он прошу тебя спасти его сегодня, и он совсем не сожалеет об этом. И он уверен, что за окном холодно. он хочу остаться сегодня дома.
Его руки замерзают. И, кажется, его голос пропал. Может, он кричал, когда спал, но он уже не может вспомнить этого.
И, может быть, он что нибудь бы поменял. Но он не может вспомнить.
Скажи "привет", скажи "Здравствуй", поднимись и ищи повод, чтобы надеяться на лучшее. Каждая минута в одиночестве что то делает с тобой, от чего ты бежишь?
Некого винить. Все равны. Он просто обычный человек, как и все остальные
Результаты (
английский) 1:
he ask you to save him today, and he has no regrets about it. And he is sure that the outside cold. he want to stay home today. His hands freeze. And, it seems, his voice was gone. Maybe he screamed when asleep, but he can no longer remember that. And maybe he would have changed anything. But he could not remember.Say "Hi", say "Hello", ' be taken up and look for a reason to hope for the best. Every minute alone that makes with you, why are you running? Nobody to blame. All are equal. He's just a regular person like everybody else
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (
английский) 2:
he is asking you to save him today, and he did not regret it. And he is sure that the window is cold. He wanted to stay home today.
His hands are freezing. And, it seems, his voice was gone. Maybe he cried when asleep, but he can not remember it.
And maybe it would have changed anything. But he can not remember.
Say "hello", say "Hello", taken up and look for a reason to hope for the best. Every minute alone that it does to you, what are you running from?
No one to blame. All are equal. He's just an ordinary person like everyone else
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (
английский) 3:
He ask you to save it today, and it does not regrets about this. And he was sure that the window is cold. he want to stay at home today.
His hands very trite. And, it seems, his voice disappeared. May be, he was trying, when sleep,But he had already could not recall this.
AND, may be, it would be something interesting. But he could not recall.
say "hello", say "hello", my righteousness and look for reason to hope for the best.Every minute alone that makes you, from what you're everytime you're cutting?
No one can be blamed. All are equal. It is simply a normal people, like all the other
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..