• Как работает поддержка? В какое время суток я могу получить консультацию? Пишите на XXXXX@XXX.ru. Консультант ответит в течение двух часов в любой день с10 до 20 по Москве
• How does support? At what time can I get advice?Send an email to XXXXX@XXX.ru. The consultant will respond within two hours in any day to Moscow 20 10
• How does the support? What time of day can I get advice? Write to XXXXX@XXX.ru. Consultant will respond within two hours any day of the C10 to 20 in Moscow
- how"s support? what time of day i can get advice?write at XXXXX @ XXX.ru. the consultant will answer within two hours in any day of c10 to 20 in moscow