1. - Кем ты хочешь быть, Майк?- Я хочу быть учителем.- Почему?- Я любл перевод - 1. - Кем ты хочешь быть, Майк?- Я хочу быть учителем.- Почему?- Я любл английский как сказать

1. - Кем ты хочешь быть, Майк?- Я х

1. - Кем ты хочешь быть, Майк?
- Я хочу быть учителем.
- Почему?
- Я люблю детей.
2. К вам подбегает мальчик с газетами и спрашивает:
- Вы не купите газету, пожалуйста?
- Купите одну из газет, пожалуйста.
3. Вы видите у сына новую ручку и говорите: "Где ты купил ручку?"
4. Ваш брат идет в библиотеку и вы его просите: "Принеси мне, пожалуйста, английский словарь." - "Я не думаю, что в нашей библиотеке есть английские словари."
5. На вопрос по телефону, что делает ваша сестра, вы ответили: "Она читает книгу. Она любит читать книги."
6. На столе тарелки с пирожными. "Можно мне взять пирожное, мама?"
7. Вчера мы купили новый стол. Я попробовала работать за ним. Стол неудобен для письма.
8. Староста напоминает дежурному: "Сегодня твоя очередь мыть столы."
9. Вы видите в руках у мальчика камень и просите: "Отберите у мальчика камень, пожалуйста."
10. Решив разбить палатку, вы говорите: "Найди где-нибудь камень, будем забивать колья."
11. Вы получили комнату. В ней абсолютно нет мебели. "Прежде всего мне необходим стол," думаете вы.
12. Мальчик говорит своим родителям: "В следующем году у нас будут столы вместо парт."
Источник: -
Цель: -
Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
1.-What do you want to be, Mike?-I want to be a teacher.-Why?-I love children.2. boy runs up to you with newspapers and asked:-You do not buy the newspaper, please?-Buy one from newspapers, please. 3. you see my son a new pen and say, "where did you bought a pen?"4. your brother goes to the library and you ask: "bring me, please, the English vocabulary."-"I don't think in our library has English dictionaries."5. on a question by phone, making your sister, you answered, "she reads a book. She loves to read books. "6. On the table plate with cakes. "Can I take cake, mom?"7. Yesterday, we bought a new desk. I tried to work with him. Table is inconvenient for the letter.8. Recalls the duty Warden: "Today it's your turn to wash the tables."9. you see in the hands of the boy and ask: "Choose the boy stone, please."10. Having decided to pitch a tent, you say: "find somewhere stone, will hammer the stakes."11. you got a room. Absolutely no furniture. "First of all, I need a table," you think.12. The boy said to his parents: "next year we will have tables instead of desks."
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
1. - What do you want to be, Mike?
- I want to be a teacher.
- Why?
- I love kids.
2. It runs up to you boy with newspapers and asks:
- You do not buy a newspaper, please?
- Buy a newspaper, please.
3. You see my son a new pen and say, "Where did you get pen?"
4. Your brother is going to the library and you ask him: "Bring me, please, English Dictionary." - "I do not think there is English dictionaries in our library."
5. When asked on the phone, making your sister, you said: "She is reading a book she likes to read books.."
6. On the table a plate of cakes. "Can I take the cake, Mom?"
7. Yesterday we bought a new table. I tried to run after him. The table is inconvenient for writing.
8. The mayor recalled on duty: "Today is your turn to wash the tables."
9. You can see in his hands the boy a stone and ask: "Choose the stone in the boy, please."
10. Deciding to pitch a tent, you say: "Find somewhere stone, will hammer the stakes."
11. You got a room. It is absolutely no furniture. "First of all I need a table," you think.
12. The boy says to his parents: "Next year we will have tables instead of desks."
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
1. - what do you want to be, mike?i want to be a teacher.- why?i love children.2. you taking the boy with a newspaper and asked:- you don"t buy a newspaper, please?buy a newspaper, please.3. you see my new pen and say: "where did you buy the pen?"4. your brother is going to the library and you ask: "bring me the english dictionary." - "i don"t think in our library are english dictionaries."5. the question on the phone, what does your sister, you said: "she"s reading a book. she likes to read books.6. on the table plates of cakes. " may i have a cake, mom? "7. yesterday we bought a new table. i tried to work for him. the table is not convenient for writing.8. chief reminds them, "it"s your turn to wash up."9. you see, in the hands of a rock and ask: "get the kid rock, please."10. when camping, you say, "find out the stone, will drive the stakes."11. you got room. there is no furniture. " first of all, i need a table, "do you think you are.12. the little boy says to his parents: "next year we will have tables instead of tables."
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