когда я была маленькая, я была на даче и решила сходить к пруду, где ж перевод - когда я была маленькая, я была на даче и решила сходить к пруду, где ж английский как сказать

когда я была маленькая, я была на д

когда я была маленькая, я была на даче и решила сходить к пруду, где живут лягушки. я взяла с собой ведерко и сачок. и вот я подошла к пруду и начала водить сачком по мелководью. так я достала двух головастиков и посадила их в ведро с водой. когда я пришла на участок, я не знала что делать с головастиками, поэтому я просто посадила их в ванну с водой, которая стояла на улице для поливки огурцов. так я уехала и забыла о них. через неделю я снова приехала на дачу, вспомнила о головастиках и пошла к ванне. к сожалению, одного головастика не было, я даже не знаю, как он исчез. а второй головастик подрос, у него выросли лапки и хвост. я была рада, ведь у меня теперь есть некий питомец. так я приезжала каждую неделю, а головастик все рос и становился более похож на лягушку. а однажды я приехала и головастика, точнее лягушки, уже не было в ванне! видимо, она выпрыгнула из ванны.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
When I was little, I was at the cottage and decided to go to the pond, where Live frogs. I took a bucket and net. and here I come to the pond and start to drive the net on shallow water. so I got two tadpoles and planted them in a bucket of water. When I came to the site, I didn't know what to do with tadpoles, so I just put them in a tub with water that stood on the street for watering the cucumbers. so I went and forgot about them. a week later I again arrived at the cottage, remembers golovastikah and went to the bathroom. Unfortunately, one tadpole, I don't even know how he disappeared. and the second tadpole grew, it grew legs and tail. I was glad, because I now have some pet. so I come every week and tadpole all grew and became more similar to a frog. but once I arrived and tadpole, frog accurately, was no longer in the bath! Apparently, she jumped off from the bath.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
When I was little, I was in the country and decided to go to the pond where the frogs live. I took a bucket and net. So I went to the pond and began to drive a butterfly net in shallow water. so I took two tadpoles and put them in a bucket of water. when I came to the area, I did not know what to do with tadpoles, so I just put them in a water bath, which stood on the street for watering the cucumbers. so I went and forgot about them. a week later I came back to the country, thought of tadpoles and went to the bathroom. unfortunately there was a tadpole, I did not even know he was gone. and a second tadpole grew, it grew legs and tail. I was glad, because I now have a pet. so I come every week, and the tadpole grew and became more like a frog. and once I arrived and tadpole, frog or rather, was not in the bath! Apparently, she jumped out of the bath.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
when i was little, i was in the country, and decided to go to the pond, where live frogs. i've got a bucket and a strainer. and when i came to the pond and began the drive with the мелководью.so i got two tadpoles and put them in a bucket of water. when i arrived at the station, i don't know what to do with tadpoles, so i just put them in a tub of water, which stood in the street to поливки pickles.so i left and forgot about them. a week later, i again came to the cottage, remembered the головастиках and went to the bathroom. unfortunately, a noodle was not, i don't even know how he disappeared. a second tadpole grew up,it's grown legs and tail. i was happy, because now i have a pet. so i used to visit every week, and jughead's grew and became more like a frog. and one day i came and noodle.more over, already was in the bath. apparently, she jumped out of the bath.
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