далёкой деревне. От него нужно будет избавиться без шума и пыли. Несчастный случай на охоте, пьяная драка… Что-то в этом роде!
- Я обучен убивать в бою и на охоте, но никак не исподтишка! – прошипел Джек, который предпочёл бы сейчас встретиться с любым из чудовищ Пустоши, чем продолжать диалог с Монтаной. – У вас для этих дел есть целый штат убийц. Какого чёрта вам сдался я?
- Мы, убийцы, видим и чуем друг друга издалека, – сказал Монтана, и в этот момент он показался Джеку намного старше своих лет. – Нам с мистером Райтом сказали, что кое-кто из людей Сальваторе остался присматривать за парнем… Нашего человека они учуют за версту.
- А мне-то что с ними делать?.. Я не уберу его без шума и пыли ровно потому, что не умею бить в спину…
- Жаль, жаль, – сказал Монтана, обменявшись коротким взглядом с человеком в очках. – Я ведь не просто так про Фреда сказал. У тебя двое суток на раздумья. И не надейся уйти, иначе Фреду и его семье придётся тяжко.
- Вам не кажется, что это как-то слишком уж жестоко?!
Монтана запрокинул голову и расхохотался, человек в очках молча улыбнулся краем рта.
- Окунуть тебя живьём в негашеную известь – вот это было бы жестоко. Или облить соляркой, а потом поджечь… – говорил сквозь смех Гарри. – С каких пор ты таким нежным стал?
- Я не нежный. Я лишь пытаюсь быть рациональным. Есть масса людей, которые справятся с задачей лучше меня, однорукого. Любая шлюха…
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Цель: -
Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
-Mr Wright wants you to found these thugs, surely they have a base somewhere in there. I was told you in his youth was a Hunter, so now is the time to remember your skills, the old Steppenwolf.Is I can ...-sdavlenno karavanŝik chastised. He himself more than any money on Earth like lime hated gang.-But note, for you will follow, and if thou podvedëš′ us, the whole city learns that you framed caravan in collusion with gangsters. Then I don't even kill. All will make your colleagues and much more severely. And duty I will with your brother and his family. From them, I heard Moolah are found, and if that mill collection. And SPVs can cause beauties-serve: "Cat's paw" refurbish accelerated tempo.Yes better your grief-master of the ordnance in Shady sands purchased! -negodoval myself, Jack. -Save me, Lord, from fools, and with smart I'll fix anything! "-But before we trust you weapons and people I still inform thy faithfulness in another job. Mr Wright found that the late Daddy Salvatore survived one male puppy; He lives under a false name in a very distant village. You will need to get rid of him without noise and dust. A hunting accident, drunken brawl ... Something like that!-I trained to kill in battle and hunting, but not on the sly! -Jack, who hissed chose now to meet with any of the monsters Wasteland, than to continue dialogue with Montana. -You have for these cases there are a cadre of murderers. What the heck you gave up am I?-We murderers, see Chui each other from afar, "said Montana, and at this point he seemed much older than their years, Jack. -Us with Mr. Wright said that some of the men stayed behind to look after Salvatore guy ... Our man they učuût for a mile off.-And me-what to do with them? I did not remove it without noise and dust exactly because they can't beat you in the back.-Sorry, sorry, "said Montana, exchanging a short glance with the man in glasses. -I'm not just about Fred said. You have two days to think. And don't wait to leave, otherwise Fred and his family have to heavily.-Don't you think that it is somehow too severely?Montana zaprokinul head and burst out laughing, the man in glasses silently smiled at the edge of the mouth.-Dip you live in quicklime-now that would be cruel. Or pour fuel and then ignited ...-said Harry through the laughter. -Since when are you so gentle now?-I'm not gentle. I'm just trying to be rational. There are a lot of people who are better suited to me one-armed. Any whore ...
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
- Mr. Wright wants you to be tracked down these bandits, certainly they base somewhere there. I was told you're a young man was a hunter, so now is the time to remember their skills, the old steppe wolf.
- That I can ... - uttered muffled caravan. He himself more than all the money on earth like lime hated gang.
- But mind you, for you will be watching, and if you have podvedёsh, the whole town knows that you framed caravan in collusion with the bandits. Then I do not even have to kill you. Everything will make your colleagues, and much more cruel. A debt I will punish your brother and his little family. They have, I heard moolah found, and if that mill zaberёm ... And the beautiful daughter will be able to serve the cause of "Cat's Paw" restore full swing ...
"Yes, it would be better your grief host ammunition in Shady Sands purchased! - I indignant himself Jack. - Keep me, Lord, from fools, and with clever I myself will deal somehow! "
- But before we trust you with weapons and people, I still will prove your loyalty in yet another job. Mr. Wright found that the deceased father's Salvatore survived one male puppy; he lived under an assumed name in a very distant village. From it will need to get rid of without the noise and dust. A hunting accident, drunken fight ... Something like that!
- I'm trained to kill in combat and hunting, but not secretly! - Hissed Jack, who would prefer today to meet with any of the monsters wasteland than to continue dialogue with Montana. - You have to have these cases the whole staff of the killers. What the hell you gave me?
- We are killers, and chuem see each other from afar - Montana said, and at that moment it seemed to Jack much older than his years. - We are with Mr. Wright said that some of the men stayed to look after Salvatore guy ... Our man they uchuyut a mile away.
- And me, what to do with them .. I do not remove it without the noise and dust precisely because I am not able to hit in the back ...
- sorry, sorry - said Montana, exchanging a glance with a man with glasses. - I'm not just about Fred said. You've got two days to think. And do not hope to get away, or Fred and his family have heavy.
- Do not you think that it is somehow too cruel ?!
Montana threw back his head and laughed, a man with glasses silently smiled edge of the mouth.
- Dip you live in quicklime - here it would be cruel. Or pour diesel fuel, and then set fire ... - Harry said through his laughter. - Since when did you become so gentle?
- I'm not gentle. I'm just trying to be rational. There are lots of people who will cope with the task better than me, one-handed. Any whore ...
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
- mr. wright wants you to find those bandits for their base there. i told you i was a hunter, so now is the time to remember their skills, old steppe wolf.- i can... - a call караванщик. he"s more than all the money in the earth like lime hated gang.- but you are watching, and if we fail, the entire town knows that you set up the caravan in collusion with bandits. then i kill you don"t have to. it will make your colleagues, and much more cruel. a duty i will collect your brother and his family. from them, i heard the money is, if anything, the mill take... and beautiful daughter will be able to serve as a: "the cat лапку» repair impact rate..."yeah i wish your mountain - master of ordnance in shady - sands purchased! - push things about yourself, jack. - save me, lord, from fools and smart i am and i"ll figure this out! "but before we let you down and people, i still feel your loyalty to another assignment. mr. wright found that the deceased father salvatore survived one puppy male; he lives under someone else"s name in a distant village. he will need to get rid of without the noise and dust. a hunting accident, a drunken brawl... something like that.i trained to kill in combat and hunting, but i don"t cheat. jack is said to prefer now to meet any of the beasts of the wasteland, than to continue the dialogue with the montana. - do you have for these cases are all the killers. what the hell you did i?we, the killers, see and smell each other from afar, is said to montana, and at this moment he was jack"s much older than his years. we with mr. райтом said that some of the people stayed to watch the guy salvatore... our rights if they smell a mile away.- so what do we do with them? ... i don"t get it, without noise and dust, just because i can"t take back.- sorry, sorry, "said montana, exchanging short a man in glasses. i don"t just mean fred said. you have two days to think about it. and don"t need to go on, otherwise, fred and his family have to hard.- don"t you think it"s too cruel? !montana запрокинул head and burst out laughing, man in glasses and smiled at the corner of the mouth.- get you alive in calcium silicate, that would be cruel. соляркой or sling, and then set fire to... - talk laugh harry. - since when are you so tender?- i"m not tender. i"m just trying to be rational. there are plenty of people who will do the better of me, the one armed man. a whore...
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