Молодой, светловолосый шкипер из Сомерсетшира, племянник бывших соседо перевод - Молодой, светловолосый шкипер из Сомерсетшира, племянник бывших соседо английский как сказать

Молодой, светловолосый шкипер из Со

Молодой, светловолосый шкипер из Сомерсетшира, племянник бывших соседок Блада в Бриджуотере. Был продан в рабство из-за участия ввосстании Монмута. После побега с Барбадоса стал штурманом «Арабеллы». Добродушный юноша, поэтического склада ума. Был очень предан Бладу и относился к нему как к брату. В финале решил завязать с пиратством и вернуться на родину. Все приключения капитана Питера Блада записаны именно им, то есть он косвенно является главным рассказчиком
Брат дона Мигеля де Эспиносы. Имел сына Эстебана, о жизни которого волновался больше, чем за свою. Был капитаном корабля «Синко Льягас» во время захвата Бриджтауна. Захвачен беглыми каторжниками во главе с Питером Бладом. Согласился довести их корабль до Кюрасао, ввиду болезни штурмана Джереми Питта, однако обманом привёл корабль к берегам Гаити. Был привязан к жерлу пушки после того, как «Синко Льягас» был замечен кораблём «Энкарнасион», для того, чтобы его сын Эстебан не выдал беглых рабов во время выполнения хитроумного плана Питера Блада. Умер, как выразился Хагторп, «от страха» ещё до того, как Блад и Эстебан прибыли на «Энкарнасион»
Пит тяжело дышал, глаза его блуждали. Находившаяся рядом с ним лошадь была вся в пене. он сказал что Лорд Гилдой тяжело ранен и он сейчас в усадьбе Оглторп. у реки. ему нужна ваша помощь
15 сентября 1688 года произошла еще одна встреча заклятых врагов. Блад снова выиграл сражение, несмотря на двойное превосходство врага над ним, и потопил фрегат "Гидальго" и "Милагросу" - флагмана дона Мигеля. Он также спас Арабеллу Бишоп и лорда Джулиана, посланника министра иностранных дел лорда Сэндленда, которые находились на корабле испанцев в качестве заложников.
второй подвиг который я считаю героическим это то что Блад отпускает экипаж дон Диего, который предал его.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
A young, blonde skipper of Somersetšira, the nephew of former neighbours of Blood in Bridgwater. He was sold into slavery because of the involvement of vvosstanii England. After escaping from Barbados became the Navigator "Arabella". Good-natured young man, poetic frame of mind. Was very devoted to Bladu and treated him like a brother. In the final, decided to tie with piracy and to return to their homeland. All the adventures of Captain Peter blood recorded them, i.e. it indirectly is the Chief storytellerBrother of Don Miguel de Espinoza. Had a son Esteban, about life which excited more than for her. Was the captain of the ship "Cinco L′âgas" during the capture of Bridgetown. Captured fugitive convicts led by Peter Bladom. Agreed to bring their ship to Curacao because of illness, Jeremy Pitt, but Navigator tricked brought the ship to the coast of Haiti. Has been bound to a žerlu Cannon after "Cinco L′âgas" ship was seen "La Encarnación", to his son Esteban didn't return runaway slaves during the execution of a cunning plan Peter blood. He died, in the words of Hagtorp, "from fear" even before Blood and Esteban arrived at "La Encarnación"Pete breathed heavily, his eyes wander. Located next to him was covered in horse pins. He said that Lord Gildoy seriously wounded and he is now in the Manor of Ogltorp. near the river. He needs your help 15 September 1688 years there was another meeting between sworn enemies. Blood again won the battle, despite the double enemy superiority over him and sank the frigate "Gidal′go" and "Milagrosu"-the flagship of Don Miguel. He also saved Arabellu Bishop and Lord Julian, Envoy of the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Lord Sèndlenda, who were on the ship the Spaniards hostage. the second feat which I think is heroic is that Blood releases the crew of Don Diego, who betrayed him.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Young, blond skipper Somersetshire, the nephew of former neighbors Blood in Bridgewater. He was sold into slavery because of the involvement vvosstanii Monmouth. He became a navigator, "Arabella" After escaping from Barbados. The good-natured young man, a poetic turn of mind. He was very devoted to Blood and treated him as a brother. In the final, I decided to stop piracy and to return home. All the adventures of Captain Peter Blood is written to them, that is, it indirectly is the main storyteller
Brother Don Miguel de Espinosa. I Had Esteban's son, for whom life was worried more than for his. He was the captain of the ship "Cinco Llagas" during capture Bridgetown. Captured fugitive convicts, led by Peter Blood. He agreed to bring their vehicle to Curacao, due to illness navigator Jeremy Pitt, but the deception brought the ship to the shores of Haiti. He was attached to the muzzle of the gun after the "Cinco Llagas" was seen ship "Enkarnasion" to his son Esteban has not given runaway slaves during the execution of the cunning plan of Peter Blood. He died, in the words of Hagthorpe, "fear" even before the Blood and Esteban arrived at "Enkarnasion"
Pete was breathing heavily, his eyes wandered. Is next to him the horse was covered with foam. he said that the Lord Gilda seriously wounded and he's in Oglethorpe Manor. by the river. he needs your help
September 15, 1688, there was another meeting of sworn enemies. Blood once again won the battle, in spite of the double superiority of the enemy over it, and sank the frigate "Hidalgo" and "Miracles" - the flagship of Don Miguel. He also saved Arabella Bishop and Lord Julian, Minister of Foreign Affairs envoy Lord Sendlenda who were on the Spanish ship as hostages.
Second feat which I think is heroic is that Blood releases crew Don Diego, who betrayed him.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
young blond skipper of сомерсетшира, nephew of former neighbors blood in бриджуотере. sold into slavery because of the participation of ввосстании monmouth. after the escape from barbados became a navigator "арабеллы». good hearted young man, his mindset. was a very loyal very much and treat him as a brother. finally decided to stop piracy and to return to their homeland. the adventures of captain peter blood on them, that is, he indirectly is the main narratorbrother of don miguel de espinoza. had a son esteban, whose life was more than his own. he was the captain of the ship "cinco льягас» during capture бриджтауна. by каторжниками fled captivity led to peter бладом. agreed to bring the ship to curacao, due to illness, the navigator"s jeremy pitt, however, brought by ship to the coast of haiti. i was tied to the жерлу guns after "cinco льягас» was spotted the ship" энкарнасион», to his son esteban "fugitive slaves during the time of cunning plan of peter"s blood. died, in the words of хагторп, "from fear" even before the blood and esteban arrived on the "энкарнасион»pete hard breathing, his eyes wandered. who was next to him, the horse was too busy. he said that the lord гилдой gravely wounded and is now in the compound оглторп. by the river. he needs your help.15 september 1688, there was another meeting arch enemies. blood again won the battle, despite a superior enemy over him, and sunk freighter "гидальго" and "милагросу" - the flagship of don miguel. he saved the арабеллу bishop and lord of julian, the messenger of the minister for foreign affairs of the lord сэндленда who were on board the spanish hostage.second, a feat that i believe is what blood lets heroic crew don diego who betrayed him.
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