Мне сказали, что завтра они уезжают в свой родной город. Пойдем попрощаемся с ними, хорошо?
Эту пищу обычно дают очень маленьким детям, правда?
Посмотри! Это ведь Петр, да? Интересно, куда он торопится?
Мне уже дали адрес фирмы. Мы пойдем туда, как только они нам позвонят.
Жаль, что он торопился. Я хотел задать ему несколько вопросов.
Эту работу нельзя делать в спешке.
Что вы собираетесь делать после обеда? - Я еще не знаю.
Возможно, немного отдохну и поеду в магазин.
Это все, что я хотела взять с собой. Остальные вещи будут упакованы, как только придет мой брат и поможет мне.
Он спросил нас, хорошо ли мы доехали, и сказал, что счастлив видеть нас снова.
Она спросила нас, почему мы торопимся уйти домой.
"Не спешите, - сказала она. - У вас еще много времени".
Он спросил нас, сколько времени мы сможем его ждать.
Это пальто очень старое, мне кажется, оно было сшито пять или шесть лет назад.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
I was told that tomorrow they leave in his hometown. Let's go poproŝaemsâ with them, okay?This food usually give very little kids, right?See! This is Peter, Yes? I wonder where he is in a hurry?I have already given the company's address. We will go there as soon as they call us.It is a pity that he was in a hurry. I wanted to ask him some questions.This work cannot be done in haste.What are you going to do after lunch? -I do not know yet.Perhaps a bit of a rest and go to the store.It's all that I wanted to take with them. The rest of the things will be packed as soon as my brother to come and help me.He asked us if we have arrived, and said that happy to see us again.She asked us why we hurry to leave home."Don't rush," she said. -You have a lot of time. "He asked us how long we can wait.This coat is very old, it seems to me it was made five or six years ago.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
I was told that tomorrow they will leave in his hometown. Come say goodbye to them, okay?
This food is usually given to very young children, is not it?
Look! It's Peter, right? I wonder where he is in a hurry?
I have already given the address of the company. We will go there as soon as they call us.
It is a pity that he was in a hurry. I wanted to ask him some questions.
This work can not be done in a hurry.
What are you going to do after lunch? - I do not know.
Maybe a little rest and go to the store.
That's all I wanted to take with them. The remaining items will be packed as soon as come my brother and help me.
He asked us, well we arrived and said that he was happy to see us again.
She asked us why we were in a hurry to go home.
"Do not hurry, - she said. - You have a lot of time.
"He asked us how long we can wait for him.
This coat is very old, I think it was sewn five or six years ago.
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
i was told that tomorrow they're going in my hometown. let's say goodbye to them, okay?
this food usually give very small children, isn't it?
look! it's peter, right? i wonder where he is in a hurry?
i gave the address of the company. we'll go there as soon as they're gonna call us. - sorry, he's in a hurry. i wanted to ask him a few questions.
this job cannot be done in a hurry. - what are you going to do after dinner? - i don't know yet.- maybe a little rest and go to the store. - that's all i wanted to take with me. the rest will be packaged as i see my brother to help me. 'he asked us if we made it, and said,i was happy to see us again. she asked us why we were in a hurry to go home. "" not yet, "she said. - you have a lot of time. ". he asked us, how long can we wait.
this coat very oldi think it's five or six years ago.
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