1) -На твоём месте я бы позаботилась о средствах к существованию для т перевод - 1) -На твоём месте я бы позаботилась о средствах к существованию для т английский как сказать

1) -На твоём месте я бы позаботилас

1) -На твоём месте я бы позаботилась о средствах к существованию для твоего брата, он у тебя такой простофиля, поэтому может легко обмануться чьим-либо притворным сочувствием! Тем более сейчас, когда он по уши влюблён в это напыщенное ничтожество, которая прилагает все усилия, чтобы жить в роскоши за его счёт!
-Что за чушь ты несёшь! У тебя просто зуб против этой девушки, поэтому ты намеренно пытаешься унизить её в моих глазах!
2) Родители души не чаяли в своём сыне, хотя он постоянно морочил им голову. Конечно, они могли хмуриться и даже вспылить, но он тут же пытался загладить свою вину перед ними, так как у него наготове была масса трюков, с помощью которых он мог свалить вину на кого-либо другого. В худшем случае, он чистосердечно признавался и умолял простить его, так как с присущей ему проницательностью понимал, что его мольбы затронут их чувства.
3) Он был довольно влиятельным лицом в городе, поэтому она надеялась, что он поможет ей в этой бюрократической волоките, так как она терпеть не могла сталкиваться с препятствиями. Но он помогал, только если был в настроении этим заниматься. Он не помог ей, и сначала она чувствовала себя раздосадованной, но потом поняла, что это было бессмысленным, что она вполне способна сама успешно справиться с этим, так как у неё была голова на плечах.
4) Её терзали сомнения, стоит ли арендовать такую дорогую квартиру, но в конце концов, она решила, что имеет право на достойную старость.
5) Он намеревался лично поприветствовать этого влиятельного человека, секретарь которого телеграфировала о времени его прибытия, чтобы позаботиться о его комфорте.
6) Почему ты считаешь, что она говорила неискренне тогда? Ты же видишь, что она оплакивает его уже столько времени! Она не позволяет никому проронить хоть слово критики в его адрес, у неё тут же наготове резкий ответ, который она любому может бросить в лицо. Мне она говорила, что она с нежностью вспоминает его взъерошенные волосы, его жизнерадостный голос и даже его привычку сутулиться.
7) Как бы глупо это ни звучало, все его безрассудные поступки вызывали только радость с её стороны, все его действия были наполнены особым смыслом для неё.

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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
1)-in your place I would have ensured livelihood for your brother, he got such a sucker, so it may easily be deceived anyone's feigned empathy! Even more so now that he's head over heels in love in this high-sounding charmer, which makes every effort to live a life of luxury for his account!-What nonsense you nesëš′! You have just a grudge against this girl, so you are deliberately trying to humiliate her in front of my eyes! 2) parents do not čaâli in his son, though he constantly moročil them down. Of course, they may frown and even fly off the handle, but he immediately tried to make amends to them because it was ready the mass of tricks by which he could put the blame on someone else. In the worst case, he confessed and begged to wholeheartedly forgive him, as with his usual insight realized that his entreaties affect their feelings.3) it was quite influential person in town, so she was hoping that he would help her in this bureaucratic harassment because she hated to face obstacles. But he helped only if was in the mood to do it. He helped her, and at first she felt razdosadovannoj, but then realized it was pointless, that she is quite capable of successfully handle it herself because she had a head on his shoulders. 4) Her tormented doubt whether such an expensive rent an apartment, but in the end, she decided she was entitled to a dignified old age. 5) he intended to personally welcome this powerful man, Secretary of the telegrafirovala about the time of his arrival to take care of his comfort. 6) Why do you think she would say disingenuous then? You see that she cries so much time already! It does not allow anyone to utter a single word of criticism against it, she immediately drawn sharp response that she could throw in any person. She said to me that she fondly remembers his tousled hair, his cheerful voice and even his habit of slouch. 7) as silly as it may sound, all his reckless actions were only the joy from her hand, all his actions were filled with special meaning for her.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
1) -On your place I would have taken care of livelihood for your brother, did you get such a simpleton, so it can easily be deceived anyone's feigned sympathy! Especially now, when he was head over heels in love with this stuffed shirt, which makes every effort to live in luxury at its expense!
-What the hell are you talking about! You just grudge against this girl, so you deliberately trying to humiliate her in front of my eyes!
2) The parents doted in his son, although he constantly fooled them down. Of course, they might frown and even fly out, but then he tried to make amends to them, as he had plenty of tricks at the ready, with which he could put the blame on someone else. At worst, he candidly confessed and pleaded with him to forgive, because with his usual perspicacity realized that his pleas raised their feelings.
3) He was an influential person in the city, so it is hoped that he will help her in this red tape, as she could not bear to face obstacles. But it helps only if was in the mood to do it. He did not help her, and at first she felt annoyed, but then I realized that it was pointless, that it is fully capable of very successfully cope with this, as she had a head on his shoulders.
4) Her qualms about whether to hire a expensive apartment, but in the end, she decided that she has the right to a dignified old age.
5) He intended to personally welcome this powerful man, whose secretary telegraphed the time of his arrival to take care of his comfort.
6) Why do you think that it said insincerely then? You see, she mourns its been so long! It does not allow anyone to utter a word of criticism, she immediately ready retort that she can throw anyone in the face. To me she said she fondly remembers his tousled hair, his cheerful voice and even his habit of stooping.
7) As silly as it may sound, all his reckless actions caused only joy on her part, all his actions were filled with special meaning for her.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
(1) -the Lord thy God giveth thee place i would be careful about the means of livelihood for your brother, he you such a oaf, therefore, can be easily обмануться anyone pretense sympathy! All the more now,When he is head over heels in this notoriously difficult but fools die, which is making all the efforts, to live in luxury at its expense!
-that the Alhambra you Adonijah! You tooth against the girls,So you intentionally you're humiliate her in my eyes!
2) Parents soul is not manifested in his son, although he is constantly морочил them to the head. Of course, they could frown and even вспылить,But he immediately tried to make reparations to them, because it was ready weight tricks, with which he could ascribe it to someone else. In the worst case,He sincerely recognized and begged forgiveness, as with his usual insight, should understand that his pleas raised their feelings.
3) it was quite an influential person in the city, therefore, it had hoped,That it will help her in this bureaucratic incompetence, as it no longer could be faced with obstacles. But he helped, only if it was in the mood to do so. He has not helped it,And it first feel раздосадованнои, but then realized that it was pointless, that it is quite capable by itself successfully to cope with this, as it was the head on the shoulders.
4) of its unmitigated doubts,Is it worth renting such a expensive apartment, but in the end, she decided, that has the right to a dignified old age.
5) he intended to personally welcome to this influential human rights,The secretary which телеграфировала on his arrival time, to care for his comfort.
6) Why do you think that she was disingenuous? You can see that she is mourning his already so much of the time!It does not allow anyone to проронить although the word criticism in his address, it immediately ready a sharp response, which it any may cast in person. Me she said that she remembers with affection his взъерошенные hair,His vivacious voice and even his wrists, to unlink fingers freely habit.
(7) As would be foolish isn't just all his reckless behavior caused only joy with her hand, all his actions were filled with a special meaning for her.

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