Мой любимый день недели суббота, потому что это первый день выходных.О перевод - Мой любимый день недели суббота, потому что это первый день выходных.О английский как сказать

Мой любимый день недели суббота, по

Мой любимый день недели суббота, потому что это первый день выходных.
Обычно я просыпаюсь в 8 часов. Потом принимаю душ. После завтрака я еду на заправку, а потом еду по магазинам или по делам. Если нет дел, то гуляю с детьми. Мы ходим на игровую площадку или в парк. Дети любят аттракционы и кататься на лошадях. Иногда мы ездим в деревню или в лес на прогулку.
Обедаю обычно дома, но могу обедать и у родственников. После обеда занимаюсь домашними делами или помогаю родственникам.
Вечер я провожу с детьми. Мы играем, рисуем, читаем, иногда смотрим ТВ. Летом ездим купаться на реку или озеро. Также вечером встречаемся с друзьями дома, на природе, или ходим в гости. Мы любим жарить мясо на гриле. Особенно это интересно в сумерках.
Иногда мы ездим на рыбалку и в лес за ягодами и грибами. Природа – это место, где можно расслабиться и забыть обо всем.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
My favorite day of the week is Saturday because it is the first day of the weekend.
I usually wake up at 8:00. Then take a shower. After breakfast, I go to the gas station, and then food shopping or business. If there are no casesthen walk with children. We go to the playground or park. Kids love the rides and horseback riding. Sometimes we go to the village or in the forest for a walk.
Usually dines at home, but can not dine and relatives.After lunch, doing household chores or helping relatives.
Evening I spend with children. We play, draw, read, watch TV sometimes. In the summer we go to bathe in the river or lake.In the evening, meet with friends at home, outdoors, or go for a visit. We love to cook meat on the grill. This is especially interesting in the twilight.
Sometimes we go on a fishing trip into the woods to pick berries and mushrooms. Nature - a placewhere you can relax and forget about everything.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
My favorite day of the week Saturday, because it's the first day of the week.
normally I wake up in the 8:0. Then take a shower. After breakfast, I go to the fuel, and then go shopping or on business. If there are no cases then walk with children. We go to a playground or Park. Kids love the rides and ride horses. Sometimes we go into a village or in the woods for a walk.
usually eat lunch at home, but I can go out and have lunch with relatives. After lunch do household chores or help relatives.
Even I spend with the kids. We play, draw, read, watch TV. In the summer we go swim in the river or Lake. In the evening meet up with friends at home, outdoors, or go to the guests. We love to cook the meat on the grill. This is especially interesting.
Sometimes we go fishing and going into the forest to pick berries and mushrooms. Nature is a place where you can relax and forget about all.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
My favorite day of the week Saturday, because it is the first day output.
i usually wake up at 8 o'clock. Then I agree with shower. After breakfast i am going to fill up, and then going to the shops or in the cases. If there are no cases,Then take a walk with your children. We we're on the playground or in the park. Children loves rides and ride the horse. Sometimes we move to the village or to the forest for a walk.
Metropole they charge an arm is usually at home, but I can have lunch and with relatives.After lunch i'm home affairs or helping relatives.
evening I am with children. We have been playing, Photoshop tutorial, read, sometimes watch TV. Fratto Summer swim in the river or lake.Also in the evening we meet with friends at home, on the nature, or we're in the guests. We love barbecue on the grill. This is particularly interesting in the twilight.
sometimes we move on fishing and the forest for wildlife and mushrooms. The nature - this is the place,Where you can relax and forget about all the.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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