To fight against any infectious disease successfully a doctor (должен) перевод - To fight against any infectious disease successfully a doctor (должен) английский как сказать

To fight against any infectious dis

To fight against any infectious disease successfully a doctor (должен) know its origin. 2. The redness on the lateral surface of the arm (может) disappear after the treatment. 3. To determine the origin of the tobacco mosaic disease Ivanovsky (должен был) carry out many experiments on the plants. 4. The doctor (следует) know all the properties of a drug before he gives it to the patient. 5. At the next conference one of the researchers of this laboratory (нужно будет) report on his discovery in detail. 6. The medical students (будет разрешено) operate on the patients only in the fifth year. 7. It is only in the presence of oxygen that aerobic microorganisms (могут) multiply rapidly.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
To fight against any infectious disease successfully a doctor (must) know its origin. 2. The redness on the lateral surface of the arm (can) disappear after the treatment. 3. To determine the origin of the tobacco mosaic disease Ivanovsky (had to) carry out many experiments on the plants. 4. The doctor (should) know all the properties of a drug before he gives it to the patient. 5. At the next conference, one of the researchers further of this laboratory (will have) report on his discovery in detail. 6. The medical students (be allowed to) operate on the patients only in the fifth year. 7. It is only in the presence of oxygen that aerobic microorganisms (can) multiply rapidly.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
To fight against any infectious disease successfully a doctor (should) know its origin. 2. The redness on the lateral surface of the arm (can) disappear after the treatment. 3. To determine the origin of the tobacco mosaic disease Ivanovsky (should) carry out many experiments on the plants. 4. The doctor (should) know all the properties of a drug before he gives it to the patient. 5. At the next conference one of the researchers of this laboratory (need to) report on his discovery in detail. 6. The medical students (be allowed to) operate on the patients only in the fifth year. 7. It is only in the presence of oxygen that aerobic microorganisms (may) multiply rapidly.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
to fight against any infectious disease successfully a doctor (should) know its origin. 2. the redness on the lateral surface of the arm is disappear after the treatment. 3. to determine the origin of the tobacco mosaic disease Ivanovsky (should) carry out many experiments on the plants. 4. the doctor (should) know all the properties of a drug before he gives it to the patient. 5. at the next conference, one of the researchers of this laboratory (should) report on his discovery in detail. 6. the medical students (be allowed to) operate on the patients only in the fifth year. 7. it is only in the presence of on struggles that aerobic microorganisms (can) into this.
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