Я хочу поговорить на тему должны ли родители выбрать друзей для своих  перевод - Я хочу поговорить на тему должны ли родители выбрать друзей для своих  английский как сказать

Я хочу поговорить на тему должны ли

Я хочу поговорить на тему должны ли родители выбрать друзей для своих детей?

Я считаю ,что каждый человек творец своей судьбы и должен принимать собственный выбор . Да ,каждый может ошибиться ,но это будет его собственный опыт .
С другой стороны родители хотят хорошего будущего для своих детей,но они забывают ,что ребенок пока не поймет сам он не перестанет делать так или иначе.

Подросток хочет сам найти свой путь и друзей ,которые будут сопровождать его в этом пути.
Родители должны направлять ,не приказывать или указывать. Возможно родители не хотят чтобы дети обожглись ,но все де они сами должны понять.
Поэтому я считаю ,что дети должны сами выбирать свой пути и своих друзей
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
I want to talk about whether parents choose their children's friends?I believe that every man the creator of their own destiny and must make own choice. Yes, everyone can make mistakes, but this will be his own experience. On the other hand parents want a good future for their children, but they forget that the child does not understand he will not cease to do so anyway.Teen wants to find her own way and friends who will accompany him in this way.Parents should guide not required or optional. Maybe parents do not want the children to hurt themselves, but they must understand.I believe, therefore, that the children themselves must choose their path and their friends
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
I want to speak on the topic of whether or not parents choose friends for their children? I believe that every human being the creator of your destiny and should make their own choices. Yes, anyone can make a mistake, but it will be his own experience. On the other hand parents want a good future for their children, but they forget that the child will not understand until he stops doing anyway. The teenager himself wants to find their way and friends that will accompany him in this way. Parents should guide, not ordering or omitted. Perhaps the parents do not want children burned, but they have just have to understand. Therefore, I believe that children should be free to choose your path and your friends

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
I want to speak on the topic should be whether the parents select friends for their children?lord I believe ,that every person equaled its destiny and must take their own choices. Yes ,each can be confused ,But this will be its own experience.
ON the other hand parents want a good future for their children,but they forget ,that the child has not yet understand that he is no longer to do so or otherwise.

The boy wants to find their own path and friends ,who will accompany him in this way.
parents must send ,not questioning or indicate. Perhaps parents do not want to ensure that children could luxuriate somewhere ,But all de they themselves must understand.
i believe, therefore, that children should be free to choose their own path and their friends
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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