10. Молодой человек не был уверен, что купит браслет. Он по¬нимал, что браслет сделан со вкусом, но он казался ему слишком тоненьким.
11. Если платье не будет ребенку впору, приносите его обратно, мы заменим.
12. Мне не очень нравится кольцо, в нем только один камень, да и оправа не очень красивая. - Вы не совсем правы, кольцо выглядит совсем неплохо.
13. Бриллиант ярко сверкнул при свете ламп, и Мери решила, что купит его.
14. Продавец взял запонку и протянул ее мне.
15. Когда она видела так много драгоценностей, она чувствовала себя беспомощной, потому что не знала, какую вещь выбрать.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
10. a young man wasn't sure what will buy a bracelet. It's ¬ Nimal that bracelet is made with taste, but it seemed to him too thin.
11. If the dress does not fit your child, bring it back, we will replace this.
12. I don't really like the ring, only one stone, and the rim is not very beautiful. -You're right, the ring looks quite well.
13. Diamond bright flashed by the light of lamps, and Mary decided she would buy it.
14. Seller zaponku and handed it to me.
15. When she saw so many jewels, she felt helpless because I didn't know what kind of thing to pick.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
10. The young man was not sure that it would buy a bracelet. ¬ He understood that the bracelet is made with taste, but it seemed to him too thin.
11. If the dress does not fit your child, bring it back, we will replace.
12. I do not like the ring, it is only one stone, and the frame is not very pretty. - You are not quite right, the ring looks quite good.
13. Brilliant bright flashed in the lamplight, and Mary decided that he would buy it.
14. Seller took cufflink and handed it to me.
15. When she saw so many jewels, she felt helpless because she did not know what kind of thing to choose.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (
английский) 3:
10. The young man is not to be i am sure, that buys wrist strap. He¬Nimal Siripala, that wrist strap placed tastefully decorated, but it seemed to him too only Englishman in the quarter.
11. If a dress is not a child Medvedev, ye shall offer it back, we will replace.
12.I don't really like ring, it only one stone, yes and bezel is not very nice. - You are not quite right, the ring looks very good.
13. Diamond bright remained rooted in the light of the lamps, and Meri decided that buys it.
14.The seller has taken запонку and extended its me.
15. When she saw so many jewelry, it feel helpless, because it did not know what thing you select.
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