Потому что, несмотря на то, что Коко была из бедной семьи, она сама смогла построить эту империю в индустрии моды. Я уверена, что это произошло благодаря её трудолюбию и желанию работать.
Because, despite the fact that Coco was from a poor family, she has been able to build this empire in the fashion industry. I am sure that this happened due to her hard work and desire to work.
Because, despite the fact that Coco was from a poor family, she was able to build this empire in the fashion industry. I am sure that this was due to her hard work and willingness to work.
Because, in spite of the fact that Coco was from a poor family, she was able to build this empire in the fashion industry. I am sure that this has happened because of its appearance and desire to work.